Good turbo w/stock converter?


May 15, 2002
I've been running a TE61 with a 3000 stall converter for a couple of years now and love the way it pulls. However, I've also been driving a couple of stock cars and miss the stock D5 for its feel around town. Is there a newer turbo that will spool decently with a D5 and pull like the 61?
waiting patiently for Louie L. to get back with results using a precision 60-57 billet non-bb turbo with stock converter.
Me too :smile:

Oh oh...LOL... I may have something this weekend. I have a race to attend but lost my kids sitters. If I cant come up with something for that race, Ill be at home wrenching. If not next week for sure.

The chip has shipped out so im on track so far. And I have several DPs to choose from.
I'm w/you pal. I love the way a hi-stall converter makes power so quickly, but I also miss the stock converter feel on the street. I am,therefore working on a solution for that. It'll be late summer or fall b/4 the project is finished, but I'll post the results as soon as it is completed and tried out.
Dusty could do a 10" 2600 that would feel close stock. Then you could get a 61 or 62 turbo.
dont want to hijack i just want to understand what your talking about

can some one try to explain to me this

with a te44 and a stock d5 converter the stall is what like 1800-2000 rpm

now with my new pats 10 inch 3kstall how will it react differently on the street with my te44?
i have a pats performance converter as well, but mine is a pats 3200 stall. after installing the converter with my te60 i found that the car would only foot brake to approx 2750 rpms @ zero boost. thought there was a problem so i tried to lean it out to see of it made a difference. no difference. so i called pats and was advised that they rate their converters for 3-5# boost. after getting off the telephone went out to my car and found the rpm's to be approx. 3150 @ 4# boost (foot brake). so even though pats calls it a 3200 converter, it's a 2800 converter imo.

I believe ptc converters are rated @ zero boost. so you can't compare the two converters by their manufacturers stall rating.
That is correct. All my PTC converters are rated at 0 boost for reference.

I do have a 2400 10" that can be lock-up or non lock that drives really well but will spool the newer 58mm-60mm compressor wheel turbo's.
Just be aware that with whoevers l/u convertor get it as TIGHT as you can get by with for said turbo otherwise the unlocked WOT coupling in 3rd is gonna suck on a stock cam motor

Would a 3200 PTC 0psi be like a 3600 other 4-5psi?

That's a good ballpark. The size of the turbo has some effect on those #'s. Smaller turbo's will reach 5# quicker than a larger unit which is why I like to use 0#. It takes some of the variations of the turbo and brake system out of the loop.