First let me say when I heard the news I got sick to my stomach & still feel that way when I think of all this! I can only hope that they get caught & rot in HELL!!!! It would be nice to let the people involved hand out the punishment themselves.... something MUCH more painful than authorities would do!
PLEASE post more pictures of everything that got stolen so we all know what to look for!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I have only seen Billy T's rig, and already knew what I was looking for there. Some of the GS guys have no idea what to look for, assuming it was all turbo regals stolen. It might be something personal or small & insignificant that catches them, so give us everthing you have that can help find them.
I sent emails to a lot of people up that way (heard rumor they were heading north on 75 thru OH maybe to MI? on sun, like they grabbed them & hit the road. Not sure if legit info or given to mislead, never know these days. Always have to keep eyes open in every state. Need VIN # info, numbers off of blocks & other parts, and any special looking equipment or personally modified stuff that might pop up somewhere & prove it was off that specific car. Hard to catch them if we don't know what we are looking for. Goes with any tools & other items that were in with stuff too. That stuff might come up for sale first & spot easier (like generators, spare parts, tool boxes, etc). I had my eye out as soon as I heard the news, looking in rest stops, exits, truck stops, etc, etc, etc. Also need to know who & how to contact people if it is seen. If there is a common place (other than here) that has the pics & info posted, please post a link here too. Need to have an organized site & effort to catch these low life F-N losers.
Also, I heard Loyd Bonecutter found a bent up coathanger near his tow rig & GS on open trailer at the holiday inn!!! Not sure if that was part of it all or something different, or if it might help figure it all out. Didn't think anything of it until we heard what happened later on.
Also, someone at the event got ripped off at home while gone. They broke in & stole all the normal stuff & saw a safe bolted in the wall in bedroom. Came back a week later & ripped the whole house to pieces & got the safe. Lost all kinds of guns/money/etc/etc and worst of all personal stuff like birth certs etc. On top of that, his insurance company is trying to get out of it since he is gone for extended periods & calling it a vacant home & wasn't insured properly.
Bottom line, we can all try to stop thieves with Lo-Jack & hired security & staying up all nite, but it will still happen somewhere since we can't just shoot the scumbags. Best you can do is protect it as much as possible & double check your insurance will actually cover it for what you think & need it to be. Still doesn't fix it or cover years of hard work & emotional ties, but makes it better.
Sorry for everyone involved & wish them luck finding their stuff & will always keep eye out until they are caught! Our house got broke into a few years ago, the feeling is way worse than anyone could imagine! From here on, all trespassers will be shot, all survivors will be shot twice!