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Ms. FastNasty

Active Member
Oct 29, 2008
Hey all,

I'm new here....was just handed my dad's 1986 Grand National and absolutely cannot wait to get her running again...hope to get some good information on here during the restoration!

Thanks all!
Kristyna :)
Glad to have you. There are some very knowledgable folks here when it comes to these cars.
welcome, post up some pics/ info of the car. whats needed to "get it running"?

I sure am working on those pics. :) It's been so long since that car has run...I have no clue. Being that my car knowledge is non-existent...I'm taking it to a guy to have the engine, tranny, and rear end re-done...hopefully to make her a 10 second would be proud!
Thanks for the warm welcome...I'm sure the knowledge on this site will come in great handy for me!
Welcome to the Darkside... Where is your general location? There may be TR people in the area who might be able to provide assistance should you need it.
Ah...and what a warm welcome back to the darkside...I've been in love with this car since I was a kid...kind of glad dad didn't let me have it when I was 16...ha!
I live in Indiana and have found a couple people I can chat up for information...plan on going to the GS Nationals this year too...that place is like my little slice of heaven!:biggrin: