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gas prices


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Well-Known Member
Jun 3, 2009
hello people; As gas prices are creeping up are you changing your driving habits? I was staring to feel alright with the $2.60ish price range but yesterday for Shell reg. $2.99.9. why not just make it $3.00. I think I'am going to change a bit.
Premium was $3.19 two days ago. I've parked the the 18mpg Expedition and only drive the old 43mpg Civic. (it uses regular too!) I can go about a week before filling up.
Up to $2.94 for 87 in the Southern In. Area..
Does it really matter that much? Unless ur a truck driver putting on hundreds or maybe thousands of mile each week how much more are you really spending in gas per week to get back and forth to work or go out?

If ur paying 25-30 cents more per gallon it's like an extra $8.00 a week at best. Big fuken deal. If $7.00-8.00 a week is making u sweat then you need to re-evaluate how you spend ur money and find something else to stress about.

$8.00 is a pack of cigarettes. Quit smoking. A couple shots of hard liquor is about the same. Stop boosing.

An extra 25 cents a gallon to fill a 15 gallon tank twice a week comes out to $7.50. If $7.50 extra a week is gonna cause you to alter ur driving habbits then you have bigger issues you need to address.
I just wish I could find gas without any ****ing ethanol in it around here...
As usual we are getting screwed. The economy is showing a little life so the speculators are more than willing to fck us over. There's nothing like lost production, war or such to drive up the cost. Simple greed. Even when the costs of a bbl goes down the price at at the pump will barely move, but the prices go up instantly! Bastards.:mad:
I usually dont pay much attention, if I have to get somewhere I have to pay. They have me by the short hairs but what ya gonna do?
Does it really matter that much? Unless ur a truck driver putting on hundreds or maybe thousands of mile each week how much more are you really spending in gas per week to get back and forth to work or go out?

If ur paying 25-30 cents more per gallon it's like an extra $8.00 a week at best. Big fuken deal. If $7.00-8.00 a week is making u sweat then you need to re-evaluate how you spend ur money and find something else to stress about.

$8.00 is a pack of cigarettes. Quit smoking. A couple shots of hard liquor is about the same. Stop boosing.

An extra 25 cents a gallon to fill a 15 gallon tank twice a week comes out to $7.50. If $7.50 extra a week is gonna cause you to alter ur driving habbits then you have bigger issues you need to address.

$8 a week might be a lot for someone who is unemployed. Just saying.
Changed my Hemi Ram's tune to the 87 octane setting from the high performance setting. That's about it. I can knock down 20mpg on extended highway driving. :eek: Buick has been pretty much sitting for 2 months, think I drove it once since mid Oct. We can't do much about gas prices except bitch about it or drive an econobox which I refuse to do at this point.
hello people; With me any way I'd just slow down a bit on the highway. I steady 70 is what I plan to do and don't jump on the gas pedal. Not a major change but it will help.

:have to agree with pronto just greed no need of gas being more than 2 gal just simple greed wish my prices could go up like that i would be out of work :mad:
Exactly, they can raise the price by any amount and we just have to sit back and take it. They know they got us right by the balls...
Does it really matter that much? Unless ur a truck driver putting on hundreds or maybe thousands of mile each week how much more are you really spending in gas per week to get back and forth to work or go out?

The higher the prices get, the bigger the savings.
3 years ago when diesel fuel went up to $4.60 per gallon I was able to save over $70 a week driving back and forth to work by driving my Corolla which uses 87 octane gas and gets 35 mpg, instead of driving my diesel truck which gets 17 mpg.
$70 a week equates to over $3500 a year.
And that doesn't account for the additional savings in tires, brake pads, oil, and value of truck.
Driving habits? HMM lets see. down hill I glide, Up hill I PEG the throttle.

NAH nothing has changed!
Does it really matter that much?

Yes, it does.

Not only does the price of fuel go up, but also home heating costs. I am looking at a 400 dollar increase this winter just to keep my house at 65.

Groceries are going up as well from transportation costs, so now food, fuel and heat are more money, every month.

So yes, I think it does matter.:rolleyes:
Ever priced a bottle of watter at your local station? In comparison, gas is still pretty resonable. I am as guilty as everyone, you fill up with gas, go in to pay, your thirsty so you buy a bottle of water, drive a few blocks to the house (where the water is pretty much free) sit the half drank bottle on the counter and a few hours later throw it away cause its warm. As of yet, i don't feel too bad about the price of gas.
I think it all matters... Every penny counts unless you're independently wealthy.:rolleyes:

I've been commuting 200 miles a day for the past year... YES it matters... I even joined those crazies over at and while they do some odd stuff, they got me thinking...

I started driving an econo-beater (something I said I'd never do)- and they got me to slow down a bit... (a side benefit is no speeding tickets:) )

Results: My WRX which averaged 22-23mpg with me doing 75-80mph got an amazing 32-35 with me down to 65-68mph... (yes it was frustrating to be passed by everyone and it did take me a few extra minutes to get to my destination but it was nice not to have to go to the gas station as much)

My econo-beater 97 Honda Civic HX- get 38mpg if I'm on the gas (with 115 hp standing on the go-pedal doesn't do a whole lot)- Thus, I'm usually resigned to just taking my time and getting the average 43mpg- If I really tried, I could theoretically hit 48-50mpg.

Also, I'm not saying that gas is so expensive that I won't drive... I gotta get places...I still maintain my big supercharged Expedition and fleet of Buicks; just saying that IMO, it's a good idea to keep and eye on what you're spending. It all counts.
Yes, it does.

Not only does the price of fuel go up, but also home heating costs. I am looking at a 400 dollar increase this winter just to keep my house at 65.

Groceries are going up as well from transportation costs, so now food, fuel and heat are more money, every month.

So yes, I think it does matter.:rolleyes:

hello people; You got it write. It seems every thing is going up so if it was just the fuel I wouldn't mind so much. I know it sounds like the same bitch but I think "the same bitch" is going to get worst.