Florida to Cali * roadtrip

Ok bud it's really up to you I just want to help you make this thing as easy as possible.

Posted from the TurboBuick.Com mobile app

Posted from the TurboBuick.Com mobile app
Maybe I missed it..can you post details about the car? Miles? Repainted? Looks real nice!
May I recommend to show him how to disable the car if there's no deferent/anti theft....parking in Miami and all other places on the trip would concern me. Pm me for quick and easy methods to disable car..and other free GPS tracking temporary methods
^^^^What Gary said times 10!!!!!
The car has been in Miami with me 3 years and still here it's not that bad a car can be stolen anywhere.

Posted from the TurboBuick.Com mobile app
im glad someone finally purchased this beautiful astroroof gn. this was a steal for such a clean car
Started packing tonite. Getting excited, and anxious to leave. Just one day of work, a few hours of sleep,....then we get up at 3am to head to the the airport. :(
Morning tori in about 24 hours you'll be driving your GN you will have fun I sure did.

Posted from the TurboBuick.Com mobile app
Hey Daniel, what will your avatar be after I pick up the car ? ;)

Maybe I can leave a couple stripes up your street. To remember the car by. LOL
Luckily the guy who bought my T didn't do a burnout as he left, but I still have this depressing photo of him driving it away... NOOOOOOOO!!!!! Come back!!!!!!


And so it begins.... Left the house @ 3:15am to drive 1.5 hours to Santa Barbara. Now waiting to board the first leg...