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Glad To Be Alive After Today!!!!!!


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Well-Known Member
Mar 8, 2009
So im an advid hunter/fisherman and i know the reality that anything is possible and death can be right around the corner. As it is in in anythign we do. But today was a new thing for me. I was off of cape may,new jersey. where them fisherman the other week sunk and 4 died. It was very windy blowing liek 35plus, 6-7 foot seas. and we were pulling up the ancor, and a big wave hit us and the captain went over the ancor rope and the rope tangled in the propeller and shut the motor off. So we are still ancored up as we are also cought on the motor, so what happens, we turn 180 degress, and those 6-7 foot waves start coming into the back of the boat, we had about 2-3 foot of water in the boat fellas, if i didnt jump in that 46 degree water today and cut the rope off the prop, there would have been 3 more dead fisherman today. It scared the **** outta me fellas. this is exactly what happend to the 4 NFL PLAYERS IN FLORIDA, but there boat was smaller and combo of a wave and the tension of the ancor rope flipped the boat. if anyone one here is an advid fisherman, i can tell you one thing that you already know is, ALWAYS HAVE A RAZOR SHARP KNIFE ON YOU. i dunno some people may think oh your an idiot, but anyone who has been fishing, wit rough seas and windy conditons, will know this **** does happen. luckily are bilge pump works gentlemen, after 5 hrs i eventually warmed up. i thought i would share this horrible expiriance with you guys, jus b/c maybe my info or expiriance could keep someone on high alert next time there in a situation like this, all i can say is dont panic, thnk clearly. And i can say i am happy to be alive. cuz we all know , JESUS DRIVES A TURBO BUICK AND HE KNEW I HAVNT DRIVEN ONE YET, THATS Y HE SPARED ME.
Glad to hear you and your friends are still with us. Enjoy life, you never know how long its gonna last!
Wow, thats an amazing story. You got balls of steel my friend and you can fish with me anyday.
Happy to hear you made it. ALWAYS think of the disasters, because they WILL happen. Just like in your home.........Lots of food, water, first-aid and ammo. (so you can shoot/eat a critter) What is the plan for a natural disaster? Do your kids know where you be? Do they know where to stay, and or go, if you don't make it home?
Always think "worst case"

Having worked on the water for most of my life, there are a few things...

While there are many out there with boats, few think of:

Taking a Coast Guard Safe Boating Course
Getting a courtesy Coast Guard Inspection
Checking for enough life jackets
Having an Emergency Position Locator (EPIRB)
Cell phones only work for a limited distance offshore
Letting someone ashore know about your plans
Drinking while boating is potentially as hazardous as drinking and driving
Know the safe weight limit for the boat
Big ocean, small boat

Let's be careful out there.
i agree turbopete, all 3 fisherman and captain, have taken the CG course and the vessel did have a CG inspection, and as for drinking on the boat, jus stupid in my mind, but maybe thats why im here today, bc i/we did not panic. we went threw the motions. and the last thing wsa for one of us to get in and cut us loose. and i can honestly say it was either we cut the rope and one of us gets wet, or we lose the boat and everyone gets wet, and a good chance of dying. and u kno what else sux, we didnt catch a damn striper , not even a run off haha
1st off, glad everything worked out & y'all are safe


2nd I have carried a "good" sharp knife since I was about 10. "that is when you could carry knives to school" I always carry a knife you can shave with, & I DO NOT loan it to anyone.
that is true with me as well turboindian , but not all people are aware of how neccesary it truely is
I know what you mean about glad to be alive. I've had several close calls including one out in the Atlantic. My older brother and I were on a half day bottom fishing charter out of Little River near Cherry Grove, SC. The boat was a wooden hull fourty-six footer named "Captain Jim" with passengers and crew totaling about seventy bodies. It was mid October and the sea was choppy with about three foot swells. We were on our way out in the early a.m. when at about five miles out the boat stopped. We were wondering what was going on when thick black smoke started pouring out of the stern. The Captain came over the loud speaker and ordered everyone to the the wheel house for life vests. Soon the flames were leaping out of the hatch and we had to abandon ship.

The choppy waves quickly scattered everybody. I could see the boat but the waves were high enough that I could not see the shore (or anybody else when I was in the bottom of the swell). It is a scary feeling, floating in the ocean while watching your boat burn and feeling like you are all alone as you are drifting away from the crowd. The feeling of total isolation when all that you can see is water higher than your head and the sky above is mind numbing. I knew there were others out there and everything would be okay but it was still fear inspiring. All kinds of thoughts run through your head.

Fortunately help was nearby. The first craft were on site in about ten minutes and the smaller boats moved in and started picking people up. When they were full they moved on leaving only a few people in the water for a bigger charter boat (a steel hull hundred footer named "Hurricane") to "fish out". I was one of the last four rescued after spending about fourty-five minutes in the drink. Some of the passengers gave up extra clothing and they opened the kitchen up for us. I got word that everyone got picked up so I knew my brother was safe. To keep from ruining the charter's run, we agreed to continue their tour so I tried to enjoy the rest of the trip and got to do a little fishing after all. :biggrin:

The problem was that although I had word that everyone got picked up they did not tell my brother on shore that I was picked up and going on out with the "Hurricane". He spent about six hours not knowing what happened to me. They did not tell him until we were started back in that there was another boat that did not come in with the rest of the rescuers. I think he was happy to see me when I did get back to shore. (He did not want to face Momma and tell her that he got her baby-boy drowned. :eek: )

Thanks to the crew of the "Captain Jim" being well trained and keeping their cool under "fire" and having adequate safety equipment around everybody walked away in one piece. I think the only injuries were a cracked rib from someone going over the railing and a broken ankle. After the ordeal we found out that the area we were in had been baited for sharks the day before and they had caught some nice ones but everyone came out with all their toes intact. The boat burned to the waterline and sank the next day when the Coast Guard was trying to tow it back to dock. I have not been back on the ocean since.
holy s**t ... i couldnt imagine. worse come the worse for us, luckily we were in a fleet of about 5 or 6 boats and i would sure hope one of them boats woulda helped if it would went bad. Cant tame that mother nature, she shows us who;s boss every once in while