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five cars trucks and trailers stolen in bowling green!


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This is truly is a loss to the Buick Community and will effect all Events from here on as it is posted on most of the Car forums even non-Buick. I know as an event organizer one of the BPG's prime responsibilities is to provide for a safe and secure event from the Racing at the Track to Security at Hotels and Track. Which is why the BPG suggests that Trailers and Cars are parked at the track where armed security is provided. We also work with the local Convention Center to provide security at selected Hotels and post that information. The fact that we post this information on the internet may provide that extra layer of security so that potential car thieves know the BPG are proactive and deter them from trying anything. It is nice to go down to Hotel Parking lot at 3am and see BPG hired security in the lot making rounds. I hope these cars/rigs/trailers are recovered and that we can still hold these Buick Events without fear of loss...This is by no means a dig at the GSCA as I am sure that this is the last thing they wanted to see happen as they have proven to support the Buick Community for many years
I understand this isn't the time or place but it should be a dig at GSCA. I'm fairly new at going to Buick events with my car and compared to Norwalk and BPG, GSCA does Nothing to help secure our vehicles and property. I really appreciate the track and hotel security at both Norwalk and BPG.
GSCA-BG, $170 for two days for me and my wife - 7 total passes down the track, No payout for the bracket class I was in, and No Security provided...WTF! Sorry, back to the topic at hand.
You Know guys its pretty bad when you have to sleep in your car at a race event just to keep these idiots from stealing your complete rig unreal good luck makes me f n sick for you all.
I looked on internet newspapers in Ky. not a word that stinks ,any info from police, they stop all trucks at weigh stations right. pa. has them 3x a week on 79. state police should look inside every truck now these scumbags need caught and shot. 45 glocks speak for themselves!!!!! we will keep an eye out in Pa.
I just posted word about this on one of the major pontiac gto boards that I am known on. In todays world with the internet enough word gets out and thieves may quickly realized they got something to "hot" to sell. Since it had to be more than a few individuals to pull this off hopefully they start to argue among them selves and make mistakes..

It is estimated that 2 to 3 hundred bikes a year are stolen at Sturgis.

L/E says these guys know when these types events are happening and they prepare just as carefully and as well in advance as the folks who attend and those who promote these events so that they may perpetrate their thievery.

They scope hotel and food outlet parking lots, and the surrounding areas. They know where the cameras are and most especially, where they are not.

They have places to stash the loot until the heat dies down, or they take the stuff apart where they stash it and ship the parts all over to be "resold".

These guys are the scum of the earth, but they are professional scum, and there is a LOT of money in being a professional scum sucking sh*t bag.

My condolences to those who were victimized and stolen from.

Just so you know, eyes are watching and ears are listening in Arizona.

And in AZ anyone can carry, concealed.

If they come here to sell their (your) sh*t, they better be prepared.

We don't take kindly to thieves around here.

I will be testing a new GPS anti theft device with "live tracking" in the next few weeks.

If there is an interest in this product I will be happy to publish my results.

For those of you who might think this is a scam, contact Lou Czarnota aka turbolou for my credentials.

He will let you know what I'm about.

He doesn't even know I posted this yet.
It is estimated that 2 to 3 hundred bikes a year are stolen at Sturgis.
what? 2-300! where ru getting ur info from? on average $250k worth of bikes r stolen each year on average at sturgis. thats 5-10 bikes. some custom, some not.
what? 2-300! where ru getting ur info from? on average $250k worth of bikes r stolen each year on average at sturgis. thats 5-10 bikes. some custom, some not.

I actually meant to say 2 to 3 hundred "K in" bikes........My bad.

I can only go by what I am told GNBRETT.

Is $250 - 300K somehow acceptable by your standards, I'm confused by your statement?:confused:

I'm only asking for my own information........:wink::)

I would strongly suspect you and I are seeing this tragedy from the same perspective, so if have I somehow offended you it was purely unintentional.

Please tell me what other part, sans numbers, of my post is untrue.

I can be reached by PM.

Again, I am sorry and I feel terribly for those who lost their vehicles, I'm not wanting to take away from this thread.

While editing I just lost track while typing fast..
Im going to pass by a couple of shops today in Miami that im known around...maybe the thieves will be coming down to Florida to sell some parts... who knows? im assuming this is mostly stage II equipment from those vehicles correct? i'll pass the word around that im looking for parts with cash in hand. The sad thing about this whole thing is that they could be part of this site and reading all of our post whenever you google anything turbo regal related this site will come up this sucks man i feel like they stole from me ? pisses me off.
I spoke with Billy a few times yesterday and believe me, we got eyes everywhere in MI, OH and are friends to the North as well, ill keep it at that.

Event security for 2012 BPG will be even more upgraded than years past as i will be organizing some fellow off duty LEOs, and will be paying them to provide security in addition to our staff at hotels and the track as well. Roving units so to speak in a UC capacity as phone calls were made yesterday and i have several guys interested who will already be bringing their cars to the event! It will be a 0 tolerance policy for anyone trying to be an idiot. Even though it didnt happen at our event, I take it pretty personal since the victims are fellow Buick owners but also that i take pride along with everyone who are involved in providing Buick events for a fun, safe and family-oriented event. Some POS like those in BG WILL NOT BE TOLERATED!! Not on my watch!

I can guarantee that people will probably be more vigilant and may even bring personal firearms with them to events, i do not blame them. At BPG the host Hampton Hotel always had someone in the parking lot and hell i was out there till sunrise practically every night so believe me when i say it, " someone will always be watching."
NOT accusing any one
We need to start asking for proof of owner ship before we buy that great condition $600.00 part when new for $125.00.
the next time some one is selling clean doors ask them where did they get them from first then negotiate a price. Can't show proof of where they got them from or the story sounds "crazy" let them eat them.

But no thats not our priority.
we see some one parting out a great looking car and we ask for discounts instead for a title or proof of owner ship.

We are helping and indirectly promoting this type of sh!t every time we buy parts from these guys..

When i buy a parts car i must get something showing that i bought that car as i will be transporting it and NEED to show poof of owner ship in case i get pulled over on the way home. i think most people do the same. So some one with a "i bought the car with out paper work" story is not believable well to me it isn't.

Sorry to all who have suffered a loss.
if i see something i'll post it up, PM or call some one

Good luck
First let me say when I heard the news I got sick to my stomach & still feel that way when I think of all this! I can only hope that they get caught & rot in HELL!!!! It would be nice to let the people involved hand out the punishment themselves.... something MUCH more painful than authorities would do! ;) :mad: :mad:

Secondly, PLEASE post more pictures of everything that got stolen so we all know what to look for!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I have only seen Billy T's rig, and already knew what I was looking for there. Some of the GS guys have no idea what to look for, assuming it was all turbo regals stolen. It might be something personal or small & insignificant that catches them, so give us everthing you have that can help find them.

I sent emails to a lot of people up that way (heard rumor they were heading north on 75 thru OH maybe to MI? on sun, like they grabbed them & hit the road. Not sure if legit info or given to mislead, never know these days. Always have to keep eyes open in every state. Need VIN # info, numbers off of blocks & other parts, and any special looking equipment or personally modified stuff that might pop up somewhere & prove it was off that specific car. Hard to catch them if we don't know what we are looking for. Goes with any tools & other items that were in with stuff too. That stuff might come up for sale first & spot easier (like generators, spare parts, tool boxes, etc). I had my eye out as soon as I heard the news, looking in rest stops, exits, truck stops, etc, etc, etc. Also need to know who & how to contact people if it is seen. If there is a common place (other than here) that has the pics & info posted, please post a link here too. Need to have an organized site & effort to catch these low life F-N losers.

Also, I heard Loyd Bonecutter found a bent up coathanger near his tow rig & GS on open trailer at the holiday inn!!! Not sure if that was part of it all or something different, or if it might help figure it all out. Didn't think anything of it until we heard what happened later on.

Also, someone at the event got ripped off at home while gone. They broke in & stole all the normal stuff & saw a safe bolted in the wall in bedroom. Came back a week later & ripped the whole house to pieces & got the safe. Lost all kinds of guns/money/etc/etc and worst of all personal stuff like birth certs etc. On top of that, his insurance company is trying to get out of it since he is gone for extended periods & calling it a vacant home & wasn't insured properly.

Bottom line, we can all try to stop thieves with Lo-Jack & hired security & staying up all nite, but it will still happen somewhere since we can't just shoot the scumbags. Best you can do is protect it as much as possible & double check your insurance will actually cover it for what you think & need it to be. Still doesn't fix it or cover years of hard work & emotional ties, but makes it better.

Sorry for everyone involved & wish them luck finding their stuff & will always keep eye out until they are caught! Our house got broke into a few years ago, the feeling is way worse than anyone could imagine! From here on, all trespassers will be shot, all survivors will be shot twice!
Here is email info that got sent to me, hope it helps!!!

FYI – It looks like they were headed north toward Michigan and Minnesota if anyone up there can keep a look out also


Carl Brimer

Brimer, Perry & Associates, CPAs

4025 Woodland Park Blvd., #250

Arlington, Texas 76013

From: [] On Behalf Of John Martin
Sent: Monday, October 24, 2011 11:32 AM
Subject: RE: [lspbc] 5 Buicks stolden from BG Sunday

Billy T got an email that all three rigs were heading north on I-75 around 12 noon Sunday in Sidney Ohio milemarker 93

Not sure who saw that, but I would have followed them until the cops showed up!!!
I think we should just forget about trying to find the perps, since the trail is ice cold by now, the local authorities look at it as insignificant, and obviously the work was done by professionals. Those cars and trailers were gone before we even knew what happened.

Instead, we should ALL do a couple of things: One, be SURE you have adequate insurance, and two, look at any security devices you can think of, and apply them to both the tow vehicle, trailer, and especially our prized cars. I think best, by far, is a GPS tracking device (Boost Mobile cell phones affixed under the dash comes to mind, both GPS and Cell triangulation) and a software package you can purchase on-line that draws a theoretical fence around your car. You then get a text that tells you your car has traveled away from your fence circle. Those devices are inexpensive, they take the thief by surprise, and the definitely work when you need them - you just need to DO IT and get the security in place. Don't procrastinate. Don't wait. You won't regret it, guaranteed. Buy the phone at Wal Mart, get a cheap TEXT ONLY plan, and go online for the add-on for your smart phone. You can then track the where-abouts of your car in real time, and be alerted as soon as the infraction happens.

Off the soapbox now.
This entire mess just pisses me off that people have the heart to take someone else's work, knowing all the blood, sweat and tears we all have with our cars. I'm truly sorry for all those affected with this tragic event. Ill be checking local Craigslist in south fl. For anything suspicious !!! I hope some good news is found soon
I agree the authorities will be little to no help from here, and doubt anyone will see the rigs on the highway, but they will eventually sell the stuff since that is why they grabbed it in the first place. Billy ran a personal best on Fri, broke the drive adapter for the accessories on Sat. So his motor is complete except for the adapter that bolts to the front of the crank & drives the ribbed pulleys for the alternator & oil pump etc. That should look weird if someone goes to sell a motor with that one piece & drive pulleys missing. I hope stuff like that can help catch them. Makes me wish I had actual serial numbers on all my stuff, since he had about everything we make on it.

John, THANKS for the high tech protection ideas, keep them coming!!!! Got to stay ahead of them. Also, might be a good time to make some kill switch kits for fast cars & trailer brakes & tow vehicles, etc, etc. I have a big cable lock that goes between my rims, might slow down those looking to bust a window & hot wire. Like our sheriff here said, get an alarm or big dog & they will go for easier targets. Personally I think it's better to do stuff that will actually CATCH them! I will be looking into the new phones & apps :)

I live in a nationally famous part of the U.S. that is known for trafficking stolen car parts. I'm on the road every day, and talk to a lot of people. Please email me a full breakdown of the car, to include the color, year, and the manufacturer of every major part on the car. I want rods, slugs, cranks, blocks, heads, transmissions, and rims/tires. Out of 5 cars, there's a BOATLOAD of parts going to be out there. ONE of them HAS to pass by my area. Emails the screenname at yahoo. Include your phone number as well in the email.

(though, I can't believe there's that many trucks out there, without clubs, column locks, alarms, and kill switches on them. I don't get it....)