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GS Nationals attendance been dropping


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Mar 21, 2022
With the exception of last year. There has been discussion on some FB pages on ways to help attendance so the event continues and makes some type of profit. Well I had a couple of ideas and shared them. Then I realized this. Here is my post drop the other board: As I was racking my brain on ways to increase turnout, I thought that most of us don’t have huge YouTube followings and can’t reach a 100,000 race fans with a single video. Well I happen to know someone who does. I have reached out and got a positive response. You all may just be in for a surprise at the 41st GS Nationals. Thank me later if it comes to fruition which I’m 99% sure it will.. Richie Rocket Racing
I'm pretty sure that the covid restrictions did not help attendance...
Also, (this is a suggestion here...) maybe add more bracket, handicap-style classes would help to get more participants because not everyone likes going heads up... I think handicap racing gives everyone a fair chance at winning a few runs when compared with heads up where only the fastest cars can win. Heads up racing discourages the little guy racers from bringing their cars to participate.
I'm not saying to remove any heads up classes, but just to add more bracket classes.
I wish I could attend, as I have only been there once (2016) and it was SUCH a good time. Great people, great racing, great comradeships made.

The fact is, to haul a car out to BG, TN from Phoenix, AZ is at least a ten day round trip excursion, if you take in some of the sights. And why make the trip if you can't enjoy it?

Then there is the nearly 8K cash output to make the trip (happily spent).

Gas, Hotels, Food and some fun along the way and during the event.

NOW, with that said, and "I Did That, Empty Shelves" JOE being in charge, The trip, however condensed just to get there and back, WILL cost at least twice what it did in 2016 for a 2022 trip, in today's reality.

Let's Go Brandon!

Again, I wish I could attend, but in today's world I, as well as many others that are not within 5-600 miles of the venue, regretfully, just CANNOT afford the trip again, and it sucks!

How does one counter those facts?

Have fun guys, I'll be there in spirit, or not. I'll just vote in November, like that will do anything........

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I'm pretty sure that the covid restrictions did not help attendance...
Also, (this is a suggestion here...) maybe add more bracket, handicap-style classes would help to get more participants because not everyone likes going heads up... I think handicap racing gives everyone a fair chance at winning a few runs when compared with heads up where only the fastest cars can win. Heads up racing discourages the little guy racers from bringing their cars to participate.
I'm not saying to remove any heads up classes, but just to add more bracket classes.
There are bracket classes. You dont have to run heads up.
There are bracket classes. You dont have to run heads up.
Yeah, I know...There's "B1", "B2", etc... I ran "B1" back in '15, lasted through an 80 car field but lost in the semi finals to the eventual winner but what disappointed me is that during the following days, there were results on the net of who won in each heads up classes (TSO, TSM classes, etc...) but not a single mention of who won in any of the "B" classes... as if they were not important and did not deserve any covering. That is not encouraging for the little guy racer and not very motivating to return either...:rolleyes:
Yeah, I know...There's "B1", "B2", etc... I ran "B1" back in '15, lasted through an 80 car field but lost in the semi finals to the eventual winner but what disappointed me is that during the following days, there were results on the net of who won in each heads up classes (TSO, TSM classes, etc...) but not a single mention of who won in any of the "B" classes... as if they were not important and did not deserve any covering. That is not encouraging for the little guy racer and not very motivating to return either...:rolleyes:

Com'on Claude, stop being butt hurt, and if you can afford to go back, do just that. I think the "being there" is what it's about.

There are lots of classes, and if you win, or just compete, well, isn't that enough?

I know the LAST thing I was looking for when I was there was "coverage".

It was all about our cars, the differences between them and the camaraderie we all share for them.
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The point is, we need to assure the maximum turn out possible. Yes, it has been tough for a few years.. let’s find ways to enhance the turnout and make this an event that will last past what it is currently set up to last. Our cars can keep going but the event also takes work.
I am doing all I can do to bring a big name in to get us attendance, but I cant fix the fact that everyone of us is paying more for every gallon of gas and everything else under the sun. The fact is Dallas is charging us 10k for the track and we don’t have enough other income streams to make the event more than break even. We must adapt and bring income streams in to assure our beloved event is covered. I have ideas that are solid but it will take our group effort go turn this around…
Com'on Claude, stop being butt hurt, and if you can afford to go back, do just that. I think the "being there" is what it's about.

There are lots of classes, and if you win, or just compete, well, isn't that enough?

I know the LAST thing I was looking for when I was there was "coverage".

It was all about our cars, the differences between them and the camaraderie we all share for them.
It's not that I went there looking for coverage...heck, when I got there, I didn't know that I'd eventually end up in the semi finals! ... It's just that in the following days, it would've been nice if the results would've been mentioned along with the "TS" classes. But I agree that the "being there" factor is fun. I can afford to go back, it will all depend if my health problems (cancer) are improving and not worsening. Also, my engine is still at Cotton's shop and I have to bring the car there to put it all back together and tune it.
It's not that I went there looking for coverage...heck, when I got there, I didn't know that I'd eventually end up in the semi finals! ... It's just that in the following days, it would've been nice if the results would've been mentioned along with the "TS" classes. But I agree that the "being there" factor is fun. I can afford to go back, it will all depend if my health problems (cancer) are improving and not worsening. Also, my engine is still at Cotton's shop and I have to bring the car there to put it all back together and tune it.

Well then, make it there for me. :confused: When I was there, I qualified 4th for TAI, but we got rained out on Sunday.
Cancer sucks. That’s most of the reason I traded a cherry 87 for this 86. My whole life I’ve wanted to just do a few drag races in a fast car and time ain’t on my side right now. So I figure our only regrets should be the things we put off until it’s to late. I’m lucky enough that I have recovered fairly well since my last round of radiation and my PSA levels are not jumping through the roof right now. I wish you all the best in your battle and hope to meet you there. Rich
I feel lke attendance has been dropping at a lot of events across the country before, during and since Covid and for a lot of reasons..The expense to go to events has become higher. Just look at the cost of concern tickets, tickets to a college or professional football, basketball or baseball game and then add the higher gas prices. The inflation and cost of most things is not going to help any of us as what we used to be able to buy for $20 bucks is a lot less in 2022. It has become in some ways more enjoyable and more safe to stay home and watch the large, less expensive big screen tv where you can get all kinds of channels via regular television, cable and more recently streaming. The crime rates and Covid concerns have people feeling a bit less safe in traveling and going places. In terms of the GS Nationals, there are less cars out there, less and less of us able bodied Buick people to make the show or make a long trip. I know in my case we only started going maybe six years ago and the weather was terrible in most of our trips to BG other than last year when it was moved to May. Lets hope we can keep it going. It is a great event and something many of us look forward to each year.
With the exception of last year. There has been discussion on some FB pages on ways to help attendance so the event continues and makes some type of profit. Well I had a couple of ideas and shared them. Then I realized this. Here is my post drop the other board: As I was racking my brain on ways to increase turnout, I thought that most of us don’t have huge YouTube followings and can’t reach a 100,000 race fans with a single video. Well I happen to know someone who does. I have reached out and got a positive response. You all may just be in for a surprise at the 41st GS Nationals. Thank me later if it comes to fruition which I’m 99% sure it will.. Richie Rocket Racing
4 of us will be there Saturday at least. Puzzled and intrigued by what 'influencer' that might be. My first attendance was 2016, when I was 18. I'm elbow deep in one TR and two BBB's now, so it clearly stuck with me. I have attempted all of them since so far, for at least one day. had a rain out, and a covid thing in the mix. I took a couple days off work, reserved a room, and came last year thur-sat. I didn't even own my TR yet, but the fear of never being able to experience it again after 2020 was prevalent. I know it's hard to press on barely (or not at all) breaking even, so I hope yours and anyone else's ideas on improving and continuing bear fruit. Passionate crowd both from here and the v8 side, but I know many aren't getting any younger. I don't see enough of me there every year, maybe this digital medium will pay off in drawing some of them in the future, if that's what you're implying. I hate the thought of it disappearing, I really, genuinely enjoy being there.
Yes, you are correct, I am trying to line up a very popular YouTube personality to attend and mention it on their outlets to spark some young folks to come out and keep the attendance and gain new fans of these cars and traditions. If it works, then maybe this year GSCA makes a profit and can actually have an advertising budget. Lack of advertisement will kill any event.
Yes, you are correct, I am trying to line up a very popular YouTube personality to attend and mention it on their outlets to spark some young folks to come out and keep the attendance and gain new fans of these cars and traditions. If it works, then maybe this year GSCA makes a profit and can actually have an advertising budget. Lack of advertisement will kill any event.
Best of luck! I can only think of a small number of established 'tubers who really care about Buicks. If it's any of them, I like em. Even if not, just attendance from car people in general would be a blessing. It's hard not to admire these cars.
I would echo many of the comments above. I think what we all enjoy so much about our cars is spending quality time with our fellow friends and Buick family. The feeling I get when we roll through that gate at Beech Bend or strap into the car for a trip down the track is... AWESOME . I look forward to BG every year, always will.

We live in a world surrounded and run by technology. I would also advocate for advertising.

Personally, I'm thinking... What can I do to help or bring attention to this event and boost overall attendance from a driver and spectator perspective? Change is inevitable and I don't like that but sometimes embracing is the only way to move forward. Connecting with others who love and enjoy Buicks as much as we do is a must. Could we partner up with Pontiac/Olds folks and enjoy some new company while we ensure our program continues? There has to be some other great ideas out there as well to keep this event going. I hope we can keep it alive!!!
What do you all think of Stapleton42 on YouTube? Maybe he can bring attention to our event…. I have reached out to Mitchell Stapleton but not yet received a reply. That is not the individual that sent a positive response and Zi am not going to put that person under pressure by naming them because I have not received a confirmation of their attendance. PS. There are more than one.. I so hope this comes to fruition for our event as the younger people will bring excitement with them and hopefully a profitable attendance so this can go on for many years to come..
What do you all think of Stapleton42 on YouTube? Maybe he can bring attention to our event…. I have reached out to Mitchell Stapleton but not yet received a reply. That is not the individual that sent a positive response and Zi am not going to put that person under pressure by naming them because I have not received a confirmation of their attendance. PS. There are more than one.. I so hope this comes to fruition for our event as the younger people will bring excitement with them and hopefully a profitable attendance so this can go on for many years to come..
Is he the guy that does all the vintage stock car stuff? Think I watched him dig through a trailer of DW stuff one time. Seems like a pretty down to earth guy, at least on screen.
Is he the guy that does all the vintage stock car stuff? Think I watched him dig through a trailer of DW stuff one time. Seems like a pretty down to earth guy, at least on screen.
If so, there's cool potential there for the future, since this is short notice. The Grand National got it's name from somewhere, after all....