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haha no, it was me that bought the brakes, and the money was sent tuesday of last week. Jim and I had a long and humorous convo about your posts last week saying you had paid when you didnt. Im guessing this is another one of those right? Jim should already have my money, hes only a few hours away so the mail should've gotten there quick.

Better luck next time

Well CJmatt, here is a copy of the email yesterday from smoke. If this is not true then maybe smoke is into something illegal now but I doubt that. I just think you were waiting for the monthly government check to come in and were stalling.

guy said money was on the way if not here by wed, they will be yours if you still want.

okay, also did you ever get me a pic, i cant remember

yes i did. i am not waiting for him if you want the brakes they are yours

OK, what is your paypal then

Yesterday, 08:50 PM
smoke20 smoke20 is offline

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Re: brakes
Originally Posted by wyominggun
Did you get my message, I will take them, need your info, thanks
paypal thanks jim
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Well CJmatt, here is a copy of the email yesterday from smoke. If this is not true then maybe smoke is into something illegal now but I doubt that. I just think you were waiting for the monthly government check to come in and were stalling.

guy said money was on the way if not here by wed, they will be yours if you still want.

okay, also did you ever get me a pic, i cant remember

yes i did. i am not waiting for him if you want the brakes they are yours

OK, what is your paypal then

Yesterday, 08:50 PM
smoke20 smoke20 is offline

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Re: brakes
Originally Posted by wyominggun
Did you get my message, I will take them, need your info, thanks
paypal thanks jim
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yeah i just realized he had left a call on my work voicemail last night as well. But me and him had a talk this morning and he assured me that they are still mine. He thought I had bailed since he didnt hear from me all weekend, but that was not the case, I had just flown out to CO to go skiing and didnt have good phone reception.

Once again, better luck next time
I just got a tracking number from him. I also thought you sent a check out weeks ago and that you live not too far away. A week for a check to arrive. Get with the times, ever heard of paypal, it is instant, that is why I paid and they are already on the way. Your story keeps changing, just admit you missed out on an item and are starting with the guy that got the item. Plus I posted a whoel day earlier than you that I was taking the item. Would you like the tracking number too or what.
well i just got off the phone with jim. It appears that it is wyoming who is smoking something, not smoke, who has been offline all weekend due to a busted laptop and "no email"

Boy are these brakes gonna be great on my car
Duplicate post! This is what I get for iPhone surfing in bumper to bumper traffic
I just got a tracking number from him. I also thought you sent a check out weeks ago and that you live not too far away. A week for a check to arrive. Get with the times, ever heard of paypal, it is instant, that is why I paid and they are already on the way. Your story keeps changing, just admit you missed out on an item and are starting with the guy that got the item. Plus I posted a whoel day earlier than you that I was taking the item. Would you like the tracking number too or what.
Yeah, if you have it, post it. I'd like to know if I'm being "had"

Im not too worried as you said you had paypaled him last week too. Jim asked for the check, not me
Yeah, if you have it, post it. I'd like to know if I'm being "had"

Boy, this CJmatt is a pain in my ass everyone. Here are the PM's date and times from SMOKE over the last two days. To see the content of these then look above. This does not even count the emails from him.
IF A MODERATOR CAN HELP and GET INTO MY PM"S FROM SMOKE20 AND POST THERE CONTENT AND DATES/TIMES I WOULD APPRECIATE IT. I THINK EITHER SMOKE IS SMOKING SOMETHING OR CJMATT IS JUST A LIAR. Also CJMmatt, i was supposed to send payment last week after being told too as I was the first to reply, then saw your post a day later saying you bought them so I held off. SMoke then stated that he actually spoke to you first on the phone so you were getting them. He also said he would have another set off of his wifes car for sale soon and would give to me for same price. Then contacted yesterday saying that he never got payment from you and that he was not waiting for a tirekicker and to send payment to his paypal address. I hope we are both not getting rippe doff here but if someone is I hope it's cjmatt

February 11th, 2008 Re: brake payment
08:50 PM smoke20

February 11th, 2008 Re: brake payment
10:42 AM smoke20

Messages: 2 Sunday

February 10th, 2008 Re: brakes
10:58 PM smoke20
Yeah who knows, just post the tracking number then.

Im not trying to be a pain, Its just that Jim asked for a check rather than paypal due to the fees, and only being able to take 500 out at a time, so i mailed one out. Detroit to wisconsin should only be a 2-3 day mail leadtime, But I work at ford world headquarters and we have our own postoffice, so im trying to figure out when they picked it up from my mailbox, as i havent been to the mailroom since last week. I sent a check out to Bison also for a PT54 turbo at the same time, so Im curious to see when he gets his also

anyhow, please just post up that tracking number he sent you so I can take a look at it
Well i am not taking a chance with this purchase. The payment will be canceled through paypal if possible or I will dispute it and file a claim. Now this smoker will not answer the phone or emails. not sure whats up here. Has anyone got any of the parts they ordered from him yet.
Well i am not taking a chance with this purchase. The payment will be canceled through paypal if possible or I will dispute it and file a claim. Now this smoker will not answer the phone or emails. not sure whats up here. Has anyone got any of the parts they ordered from him yet.

Why would you cancel a payment if he has already shipped your stuff? :rolleyes:
I have also PM'D this to CJMATT, this is the lates message from SMOKE so CJMATT is not being truthful per SMOKE20.

Private Message: Re: brakes

Today, 07:05 PM
smoke20 smoke20 is online now

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Re: brakes
Originally Posted by smoke20
at this point no one has paid me for nothing. so as far as i am concerned it is all still for sale.
I am ow pulling out of this transaction, its all your CJMATT, if you get them that is. I will just keep my 13" baers, there better anyways.
I am ow pulling out of this transaction, its all your CJMATT, if you get them that is. I will just keep my 13" baers, there better anyways.
cool, thanks

me and Jim (smoke20) were just on the phone for the last 20 min shootin the **** and laughin at this thread. Dont worry wyoming, ill take good care of these brakes and let ya know if i ever come across another set for sale
I have also PM'D this to CJMATT, this is the lates message from SMOKE so CJMATT is not being truthful per SMOKE20.

Private Message: Re: brakes

Today, 07:05 PM
smoke20 smoke20 is online now

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Re: brakes
Originally Posted by smoke20
at this point no one has paid me for nothing. so as far as i am concerned it is all still for sale.
of course he hasnt been paid yet. The check is still in the mailllllllll, haven't you read ANY of the posts I've made today?

Edit: And im still waiting on that tracking number he supposedly sent you ;)
of course he hasnt been paid yet. The check is still in the mailllllllll, haven't you read ANY of the posts I've made today?

Edit: And im still waiting on that tracking number he supposedly sent you ;)

What he is saying TJHOOKER is that if someone pays him via paypal it is theirs as per him it is officially still for sale as he has not received your payment SO IF SOMEONE WANTS THESE BRAKES JUST PAYPAL HIM AT THE ABOVE ADDRESS AND THEY WILL BE YOURS AND NOT TJ'S
What I am saying is that I do not think that is the way to sell something properly. I have pulled out and have had my paypal payment refunded. Man is this buyer stupid. And the number was a delivery confirmation number (USPS) and the item did not go out yet, he just gave me the number from the sticker, its not good until it ships out and is scanned idiot. good luck cj
of course he hasnt been paid yet. The check is still in the mailllllllll, haven't you read ANY of the posts I've made today?

Edit: And im still waiting on that tracking number he supposedly sent you ;)

Today, 07:05 PM
smoke20 smoke20 is online now

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Re: brakes
Originally Posted by smoke20
at this point no one has paid me for nothing. so as far as i am concerned it is all still for sale.

DON'T HAVE TO BE TOO SMART TO SEE THAT THESE ARE STILL FOR SALE AS OF AN HOUR AGO, instruction for dummy cj, look at above message from seller to me an hour ago stating that they are available and for sale as cj's magical check has still not arrived in a week. But again, I am passing, decided to keep the better BAER brakes I already have. Will just have to sell the set of original GNX rims I have as they wont fit with the 13 + inch baers
Today, 07:05 PM
smoke20 smoke20 is online now

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Re: brakes
Originally Posted by smoke20
at this point no one has paid me for nothing. so as far as i am concerned it is all still for sale.

DON'T HAVE TO BE TOO SMART TO SEE THAT THESE ARE STILL FOR SALE AS OF AN HOUR AGO, instruction for dummy cj, look at above message from seller to me an hour ago stating that they are available and for sale as cj's magical check has still not arrived in a week. But again, I am passing, decided to keep the better BAER brakes I already have. Will just have to sell the set of original GNX rims I have as they wont fit with the 13 + inch baers
How much you want for the GNX wheels? I can use them with the 12 in brake setup im buyin hahahhaa
You never sent me a payment via paypal or any outher way. You NEVER recived a tracking number from me, and I never talked to you via phone. I think you are dreaming all this up in your head.

You never sent me a payment via paypal or any outher way. You NEVER recived a tracking number from me, and I never talked to you via phone. I think you are dreaming all this up in your head.


wyominggun = owned
CJMATT, GNX JAMES just posted in another thread that he was ripped of by SMOKE 20 so watch out. This is your warning. Cancel that check or MO while you can. and here was the tracking nmber that was given, still shows nothing 03021070000117888314 so s^%k me you homogonized prick.

{QUOTE}HERE WE GO AGAIN "smoke 20" smoke20 needs to get a life !!!
And yea by the way smoke20 "So where are the phone logs" ??? & before someone shimes in and says why are you bringing up old news. Let's not forget what this person said and did. I WILL NOT FORGET !!!!!!!!!!!!!{QUOTE}