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Got busted last night, nasty. (long)


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Jun 7, 2001
I went out to see some street races at a local warehouse area last night with some friends and didn't get to spend much time their.

My best freind and another buddy of his had been telling me that they were their from 12am till about 4 am the night before and the cops didn't even show up once. They told me their was an SVT Mustang (2000ish) on bottle that had been spanking everyone except my buddy with his 00' Ls1 firebird. Supposeably, The stang owner wanted to run him again because he spun too much 1st gear and didn't throw 2nd right and bla bla bla..... So they were going to do it again. I was in my car with another buddy and was just going to watch. As soon as I role up, two guy's come up to my window and start asking me if I wanted to race a mustang that had a few mods ( chip, intake, exhaust, and bottle). I knew they were talking about the red 2000ish SVT mustang that was going to race my buddy in the LS1 firebird. I had been tuning my car all day long to run with this new Red A. 93 chip that I had gotten. I had been ragging my car for about two hours trying to get it to run at it's best at 15 psi and I decided to let it rest for the rest of the night, so I told him No (plus the Mustang wasn't even their yet so I wanted to see it run with my buddies LS1 first). I put my windows down and parked backwards and just chilled as their were some ricers negotiating a race. The block runs east and west for a bit more than a quarter mile. It's set up to lauch from the east part of the block and by the time they get to were every body is watching they are probably doing about 100mph ( the fast cars, not the ricers). I was the farthest car to the west in that little area. All off a suden, some yells "COOOPPPPSSS" so I start the car and head west cause when I looked to the east side ( where they were getting ready to launch) I saw the police lights and two cars blocking off that side of the street. I was the first car in the role of about 40- 50 cars and I didn't know in which direction to turn cause I had never been to that area. I looked In my rear view mirror and everybody was hauling a$$ behind me. When I got to the stop sign, I didn't know wheather to go north or south. I new I could get on the highway if I went south, but I new that the cops were going to block off all those streets as well. I didn't know how to get out if I went north, so I made a left turn (going south) and floored it , figureing If I went fast enough, I could beat the cops before they started closing all the streets. I was about half way to the street where I would be able to make another left turn and catch the highway when a cop turns from the street where I neeeded to go and heads straight at me with his lights on. He didn't block the road, he stayed in his lane but I prettended I was going to stop and then I punched It and went right by him, and my buddy behind me did the same thing. ( I figured he wasn't going to leave his assignment, which I'm assuming was to block off the road and trap as many cars as he could inside the area) When I got to the street where he turned from, I looked in my rear view mirror and I saw him making a U turn behind my buddy. ( Oh sh!T) I made a right and my buddy behind me made a left. I slowlly roled out to see weather he was going to go after my friend in the V8 rummbling Firebird or if was going to make a right and go after me in the "quiet-old-person-looking-Buick-car" (no offense). So I'm looking and rolling at about 30mph, and he freaken turns right and goes after me. I wasn't going to run from him at this point. I pulled over, turned off the car and threw my hand out the window and slowly opened the door ( No I have never done this before but I do watch alot of " Cops" And "Real stories from the Highway Patrol") when he told me threw his speaker to close the door and stay inside the car.He walks up to my door and the First thing I said was; "I wasn't racing, I was just their watching, you can see how cold my tires are sir". He gave me a bit of an atitude and said "yeah sure, Bla bla" He took my licence and reg. and then asked my friend for his ID. My friend had no ID and started giving the cop some lip. I'm telling him to shut the **** up just lisen but he keeps running his mouth saying things like "you have nothing against me", "run my name" , "I don't have to give you sh!T", Bla Bla, so the cop said do you want me to arest you and my idiot friend kept talking sh!t so the cop ask him to get out of the car and stand on the back by my trunk. My friend does that. The cop goes in his car and then returns in about 20 minutes with my Licence and reg. and most importantly, NO TICKET ! Wow. He goes and tries to talk to my friend but my friend start giving him an attitude......... and he arest him. Oh sh!t

After 4 hours ( It's freaken 5:30 am now) of waiting in jail for him, I post bail on him and finally take him home. What a Mission.

I will never again participate in any of those warehouse street races again. If it's something on the street while I'm driving around, that's fine. But I've had to run from those places when cops raid them 1 to many times now.

Be careful guy's, cops have nothing beter to do these day's than mess with street racers. Instead of looking for the people that are really commiting crimes and beating their wife and stuff, they want to mess with people like us that are just hanging out and talking about cars and having some fun.

Kill story: After I finished tunning the car at 15psi in the afternoon, I raced my buddy in his LS1 firebird. I lanched with 0 boost ( yes zero, at about 3,000 rpms) and still spun the tires for about 30 feet. He hooked and was able to put two cars on me from the hole and I wasn't able to catch him. I new that with 15 psi, I wasn't going to get him. His 3rd gear just pulls way too hard. he was able to streatch it to three cars at the end. It will be a totally different story with 20psi + and some race fuel at the track.

Thanks for reading.
Wow, that sucks jorge, but at least u know that the organized street racing at the warehouses is not the smartest thing to go to now and that will also keep u from getting the costly tickets or even worst jail time like your friend... It seems like the Cops have really been cracking down on those types of street races where everbody meets up in South Florida cause lately there have been some bad street racing accidents like where that kid with the mustang killed his mother in central Florida and not too long ago they busted a bunch of people at a street race:( :eek: I know it's not the cheapest or easiest thing to do sometimes, but we should all try to keep it at the track IMHO!!! BTW, raise the boost and let your friend see what GN tailights look like:D

Man, thats an amazing story. Yer friends pretty dumb fer talkin crap to the cop. One of my buddies started talking back to a cop one time, and i just laughed to myself. deserved a beatdown or something. Awesome story, sucks that u got caught out of the whole group. maybe he knew the Grand National's reputation for being fast an figured u were racing. --later
Sorry for the bummed night (and morning). At least they held your friend responsible for himself and left you out of it. Gotta say, I'm amazed by the stories of the street racing on this scale. If it goes on here I haven't heard about it (on that level). I may just not see the right people though. I'm not supporting it but it's kind of cool to hear about, as long as no one's getting hurt. What's the attitude of people at things like this? All in fun racing with a handshake after, or smart a$$ just about get in a fight over it racing? Certain groups keep keep to themselves or anyone on anyone? People appreciate the cars or just there to front attitude? Stupid questions I know, to most of you, but I'm not in the loop.
You told your friend to shut up and he didn't... I would have gone home and got some sleep BEFORE bailing his ass out.:)
Great story,I felt the I was on the edge of my seat!
What I would have done was to go get some breakfast and let bubba(cellmate) talk to your friend for awhile,then he will shut his trap..That was Very uncool of him..
Man, that could have been a lot worse. At least you got off without a ticket or anything. He could've accused you of eluding. I hope your friend learned his lesson, but he probably didn't. Whether you like it or not, in a situation like that the cop is holding ALL of the cards. No ifs, ands, or buts. You can either put your ego away and try to make the best of it or be an ass and guarantee the cop will do everything possible to make you miserable. Seems like a no-brainer to me, but some folks would rather do it the hard way.

Originally posted by turbojimmy
He could've accused you of eluding. .

Your right Jim, thats what I thought was going to happen. But I had all my paperwork and I was very cooperative with him.

My friend on the other hand was an idiot. Still, he saids that their was no way to avoid what happend. He's hard headed as hell and I just refuse to argue about with him. He's never been arested or anything. He just said that "he was expressing his freedom of speech" . What a freaken dumn a$$.
Still, I'm on his side becuase the cop didn't have to be such a d**k with him, but their was away to avoid all of it.

GN one day, Everything is always pretty calm. Allways some bragging at the end, but everyone shakes hands, looks at each others motors, and compliments each other. Never any fighting or anything like that. Theirs the usual: " You jumped the gun, lets go again, bla, bla," but everything is cool. No attitudes and no disrespects of any kind.

I'm not a regular at these events, But I've been to many different areas. Usaully here in South Florida, they try to change locations every week to try to avoid the cops. Since the racing sceen is so big down here, the word usaully get's around really fast.

I'm not going to tell you that it's safe or anything, cause doing 120 + mph down a back road with some one next to you (usually behind with me) is not, but their has never been any accidents (thank God). Be carefull guy's.

They arrested 172 people on Dec. 23 in a big bust at one of the most popular areas around. They stoped about 350 cars -- many juiced-up Hondas, Mustangs, and Toyotas -- and about 600 drivers and Fans. The police estimated about 100 more people got away. I wasn't their that night, but it probubly sucked for many people with Christmas right around the corner and stuff.
It came out on news paper the next day.

Be carefull.
where were you??

Jorge where were you, i was at powerline and mcnab, and the cops showed up late(3:00 am or so) which by that time the party was pretty much over, were u at str. 84 at a spot call power house?? or were u down in miami??

jorge, First rule always tell the truth but never admit anything. This will help get you out of most sticky situations. I never run I just drive as if I lived in the neighborhood. So far no tickets yet. It sucks when the cops come and you are right, it is not the best place but is still kind of fun.
In machineguns sig..."Has 2 speeds with wife driving, idle and HOLY MOTHER OF GOD."

That is hilarious, LMFAO :D :D
man i feel ya

its sad. lately theres been alot of busts. in my aria of northern cali, police have been exceptionaly strict on the issue. the first time i went to street races (and only so far), it got busted big time. it was about 90 cars or so, (big for around here) and we all went up to the spot in a big ol' line on the freeway. when we got there everyone lined up on the side of the road and while people were still ariving, a white crown vic came rolin down the middle of the street and flashed its cop lights. every one runs to their cars. trian to get away, but it just turned into a big trafic jam in the middle of the road. i backed into my spot, got out and looked down the road. 5 cop cars blocking the road on both sides:rolleyes:. no way out. the funny thing was when we were gettin into our cars to get away, i told my friends "well they cant catch us all". well they did. every person there got a 15 buck parking ticket, as there was no racin goin on yet. however, for me and my friends it was much worse. we were the only ones there under 18:( so my parents had to come pick us up at 3 am after every other car had leaft with their little citation. so there we were when my parents pulled up, my T parked on the side of the road, 8 cop cars spread out all over around my car and us standing with about 6 cops around us. not a verry flattering site.:D any wayz, my parents werent that mad and we just went home. street racing blows:(

PS: ive heard that police organizations check car enthusists mesage boards for locations of street racing and posts stating kills and use it as evadence if you are cought. it happened to my friend with his souped up 99' VW turbo beatle (fat front mout intercooler:cool: ) so be careful with what u post!
Shoebox, It was in Miami. It was actually the second location we had gone to that night. ( The first was just ricers)

The fact that Moroso has been closed for a month (and will be closed for another month) is why so much street racing is occuring.
( Moroso is the nearest track to Miami. I wouldn't really say its near as it's about an hour and a half drive for me at 75 mph)

We need a track in Miami! (I hope the Police is reading this like you said Smokin86T) It will be packed every night!
The city would make all of their money back in about a month!

Oh well, guess the street racing is just going to continue until then.
When it comes to cops, it does not matter if you think you are right or not, you just need to keep cool. If a cop WANTS to get you, he will, for whatever reason he decides. Remember when it goes to court 99% of the time the judge believes the cop over any average Joe. It also helps tp apologize to the cops. Believe me, I have been there and have learned the hard way. Years ago I lost my license for 3 years and racked up 36 points on my license. (speed, speed, speed, wreckless op, speed, etc.etc.) In Ohio you lose them at 12 points. Well it was a tough lesson, but I learned. I really don't drive much different, but I learned how to watch for cops and in the rare event I get stopped I usually talk myself out of a ticket. (or shall I say I don't talk myself into one:D )
Damn.. you're quite lucky. As a few others have said.. I must say as well: I woulda let your mentally retarded buddy spend a few nights on the nice, comfy jail cell bed for not shutting his mouth. Mouthing off to a cop is always tempting, but it's thee stupidest thing you could possibly do.

Glad you were able to get away on your own actions. Stick to the track man. It's bad enough up here, but I've been to FL so many times I know how bad the police are all over the state. It's quite possible that I'll be moving to FL within the next 2-4 years, so I'll have to stick close to the local dragways. :D
"so I'll have to stick close to the local dragways. "

The problem is, there isn't many..the one that is located close for all the south florida racers is 1-1 1/2 hour drive away and is only open weds. and friday night.

If i had the money, and the land, a track on the dade/broward border would be a gold mine. But try explaining that to some yuppie politician who is only concerned about property value and other BS like that.:rolleyes:

The scene in dallas is getting cracked down on a little..

I dont like it when people jump to conclusions.. 'racing isnt safe' REALLY? It doesnt matter whether its at the track or in an abandoned industrial area. Neither is "safe."

Kid killed his mom? Thats stupid stuff, thats racing in traffic.. not smart.

Its going to happen.. they'll never stop it.. think about it.. hmm.. random racing in traffic where you can hit oncoming cars and innocent people.. or, in a deserted area with nothing to hit but a curb with a giant dirt hill on one side, or a curb with a grassy field on the other side..

'but what about the spectators'

considering everyone stands in the parking lot, behind said 6ft tall dirt 'hill'... yea..

i know this isnt going to change anyones mind.. especially the police. its just kind of to tell you guys what OUR scene is like.. its relatively safe.. there are no 'innocent bystanders'.. everyone there is there to race or watch, and they all stand behind the cars or behind the grass wall..

although, here, you get issued a spectator ticket that can be up to 250$.. ot a $15 parking ticket.

before/after races.. people talk ****.. i've never seen a fight. questions?
Originally posted by TType84
The scene in dallas is getting cracked down on a little..

I dont like it when people jump to conclusions.. 'racing isnt safe' REALLY? It doesnt matter whether its at the track or in an abandoned industrial area. Neither is "safe."

Kid killed his mom? Thats stupid stuff, thats racing in traffic.. not smart.

Its going to happen.. they'll never stop it.. think about it.. hmm.. random racing in traffic where you can hit oncoming cars and innocent people.. or, in a deserted area with nothing to hit but a curb with a giant dirt hill on one side, or a curb with a grassy field on the other side..

'but what about the spectators'

considering everyone stands in the parking lot, behind said 6ft tall dirt 'hill'... yea..

i know this isnt going to change anyones mind.. especially the police. its just kind of to tell you guys what OUR scene is like.. its relatively safe.. there are no 'innocent bystanders'.. everyone there is there to race or watch, and they all stand behind the cars or behind the grass wall..

although, here, you get issued a spectator ticket that can be up to 250$.. ot a $15 parking ticket.

before/after races.. people talk ****.. i've never seen a fight. questions?

Same **** down here in florida, except the spots a becoming more and more popular which means more spectators and less racers, which then attracts the cops. I don't think our spectator tickets are that expensive down here, more like 50 bucks or something like that. But in general if someone is going to a spot to race i would hope they have some clue what there doing behind the wheel, which means if they f-up and hurt themself, the only one they have to blaim is themself. I agree though, drag racing is dangerous regardless of where you do it, but someplaces are better places to do it then others=the track:D .

Your friend ended up sitting in jail because he took a stand. It's happened to me before. I tend to value the Freedom I'm supposed to have, and I stand up for my Rights. If more people were like that and if they would remind the cops/judges/district attorneys, etc. that they are the servants and We the People are the masters, things would be a lot better.
I commend your friend. Yes, there is a time to just let it be, and it is possible to stand your ground and do it tactfully so you don't end up in jail. But there is also a time when enough is enough. It would sure be nice if more people wouldn't just bury their heads in the sand.
On a lighter note, I've been to a few backroads races around my area before. I've never been to one that has gotten busted yet, but next summer is coming up soon so ya never know.
Originally posted by Tim Riecks 6
I tend to value the Freedom I'm supposed to have, and I stand up for my Rights.

And your right Tim, I totally agree with you man. But sometimes, you just have to swallow your words and try to get out of the situation as clean as possible. Remember, the cop can arrest you, but you CAN'T arrest the cop. No matter how wrong the cop may be, he's the one that has the power. The headache that follows the arrest is not worth the fight. He has to go to trial now, and I'll be their supporting him, but deep down inside, I know that it could have been avoided. 99% of the time, the judge is going to rule in favor of the cop, the arrest is going to stay in his record ( were talking about a college student who has never even had a ticket), and he will never be able to get a government job.

It's so sad to see how much power the Government has given these A$$holes. We pay taxes for idiots like these to be able to pull over poor old people and give them a ticket because their muffler was hanging or something rediculous like that.