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Father get son KILL!!!


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Yea, this is a bad deal. But, as stated, they decided to look for trouble and found it.

As far as the "racial slur" thing goes, I don't know the posting style of Dreamn4GN, so I am not even remotely attempting to defend him. I'm just gonna throw an opinion out there. There are slurs that have a negative impact. Many are racially based. Caucasians, Mexicans, African American (or whatever PC term for person of dark color that's currently acceptable), Chinese, Japanese, etc. all have them. To refer to someone as such based simply on skin pigment, physical features, or ethnic background alone is racist, pure and simple. And in now way do I agree with that. But, when someone is acting like an animal, being subhuman, acting like pure trash, etc. (like these people clearly were), then calling a spade a spade isn't racist. Hell, others in this thread used terms such as "animals", "thugs", & "ghetto" to describe the individuals being discussed. Two out of three of those are reserved for a specific race in most, if not all cases. These may not be the most polite terms in the world, but it isn't racism when it's true. Sure, using whatever term that was edited out (not sure exactly what it was, but I have an idea) might have been taking it a bit over the line. But let's face it. These guys weren't exactly acting like civilized people. Don't act like ghetto, thug trash and you won't be referred to as such I guess is my point.

Very well put!! I agree completely with everything you said. I call a spade a spade and that makes me a racist , but guess what , I dont care!! Too bad the father wasnt the one to bite the dust as he obviously doesnt belong in a civilized society. Mike:cool:
HA! I just watched the video and i say good for them for defending themselves! F him and F his kid for being losers. He should have been shanked along with his kid! That would have saved tax payer dollars and would have been extra oxygen for me. But i guess i'll have to settle for the extra oxygen of one scumbag.

Funny, we're supposed to be politically correct in a society that has lost all sense of morality and decency.
they should have stabbed the father too.
atleast then there would have been 2 less idiots in this world.
So instead of calling the police and being civilized, this is what happens.
With a father like this I wonder if that poor kid had a chance.
RIP, what a terrible waste...
Way for the community to blame the poor attendants making minimum wage for the senseless violence.
Everyone wants to be gangster, accountable for their own actions, not so much...
Accountability? what's that?


So instead of calling the police and being civilized, this is what happens.
With a father like this I wonder if that poor kid had a chance.
RIP, what a terrible waste...
Way for the community to blame the poor attendants making minimum wage for the senseless violence.
Everyone wants to be gangster, accountable for their own actions, not so much...
What a complete moron! Sad thing is that guy probably thinks he did nothing wrong and that he was "protecting" his kid.

They should throw that guy in a cage where he belongs. What the heck is he doing out anyway???? Armed robbery, selling heroin.... Now he gets his kid killed. That young man was about to start the rest of his life. Now because of a senceless act of violence, life was taken from him.

What a great example and role model that father was. "C'mon son lets go beat the &@!# out of some parking lot attendants that were nice enough to let us look through their bags. Hopefully his pregnant wife is smart enough to leave that chump and never allow something like this to ever happen again.

F-in loser right there!
Check out the petition. Most of the signatures are from people saying he deserved it :rolleyes::

Haha I started reading that and this post stuck out. I have a feeling the father and son were on the same mindset as this person is. What a sad world we live in when people that think like this are allowed to be part of society.

# 2,089

14:05, Jul 11, Elvin Hayes, TX
These parking lot attendants should be required to work the rest of their lives and pay the money to Isayah's family. He would have made millions in the NFL and used that money to uplift the Black Community. While it's possible the Hispanics could have been seriously injured, they had no right to defend themselves with a knife. What would happen if everyone started defending themselves rather than simply taking a beating? NYC would be in total chaos!