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Found an 87 GN with 240 miles


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Building from the grnd up
Jan 20, 2006
I have found an 87 GN with 240 miles on it--yep not 240 000 only 240 actual miles--the guy who has it is 75 yrs old and bought it new--can anyone tell me a decent price to offer him for it--it has been in a heated garage since it was new and never winter driven or in the raid--it looks like it just came off GM showroom floor this is what ive been told -- the young guy that told me about it said he thought it had GNX on it
I have seen killer GN's go for over $30K - and it sounds like you found one even better than "killer"! - never being in a raid or anything :) sorry, i know what you meant :p

Blown&Injected said:
I have seen killer GN's go for over $30K - and it sounds like you found one even better than "killer"! - never being in a raid or anything :) sorry, i know what you meant :p

sorry i was so excited ROFLMAO :biggrin:
75 old

he may be 75 but hes no dummy--he also has a cheby 454 ss truck'
a 57 chevy
had a corvette zr1 but didnt like it so he sold that
a couple others but i dont know what they are yet
im planning on going to see him on the weekend---if its a GNX then i probably cant afford it but a collector probably would love to have it
will keep everyone posted
Im not saying he's old, senile and stupid. I find that alot of older people tend to lose some of that greed factor.
greed factor

hopefully your right and maybe my luck suns and moons will align for me and i will get a great deal---gonna try to see it this weekend
Give me his phone number and I'll find out the details and let you know what to offer him!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ;)
How about this.

Can u imagine if u offered him like $1,500.00 and he counter offered " Well I was really lookin to get $1,700.00"! :eek: "SOLD IT, SOLD IT, SOLD IT" (quote from my favorite Barret Jackson Auto Auction Guy). Good luck and keep us posted.
That would be soooooooooo awesome

I would be grinning for months and u guys would be crying right :biggrin:
With 240 actual miles the car will easily do $30k if it's marketed properly. $25K or less and it's a steal.

this car will never be on the market--you have to know him to even see it---and if i get my hands on it it will never be on the market either until my cold dead fingers are pryed off of it
Better hope he doesn't have a computer...kickin back with a cigar reading this... :eek:
found an 87 GN with 240miles

He, He, they fall for it everytime, and it is a swisher sweet wood tip. Ron :confused:
I take it that he missed Barrett Jackson a couple a weekends ago. Virtualy any car that prestine would bring BIG money!! Just todays market. At least on the "left coast" it would. Ron
GN with 240 miles.

I would play it safe! Bring $$$$, and if you have one a car trailer. Feel him out, make him an offer. If he takes it , make the deal and get out of Dodge. Just my 2 cents!!!