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First official street kill!!


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blown okie

Chuck Norris Approved
Apr 28, 2005
I'll try & keep this short and ramble as little as possible...

So a few a weeks ago the neighbor calls me up asking me about HP #'s on a '97 firehawk (he's a ford guy, but is wise to the dark side :biggrin: )...cuz one of his acquittance's just got one and was blowing about how fast it was & was saying it made like 400 HP... well its stock & well used & i tell him no it doesn't make that much but those things weren't what i'd call slow & warned him against challenging it in his stock '98 4.6 stang...anyways in the neighbors conversation with "said" firehawk owner he mentions my GN ... neighbor says i know were there's a V6 regal that can probably hang with you...he said the guy just laughed a bit but accepted the challenge should it arrive... that said ... a few a weeks ago my stock turbo exploded so i've had a borrowed PT51 on the car ( which buy the way between the stock converter & intercooler on my car ... it lags its butt off but when it finally gets there omg does it pull!!!) & haven't really had any time to mess with tuning the car with that turbo... so when actually confronting said firehawk owner about backing up his S-talking about his car & racing my car the excuses start...go figure...about a week goes by & i've had some time to mess with tuning the car to satisfiable point & the firehawk owner gets whatever BS problem with his car tonite we call him & set a "time" to race... so i go to one of the local hangouts & wait to meet up with firehawk owner before we go out the race spot... this next amount of the story actually made me love this kill especially well...while waiting @ the local hangout for firehawk guy to show up..a girl in a T-bird/cougar rolls up and says " so i hear "firehawk owner" is suppose to race race somebody tonite" we say " ya we're waiting on him" she responds " so who/what is he racing?" we point to my car ( which isn't to pretty btw)... she looks @ it and just grins and laughs out buddy and i just look @ each other & grin knowing she has no firehawk owner shows up & we agree to the terms of the race which was a 30 roll on the 3rd honk me being the honker (that does't sound right but oh well..haha honker :) )... so we get out there & start to do our thing.. on the third honk he hits it & then i do the car is still in a bit of lag, but i still stay right by him & then it gets outta lag & i walk away from him like he's slowing down... idk how many lengths i put on him but it was several... our race place has a couple of handy side road/ turn around spots so we pull in ( he has a look of disbelief on his face as to what just happened that was priceless) & i ask if he wants to go again & he says yes... same terms.. we do it again..same result..when we get to the stop light intersection a ways down the road from our place. i motion go again or thumbs up..he didn't want anymore... afterwards i went back to the hangout spot & some of the "spectators" that were wise to what was going on & followed out to watch were talking about & in somewhat disbelief..( again several people in this area are unaware of turbo buicks so its was an experience for them)& wanted to see under the hood etc. anyways it was fun... & the brick got some clout with the locals..a good i love these cars!!!!
Great kill. When I first saw these cars, I seriously thought they were jokes. But, after getting handled on the highway by one in my old Supra, I have converted to Grand National-ism.
lol and the sweet thing with these cars is that you never know!!!!!! It may be a stocker that runs high 13s or a 10 second car beside you. You only know when they slam you on the ground hahahaha.
I knew what these cars were since '87 (age 7). I've always been down for them. :biggrin: I think it's hilarious that a girl in a 16 second V8 Cougar was laughing at your car. Stupid bi*ch. lol. What's even more sad is the fact that these cars have been around for over 20 years now, and some people STILL don't get it. :rolleyes:

With that being said, the '96-'98 4.6 Mustangs are slow (especially stock) and the '97 315hp LT1 'Hawk would've handed it its arse. Hell, they're faster than the '99-'04 GT Mustangs and they're direct competition for '05+ GT's. But the owner, unfortunetaly, in this case seemed like a complete tool and deserved being schooled! Good job and good kill! ;)
nothing better than the look on their face when they finally catch up to you!!! Good kill!:cool:
hey, you need to stop showing everybody how fast turbo buicks are around here until i can get mine running again and make some money! lol. nice kill.

i know what you mean about lag... mine currently has a pt-54 and a stock converter. bleh. i bought the car with a busted stock turbo, and i just bought the 54 since i am eventually getting a new converter and wanted a turbo i can grow into. ;)

it's fast enough from a roll when you can actually launch it in boost.
Great kill!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Three years ago I'm chasing a 20 something girl ripping through traffic in one of those supercharged Salleen/Cobra Mustangs hoping to catch her at the last light going east before a long stretch of open four lane. As luck would have it I catch her at that light and we are side by side, the first two cars. She asks me if I had a turbocharger and when I answered yeah she idles away like she's only running on four cylinders. She knew what these things are and wasn't taking any chances. Given the conditions on the street and what her car should have been capable of it should have been a decent race as I was on street tires, pump gas and alky; high 11's-low 12's @ 115 MPH.
