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Happy Birthday Paul Ferry (HRpartsNstuff):


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Happy Birthday Paul. And thanks for all the great stuff.

Mike Barnard
Happy birthday. Thanks for making great products for our cars.
Have a great one!

As you can tell I got kinda busy, just catching up on stuff & noticed I had a ton of messages on (rarely get to check those).
Guessing it's been a while, this is the first I have seen the new look - LOL
Probably be next Jan before I can celebrate my B-day.
Oh well, I will get plenty of sleep when I am dead!
We have been taking care of my mom here, and we now have a totally new respect for anyone that has done that or doing it.
Don't feel bad if I miss your B-day thread, probably be another 3 months before I get to play online.
So I will just say it now...
Happy B-Day everyone!!!! :)