Faster than a speeding....


gallo vicioso
Oct 6, 2007
Killed one tonight.
It was the LS6 version.
I was out cruising after dark.....Darth Vader theme music playing in my head...:cool:

Older rich guy driving around in a yellow Z06 with his trophy wife.
He was pacing me for awhile ...I think my license plate got his interest SPULN GN and he was checking the car out but not going for it.

We finally ended up lined up at a red. I knew he was going to go for it, but I didn't want to panic and spin my tires off like I did against the last Z06 I tangled with.

Light went green and we both kinda rolled into it, but he floored it just a hair before I did.
I pushed the peddle through the floor and broke loose a little but then those bald street radials dug in and I went right around him and kept going just to send a message. I was up about 2-3 lengths when he gave up.

He caught me later at another light and was laughing.

Him: Wow, you got something there!
Me:'s a bit of a sleeper.
His trophy wife laughed and says "He just said the same thing!"
Him: Ha! That is definitely a sleeper!
Me: It's just a little ol' V6.
Him: Ya but you gotta have something else going on in there (as he points to the front of the car.
Me: Ya they tell me it makes about 450HP ...I guess.
Him: It sure acts like it does.

We had to get rolling with traffic at that point.

I looked up ahead a couple cars and there's Mr. Sherriff man...:eek:
Good thing he wasn't around about 3 minutes ago!

I still need to kill an LS7 Z06...I'll get one sooner or later.
Pappa Lou Czarnota just bought one so maybe I'll ge to be the first GN to punch it's ticket.:biggrin:

Killed a Viper with a big @$$ laundry rack of a wing on the back of it in my 68 Camaro on Tuesday, but...that's another story in another car...:biggrin:
And they keep falling, will the killing never stop!!! LOL

You need to put a pic of the cars you killed with the circle and line across it, just as a sign to other to not waist there time. But I don’t think the GN's rear window is large enough for all your kills:eek::biggrin:
nice chicken. waiting for that newer zo6 kill...:cool: that will be proof its a true sleeper
Good stuff... I bet 3/4 of all kill stories are guys with 61 turbos, seems to be when the cars are the most fun.
hey that on a t shirt would be nice .....i would buy one!!!!!!!!meanchicken your becoming very popular!!!!!!