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GN:1 Lost Souls:0


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Well-Known Member
Sep 18, 2007
I am not one to brag, but this was my first kill since i have owned my baby.

just crusin' down the highway when a black mid 80's-90's porsche went crusing by. whatever...then we both get stuck behind senior citizens who drive 50 under the limit. me and the little patience i have for bad drivers desides to take the right hand lane that was ending while the porsche was followign the seniors.

Wham!!! the foot goes down, while the engines cries for more and more methanol. 190km on the speedo, and the pass was done.

Eventually the Porsche makes it around the Petrified humans, pulls up to me and gives me the "i like you ride" nod. then he looks at me again and want to see how his car can compare: both being turbo cars and all. I, being the young testosterone driven child that i will always be, say okay and i let him initiate.

Before he could even get into boost, i was at least 200ft in front of him.

As i watch him pick his jaw up off the floor mat, the **** eating grin that masks all of our faces cannot escape me.

i let the poor soul catch up to me, he looks over and i get the big thumbs up.

GN:1 Lost Souls:0
yes km, i am sure it was pas that, but it tops out at 190km on teh autometer speedo.

honestly, it is the last thing i look at.
good job Adrian, many more to me. wait till you get your firsrt street bike!