I have verified it multiple ways.
I have triple verified that I have 12v to the gry/red wires, ground to black, and I scoped the blue and green wires on the cam and crank sensor respectively. No voltage came from either sensor while turning by hand and starter.
I also took the cam sensor cap off, plugged in a caspers cam tool and verified it worked. I measured and found that the casper cam tool applies around 7v to the signal wire, so when the cam sensor turns, it forces the signal wire low by switching to ground.
I then took the cam sensor cap and applied power and ground, and measured the resistance between the signal wire and ground, it switches between 10k ohms and zero ohms depending on whether there is something in the cap's hall effect window.
I also unplugged the cam sensor on my dad's stock GN and measured 7v on the signal wire leading to the ECM while the key was on, showing that the ECM applies 7v to the signal wire, and the sensor brings it low by switching to ground.
Turbo1dr, who has a webpage about the "fast start" crank sensor, has some images of scope traces on his webpage. The cam signal appears to be held high until the window opens and then the graph shows the signal being pulled low.
SO, long story short, I am going to wire in the opto circuits tonight and I should be ready to rock and roll.