Here is the UPDATE:
Names of the POS:
Raymond Earl Millwood - 3 years prison
Kaytlynn Fick (girlfriend of Raymond, has 2 kids with him) - Got PTI
Casey Badwi (brother in law of Raymond) - Got PTI
Involved but not caught
Chistopher Millwood - walks with a limp, similiar to Polio
Girlfriend of Christopher - NFI
The POS that stole my stuff were coming back from their mother's funeral in Alabama. So on the way back, they decide to stop in Bowling Green. Badwi has a '84 GN with '87 drivetrain it. Badwi knew that the GS Nats that were going on.
When I was parked my rig, I saw Raymond, Christopher and their gfs/wives in the parking lot of the Holiday Inn. They POS of were dressed in white t-shirts/jeans and the girls were in evening gown attire. The POS of Millwoods were giving me a stare down. I did not think of anything because there was some type of formal gathering going on a the hotel and everyone was dressed up.
I wake up at 4am and discovered my tow set up was stolen. I put the reward out and some guy contacts me the next night a 4am and knows the location of the car and trailer. He described my car exactly and knew of items that were not made public. The Millwoods tried to sell my car to this guy for $4K. They bragged to him that they stolen a cop's vehicles. This got out and they couldn't get rid of the car. .
I made contact with the Michigan State Police Auto Theft Task Force. With a joint venture, the POS were caught. My car and trailer were recovered and two days later my truck was left in a McDonald's parking lot.
When my car was recovered, it was re-VIN'd. Badwi bought a Regal from a used car dealer and swapped the VIN and Federal sticker over. The ignition cylinders in the car and truck were replaced. They were going to re-VIN my truck also but they were caught. The Federal Sticker was recovered and the molding around the windshield on the truck was removed to access the VIN.
I completed the proper paperwork for restitution.
I want to give a big thanks out to all the guys that helped looking for my vehicle. I want to thank Dave Fiscus for making the trip from Cincy to pick up my car and trailer. And another thanks to Tim Szabo for confirming the location. (court records have him in prison)
Here are the POS:
Raymond Earl Millwood and Kaytlynn Fick
Casey Badwi
L->R Unknown, Raymond Millwood, Casey Badwi, Christopher Millwood
Thanks to all.
Billy T.
Names of the POS:
Raymond Earl Millwood - 3 years prison
Kaytlynn Fick (girlfriend of Raymond, has 2 kids with him) - Got PTI
Casey Badwi (brother in law of Raymond) - Got PTI
Involved but not caught
Chistopher Millwood - walks with a limp, similiar to Polio
Girlfriend of Christopher - NFI
The POS that stole my stuff were coming back from their mother's funeral in Alabama. So on the way back, they decide to stop in Bowling Green. Badwi has a '84 GN with '87 drivetrain it. Badwi knew that the GS Nats that were going on.
When I was parked my rig, I saw Raymond, Christopher and their gfs/wives in the parking lot of the Holiday Inn. They POS of were dressed in white t-shirts/jeans and the girls were in evening gown attire. The POS of Millwoods were giving me a stare down. I did not think of anything because there was some type of formal gathering going on a the hotel and everyone was dressed up.
I wake up at 4am and discovered my tow set up was stolen. I put the reward out and some guy contacts me the next night a 4am and knows the location of the car and trailer. He described my car exactly and knew of items that were not made public. The Millwoods tried to sell my car to this guy for $4K. They bragged to him that they stolen a cop's vehicles. This got out and they couldn't get rid of the car. .
I made contact with the Michigan State Police Auto Theft Task Force. With a joint venture, the POS were caught. My car and trailer were recovered and two days later my truck was left in a McDonald's parking lot.
When my car was recovered, it was re-VIN'd. Badwi bought a Regal from a used car dealer and swapped the VIN and Federal sticker over. The ignition cylinders in the car and truck were replaced. They were going to re-VIN my truck also but they were caught. The Federal Sticker was recovered and the molding around the windshield on the truck was removed to access the VIN.
I completed the proper paperwork for restitution.
I want to give a big thanks out to all the guys that helped looking for my vehicle. I want to thank Dave Fiscus for making the trip from Cincy to pick up my car and trailer. And another thanks to Tim Szabo for confirming the location. (court records have him in prison)
Here are the POS:
Raymond Earl Millwood and Kaytlynn Fick
Casey Badwi
L->R Unknown, Raymond Millwood, Casey Badwi, Christopher Millwood
Thanks to all.
Billy T.