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Found another 87 GNX for sale - 2700 miles though


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BINGO! And how much work (or additional money) was involved keeping this investment up... almost NONE (amazing what electrons can do)! Keeping a car just for investment has a price.. Service intervals, these are both time and money. DRIVE IT! and keep it serviced and insured correctly. No only can you enjoy it, but other can too. I still love walking up to a GNX (GN for that matter)


I couldn't agree more. When someone is nearing the end of their life what are they going to say when someone asks them what it was like to own all those rare and unique cars... "I have no idea, I never drove them"
I love people who look at collectable cars as an investment. If you had $40000 in 1987 and put it in a safe account earning on average only 5% annual you would have $129,004.00 today. More than ANY GNX has sold for to date.

Post of the year.

I feel the same exact way. Why own a car and not use it? That is the whole point of owning a sweet ride. Show it off.

I'm not saying drive from New York to Alaska 3 times a year, but to tool around town a couple Sundays a month during the summer isn't going to kill its value that much.
I cant believe someone is crying over the miles on a GNX.

boo-hoo, get over it. when you can afford one, you can do whatever you want with it.

I hacked up a Numbers matching GN with under 100K on the clock, to make an LS powered 6 speed car....and you know what? if I had enough money, I'd do the EXACT SAME THING to a REAL GNX....just to piss people Like the thread starter off.
Doesn't have to be concours for "numbers matching" to add some value to the overall scheme.

I guess my question was , what IS numbers matching as far a GN? Engine, trans and VIN.... ? I think he really meant "original" motor and trans?
I guess my question was , what IS numbers matching as far a GN? Engine, trans and VIN.... ? I think he really meant "original" motor and trans?

That would be " numbers matching.". Original motor and tranny.

The only thing on my car left that's stock is the body, seats and badges.
mine is at 487 miles today....ill drive it to a local car show and have a blast..just went to one saturday (got best of show)and driving home people were getting out of their cars at the stop lights to take pictures..i drive a gn around town to have fun in..the gnx is not a daily driver nor for racking up miles ........znix you asked me to drive the gnx .now i see youll drive the **** out of it i doubt that will ever happen .but if your ever in indiana ill take you for a ride and youll see what its like to drive a collectable car and have fun without having the police impound it and totally screw up the car....are you still 15 1/2 you cant drive yet anyway :) phvrod

do you have any pics of the display boards for the x?
I kind of feel bad for the guys that buy cars and don't drive them. My car was one owner for 23 years. He only put 18k miles on it, now he's dead. Don't get me wrong, I'm happy guys don't drive their cars. Every car I've purchased has been super low miles. It sucks you can't take your cars with you. What does happen? You love and cherish the car, die and some new guy gets it. What a drag....

I kind of feel bad for the guys that buy cars and don't drive them. My car was one owner for 23 years. He only put 18k miles on it, now he's dead. Don't get me wrong, I'm happy guys don't drive their cars. Every car I've purchased has been super low miles. It sucks you can't take your cars with you. What does happen? You love and cherish the car, die and some new guy gets it. What a drag....

I got my car from the original owner with 18,000mi after it sat for 17yrs. He bought it because smart money magazine said it would be a good investment. And he liked AWESOME cars.

He figured he could drive it for a few years and get his money back plus some. He bought it July 22 1987. He parked it in december of 1993. It sat 17yrs in an open garage. Someone else thought it was worth some good money too so they stole it. Didn't get far though.

He GAVE the car to me. I saved it from the meth heads. It has 19,000mi on it now and I will drive this car till it dies, Rebuild it and drive it some more. Maybe when my 18yo boy is old enough to respect a car like this he may own it.

Drive em. or don't. If ya want a collection and have the space, save em. if ya just love to drive AWSOME cars. Get your A*& out there.....

When I had my NSX I literally cherished it, and who would'nt but it sat in my garage all the time. While I enjoyed an occasional drive it looked really good in my garage but was a big investment just to set and look pretty.
Good Bye

Ok, before I leave this forum forever I want to post one last comment. Yes, I am an auto broker and I specialized in finding low mileage, classic or rare vehicles for Museums and private collectors. I deal specifically with clients who seek to preserve theses vehicles so future generations can appreciate a pristine classic car in its original condition. Because of my services your grandkids will be able to see the cars you once owned or drooled over. If you want to buy a GNX or any other classic or rare car and drive it into the ground, be my guest. It will just make my clients vehicles more valuable in the near future.

Thank You and Good Bye!
"If you want to buy a GNX or any other classic or rare car and drive it into the ground, be my guest."

This wouldn't be a problem if people would actually maintain their cars. My car was in better shape after 9 years and 25,000 miles of driving than when I started.

It's funny how easy it is to offend somebody with their opinions. (Is this a good example why the US is in such a predicament?)

Can't we all just get along???
Ok, before I leave this forum forever I want to post one last comment. Yes, I am an auto broker and I specialized in finding low mileage, classic or rare vehicles for Museums and private collectors. I deal specifically with clients who seek to preserve theses vehicles so future generations can appreciate a pristine classic car in its original condition. Because of my services your grandkids will be able to see the cars you once owned or drooled over. If you want to buy a GNX or any other classic or rare car and drive it into the ground, be my guest. It will just make my clients vehicles more valuable in the near future.

Thank You and Good Bye!

In other words, his enthusiasm is fuels by profit, not the desire to cherish these cars.

As I said in the other thread... If I were of the means I would buy a moderate mile car and drive it... Most are kept in good shape...

When I bought my GN it had 113K and for the better part of 3 years I let it sit, covered, with an occasional drive to excercise...

Now, I drive it.. enjoy it, and take pride in keeping it clean and shiny... ther nicks and chips are "battle scars" from the daily use and are a sign of real use.

Makes me wonder why I let it sit covered for so long.. :biggrin:
This thread has wondered off topic and its an old debate. This forum is intended to talk about the GNX and what makes them so special.

Worth $7K or $70,000 they are most of the most unique cars of the 80's..lets enjoy them! This community is far too small as it is.