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gas prices


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Does it really matter that much? An extra 25 cents a gallon to fill a 15 gallon tank twice a week comes out to $7.50. If $7.50 extra a week is gonna cause you to alter ur driving habbits then you have bigger issues you need to address.

Kind of a strange statement from someone brow beating people for not saving for retirement and just spending everything in a recent thread.:confused:
hello people; With me any way I'd just slow down a bit on the highway. I steady 70 is what I plan to do and don't jump on the gas pedal. Not a major change but it will help.

Come on IBBY that is too slow for MASS :eek:
I wonder where all the *******s are that used to blame Bush on the gas prices. Are they blaming Obama now???
I wonder where all the *******s are that used to blame Bush on the gas prices. Are they blaming Obama now???

AMEN.. Not a peep. Bush this bush that... You have OPIE in the white house who KNOWS JACK SHIZ.. ASK me how I really feel about him.:mad:
Gas prices, bah. As Brett said what's an extra 8 bucks? You mean I'll have to give up 2 Starbuck's each week so I can fill my tank? :rolleyes:

TR Custom Parts said:
We can't do much about gas prices except bitch about it or drive an econobox which I refuse to do at this point.

Mark, what you got against econoboxes? :tongue:
Kind of a strange statement from someone brow beating people for not saving for retirement and just spending everything in a recent thread.:confused:
That's why irresponsible people need to save their money so when gas goes up $25 cents:rolleyes: a gallon their not whining about it. It's called COST OF LIVING increases. Nothing new. Gas is not the only thing that will go up in time. So will food, taxes, insurance, college, etc....

For those who's lives are stressed over an extra quarter they have to spend for gas might want to think about their future and how careless they are with thier money.

Saving for retirement is something you have CONTROL over. The price of gas is something you DO NOT.

I dont sweat the things I dont have control over. I just prepare for them and so should you. So being responsible with ur money so cost of living increases dont stress you is brow beating? Actually, it's common sense.
That's why irresponsible people need to save their money so when gas goes up $25 cents:rolleyes: a gallon their not whining about it. It's called COST OF LIVING increases. Nothing new. Gas is not the only thing that will go up in time. So will food, taxes, insurance, college, etc....

.25 cents for a gallon of gas is nothing, I agree. but when everything else goes up along with the price of food, fuel, electricity, clothes, except for my paycheck, how can you.......

Saving for retirement is something you have CONTROL over. The price of gas is something you DO NOT.

..... because now I have to put less away for savings and more into necessity.

I dont sweat the things I dont have control over. I just prepare for them and so should you. So being responsible with ur money so cost of living increases dont stress you is brow beating? Actually, it's common sense.

If cost of living goes up, say 4% and my pay increase only goes up 2%, where do I make up that other 2% deficit?

Use your common sense and realize it comes from not spending as much as before, slowing growth further.
.25 cents for a gallon of gas is nothing, I agree. but when everything else goes up along with the price of food, fuel, electricity, clothes, except for my paycheck, how can you.......

..... because now I have to put less away for savings and more into necessity.

If cost of living goes up, say 4% and my pay increase only goes up 2%, where do I make up that other 2% deficit?

Use your common sense and realize it comes from not spending as much as before, slowing growth further.
Can you do anything to stop the rising price of oil? No you can't so what's ur point?

Are you gonna stop driving to work now because gas prices increase? Are you gonna stop driving to the grocery store to buy food? Are you gonna let ur pipes freeze because you need to heat ur house? There is absolutely nothing you can do to stop it or slow down the rising price of oil. It's gonna do what it's gonna do period.

Where can you make the 2% deficit? That's easy, cut back on things you dont need. Are you telling me you can't reduce your spending $15 a week on food, entertainment, etc....? Everything will go up. That's my point.

Ur slowing growth factor comes from wasted money on things you don't NEED. You NEED gas to get around. If someone is sweating over $15-20 a week in extra fuel prices you will simply have to cut somewhere else because it's a necessity.
That's why irresponsible people need to save their money so when gas goes up $25 cents:rolleyes: a gallon their not whining about it. It's called COST OF LIVING increases. Nothing new. Gas is not the only thing that will go up in time. So will food, taxes, insurance, college, etc....

For those who's lives are stressed over an extra quarter they have to spend for gas might want to think about their future and how careless they are with thier money.

Saving for retirement is something you have CONTROL over. The price of gas is something you DO NOT.

I dont sweat the things I dont have control over. I just prepare for them and so should you. So being responsible with ur money so cost of living increases dont stress you is brow beating? Actually, it's common sense.

Be careful PRONTO can OUTMANUVER you when it comes to $$.. He knows how to squeeze a nickle into a dollar. :biggrin:

Oh he is prepaird by driving a 100mpg scooter ;)
Well, with the gas prices going up, I drive my 13mpg '69 Vette only once a month, if even that.

What hurts us with this rising petroleum prices is our oil bill, we've got a 550 gallon underground tank that has to be filled. But only about one half every year....I've done everything to winterize our home and it worked well, but the oil is really expensive out here. We have an all electric house so we've managed to get our electric bill down to $93 a month for the last three months. In the winter it gets up to $140 a month.

The oil boys have us by the you know what, but it's a fact of life....who controls the oil controls our lives. We just have to make the best of it.

We cut back by taking NO vacations (like for the last 15 years) So, that's fine....our home in the country IS a vacation for us.

I just hate, though, paying more and more for the same damn thing and can do nothing about it. So, I just sit in my GN in the garage and have another beer.:wink:

I have to agree with Brett that it makes no sense to sweat the stuff that we have no control over. That is pure common sense. So, I'll sweat the things I HAVE control over, like kicking my Jeep in the butt until it runs right!!!!!

Bruce '87 Grand National
First off the President cannot directly affect the cost of fuel. Congress could impose regulation of fuel but that not going to happen. Bush did affect the cost of fuel by destroying the oil production in Iraq during the Iraq war. The less production did drive up the costs but we are not in that situation now. No issues with production. OPEC opens and closes the oil tap to the world as they desire. They want more money, they close down the tap some and next thing the price per barrel goes up. The other way is when speculators keep pushing the price b/c they expect the prices of fuel will go up. Gee, kind of self serving on that. Of course the price will go up since it was artificially driven up. It wasn't a fuction of supply/demand, simply greed. Dennis F is absolutely correct. As the cost of fuel goes up so do all the items that are transported, the cost of electricity generated by diesel and bottom line cost of doing business. So speculators are actually hurting the recovery by driving up the cost of fuel right now. Greed again without thought to rest of us. There are some very simple ways we can get off the Middle East oil. Trains are way more efficient for transportation, wind, hydro and solar could put a big dent in the amount we buy from those bastards.

Yup, Little is damn right. I do drive a scooter in the nice weather. The money I save offsets the cost of the gas for the T. My Altima gets better mileage than my old Maxima. I'll take that savings too, even spending less for monthy cost and insurance. Don't let Little fool you, he takes a penny and squeezes into a dollar and charges shipping too.:p
Can you do anything to stop the rising price of oil? No you can't so what's ur point?

Nope, I can't. I never had a point of oil prices and what my effect on it is.

Where can you make the 2% deficit? That's easy, cut back on things you dont need. Are you telling me you can't reduce your spending $15 a week on food, entertainment, etc....? Everything will go up. That's my point.

When gas peaked a couple years back, I learned real quick what I could do with money and what I couldn't. My wife and I came up with a basic budget of the things we must have and we stick to that. Once in a great while we will go out to dinner, like every other month if that now. Haven't been on a vacation in YEARS and have none in the foreseeable future. I already cutback on dam near everything. Next is internet, but that will not last long because my daughter uses it for school. But I have the most basic plan that is the cheapest.

Ur slowing growth factor comes from wasted money on things you don't NEED. You NEED gas to get around. If someone is sweating over $15-20 a week in extra fuel prices you will simply have to cut somewhere else because it's a necessity.

How do you know what I need and don't need? I am an asthmatic and have been all my life. I have cut my meds in HALF to make them last longer because they are expensive. My house is as energy efficient as it can get with all my appliances energy efficient as well, keeping up with all maintenance.

Next year is going to be hard, my health insurance is going up 40% out of my paycheck. Where can I find that money? That is another 50 bucks a week!

So spare me your very weak argument about waste. That may go for some people, but not me. With copays going up, cost of insurance, house insurance, car insurance, food, electricity, gas, heating oil ( which today is already .60 cents higher per gallon then last year) and a measily 3% raise, I will be taking home less next year, but everything will cost more.

Oh, my only debt is a car payment which is almost done and my mortgage, thanks:rolleyes:
You can locate them state by state at

Yeah, I watch that religiously but the closest station is about 45 minutes away. I'll probably start getting gas there for the motorcycle and the lawn equipment but making regular runs to get gas for the GN is a bit much. I'm using Star Brite to combat the ethanol.

I had gas with stabil in the 4 stroke weed whacker...and it just sprung a leak at the fuel lines.
Nope, I can't. I never had a point of oil prices and what my effect on it is.

When gas peaked a couple years back, I learned real quick what I could do with money and what I couldn't. My wife and I came up with a basic budget of the things we must have and we stick to that. Once in a great while we will go out to dinner, like every other month if that now. Haven't been on a vacation in YEARS and have none in the foreseeable future. I already cutback on dam near everything. Next is internet, but that will not last long because my daughter uses it for school. But I have the most basic plan that is the cheapest.

How do you know what I need and don't need? I am an asthmatic and have been all my life. I have cut my meds in HALF to make them last longer because they are expensive. My house is as energy efficient as it can get with all my appliances energy efficient as well, keeping up with all maintenance.

Next year is going to be hard, my health insurance is going up 40% out of my paycheck. Where can I find that money? That is another 50 bucks a week!

So spare me your very weak argument about waste. That may go for some people, but not me. With copays going up, cost of insurance, house insurance, car insurance, food, electricity, gas, heating oil ( which today is already .60 cents higher per gallon then last year) and a measily 3% raise, I will be taking home less next year, but everything will cost more.

Oh, my only debt is a car payment which is almost done and my mortgage, thanks:rolleyes:
What does rising health care prices have to do with the cost of tea in China?:rolleyes: You think ur the only one that has to adjust to rising heath care prices? Everyone will have to.

It doesnt change the fact that you have no control over the price of oil. So ur not gonna drive to work any longer or drive to the grocery store to buy food. What exactly is ur point? Get a scooter then I guess. They get like 60 miles per gallon.
Nope, I can't. I never had a point of oil prices and what my effect on it is.

When gas peaked a couple years back, I learned real quick what I could do with money and what I couldn't. My wife and I came up with a basic budget of the things we must have and we stick to that. Once in a great while we will go out to dinner, like every other month if that now. Haven't been on a vacation in YEARS and have none in the foreseeable future. I already cutback on dam near everything. Next is internet, but that will not last long because my daughter uses it for school. But I have the most basic plan that is the cheapest.

How do you know what I need and don't need? I am an asthmatic and have been all my life. I have cut my meds in HALF to make them last longer because they are expensive. My house is as energy efficient as it can get with all my appliances energy efficient as well, keeping up with all maintenance.

Next year is going to be hard, my health insurance is going up 40% out of my paycheck. Where can I find that money? That is another 50 bucks a week!

So spare me your very weak argument about waste. That may go for some people, but not me. With copays going up, cost of insurance, house insurance, car insurance, food, electricity, gas, heating oil ( which today is already .60 cents higher per gallon then last year) and a measily 3% raise, I will be taking home less next year, but everything will cost more.

Oh, my only debt is a car payment which is almost done and my mortgage, thanks:rolleyes:

I feel for your situation, if things are tight enough you have to cut your meds in half, and cancel the internet maybe selling that GN in your sig would be a good place to start?