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Fuel system for 800hp


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Just my 2 cents from my experience with the Weldon 1100A pump. If your looking to make close to a 1000 whp. I would look into the next pump up. I ran this pump last year and had great success with it. When I spoke to Jim Craig he said the pump would be marginal producing 800 whp and 1000 flywheel. Last year I ran a stock tank with a sump. Which had 2 #8 lines coming out into a big Y block that went into a pre filter which fed the Weldon1100A pump. I ran a #8 feed line to the front which saw another Y block just before the rail, which fed both rails separately and returned back to the tank with a #6 line. I figure my setup last year made 750whp. The back pressure on my turbo capped the limits to 29 to 30 psi. At that level I was at a very high injector duty cycle with 95lb injectors. This year i went with 120lb injectors and a Weldon 2025A pump with a #12 feeding the pump, #10 to the rail, Y blocked to feed each rail and returned with a #8. As mentioned earlier, build it bigger when building your fuel system. More fuel is not a problem, but less fuel is a recipe for catastrophic failure.
Thanks for the replies. I'm thinking anywhere around 650 to the tire is what I'm shooting for. 93 and alky, 95lb injectors. This is a hydraulic roller cammed motor too.