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Highway run with an 03' Mustang Mach 1


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Boost is good.
Jul 14, 2001
Me and my girlfriend were on our way to the Metallica concert in Chicago yesterday and all of a sudden I see a yellow Mustang pull out of a gas station onto the highway. I start going faster trying to catch up to it to see what kind of Mustang it was. I finally got along side of him and saw the Mach 1 emblems and the hood and an older guy (40's) driving it by himself. I said to my girlfriend "shall we pick on ANOTHER mustang?" she said go for it. He starts going faster like 70 mph and I am falling behind a little bit by about 5 car lengths (no we aren't racing yet...I am giving him the go ahead)...finally I see him drop the gears and hear the motor start howling...then I get on it and the boost came up instantly to 25 lbs with the alcohol spraying and I caught up to him in a matter of seconds and then I put bus length after bus length on him until I shut down at about 115 mph...he was so far behind I could barely see him...I let him catch up to me later on and he passed me and kept looking forward with a completely straight face and didn't want to look at and my girlfriend just much for Ford's second highest horsepower rated Mustang on the market:rolleyes:
This is my first post here and I don't want to piss anyone off, but of course you beat the hell out of the Mach I. I have a GN and a new Mach I (I know you're not supposed to mix the blood, but I love fast cars not car companies) and the Mach I is a fast car. If you're running 11's on alcohol you will probably beat a 13.5 second car from ford. Of course if you would have beaten me in my Mustang I would have given you the thumbs up, so you are justified to brag. I don't want to start anything (because I'll probably be asking for some advice) but they are both great cars and both beat the crap out of ricers.
yeah you're's probably not fair talking about beating a stock mach 1...320 horse from the factory and mid 13's capable is no slouch at all...i give credit to all fast cars...i just can't seem to find them on the highway too much since all the "race" cars are trailored and stuck away in a garage while mine is daily driven:p :D
Yeah I feel your pain because it seems like everyone thinks their car is fast, when there are truley not very many fast cars up to the task. And it doesn't matter which car I drive I swear I'm going to go insane if I see another Del Sol with a coffee can tail pipe do a blow by when I'm not paying attention. I'm like you though I drive my GN daily (because I haven't figured out a way to drive both at the same time:D ) so, I guess the GN won that race too.

Hey thanks for being a good sport it's just seems that every forum I go to is bashing the Mach I (even on the Mustang site) and I finally had to say something (but if it gets beat at least it was by a GN :eek: )
No can do on the theory of loving both and quantifying that by enjoying fast cars. Pick a side and show loyalty.

Do you go with the football team that's in 1st place or do you stick by your favorite through thick'n thin? This year I'm a U of M fan, next year I'm an FSU fan and the following year I'm a Florida fan followed the next year by Ohio State??..... Does that make sense? :confused: I enjoy college football and go with the team that's in 1st place....only because I enjoy college ball. :rolleyes: Flawed logic....
Actually I don't watch football, it takes too much time away from my automobiles. So I guess you're going to have to give another theory to sway me. Explain further are GM and Ford the football teams or is it further broken down by Buick, Chevy, etc. If that is the case you bought a Buick first and have stuck with it and never owned any other "team"? If the car companies are the teams then the cars must be the players correct? You're telling me that out of all the professional sports you watch you don't like a player on a different team than you normally support. Obviously it happens or we wouldn't have so many nation wide famous sports personalities. So your logic my friend is flawed. And I don't just quantify my decisions only by fast cars - design, comfort, and whether I just like a car, not which team its on. I also have a 64' Oldsmobile Dynamic 88 not exactly a #1 team car, but a damn good looking auto. You are basically just asking me to pick my favorite child, now that I think about it I'll just pick one and stick to it.:rolleyes:

Great freaken Kill man! Way to slap that moosestang up like he stold something. Having a little V6 steal your lunch money was enough for him not to even look your way.

Keep spanking em' and write about it. Rustangs make the greatest kill stories.
That's an impressive kill especially considering you were running from a real good roll.

As for loyalties... I'll always be a GM fan through thick and thin. I will give credit where credit is due though.

As far as the Del Sol's with the Fart Cans.... not worth it! No way is proving that I can beat up on one of these overstickered, winged, coffee canned, things... no way is that worth a nasty street racing ticket!! A car that deserves credit where credit is due... that may be another story. But even then I'm not trying to risk that.

As for being a sport... heck, I've got friends from all walks... Fords, Dodge, GM. It's all in good fun!
You should have no trouble with a stock Mach 1...assuming your car runs as it should (no reason to believe otherwise).

I do think you're exaggerating just a weeeeeee bit. You raced from 70-115 mph, essentially giving him the jump. This should take you what.....7-8 seconds or so (assuming your car runs mid 11's)? If you started "5 lengths behind", then heard his "motor start howling" (thus the comment about giving him the jump), caught him "in a matter of seconds", then put "bus length after bus length on him ", then I'm afraid either he wasn't racing, or maybe things didn't happen exactly as you recall in your post.

No offense....I have no doubt your car is very fast - and plenty capable of taking a stock Mach. I looked at your page....very clean car - I'd love to have one just like it.
No can do on the theory of loving both and quantifying that by enjoying fast cars. Pick a side and show loyalty.

Explain to me what exactly showing loyalty does for you when it comes to cars? Are you getting owner loyalty checks from GM or something? Do you really think GM gives a sh!t about you and your 14 plus year old cars? They're probably sitting around right now thanking you for spending all your money with them, they probably would have been bankrupt if it wasn't for you and the few bucks you spent with them.:rolleyes:

Liking a football team is one thing, I for one don't rely on my favorite college FB team to get me to work, or to haul my car to the track. Get a clue dude, there are plenty of nice cars made by many manufacturers, theres no reason to close off your options. I'm sure by now everyone knows you opinion of anything non GM (quite frankly they are sick of hearing it), so why don't you stop butting in on irrelevant posts to show your brand loyalty? What a joke. Every time anyone on this board says the f word (ford), here you come running to tell them why it sucks, like when you told that dude he should have bought a syclone instead of a lightning. No one cares for your close minded crap. You remind me of the jiffy lube mechanic who feels the need to tell me why his jacked up 75 monte carlo (or el camino) is better than my ford, dodge, whatever. Pure unadulterated ignorance.

Out of pure morbid curiousity, whats your take on the new cobra's and why they suck as compared to your TTA? I mean, they are faster and all.

One more thing, that lightning post I mentioned? I really liked how you pussied out after fellow members chimed in to further prove you wrong. Way to stand your ground. I would think someone as GM loyal as you would go down in a hail of bullets befor getting proven wrong (again).
Originally posted by Bob Cosby
I do think you're exaggerating just a weeeeeee bit. You raced from 70-115 mph, essentially giving him the jump. This should take you what.....7-8 seconds or so (assuming your car runs mid 11's)? If you started "5 lengths behind", then heard his "motor start howling" (thus the comment about giving him the jump), caught him "in a matter of seconds", then put "bus length after bus length on him ", then I'm afraid either he wasn't racing, or maybe things didn't happen exactly as you recall in your post.

His story makes sense to me. If someone passes me like I'm standing still, I usually stop racing at that point, no matter how hard I was trying before. That doesn't mean the guy "wasn't racing". He just knows when his @ss is handed to him. A bus length and another and another would come pretty fast at 100+ mph.

A Cobra is NOT faster than his TTA. Sorry.


My friend just bought one, and if it could run 11's I will drop dead at this computer. Sorry again. Maybe it is all that squeaking and rattling from your Mustang that drove you insane.
Huh? Who said anything about a Cobra? And no, stock 03 Cobra's do not run 11's. They do with very minor bolt-ons, but that's not what this thread is about, is it?

UNGN....we all have our opinions - mine is different. :)
Ummm, as a matter of fact, an 03 cobra is faster than his TTA. Read his sig.- 12.9. I saw with my own eyes a new 03 cobra STONE STOCK WITH THE DEALER PLATES STILL ON IT run a 12.23. Not to mention the countless others with 03 cobras who have run faster than 12.9.
Originally posted by lope2000
And it doesn't matter which car I drive I swear I'm going to go insane if I see another Del Sol with a coffee can tail pipe do a blow by when I'm not paying attention.

There is a Del Sol here in Tulsa that has a hole in the front of the hood with a turbo sticking out of it like a giant hood ornament. And I don't mean it peaks out, it stands up tall! :rolleyes:
Originally posted by Bob Cosby
UNGN....we all have our opinions - mine is different. :)

I see your point. A ricer would stay in it long after he has ass handed to him because he knows the guy that pounded him has to slow down eventually and then he can do his "fly-by" and declare victory.
low 12s for stock Cobra????...I doubt it... Track conditions would have to be perfect and a great driver would have to make 20 + good runs to get numbers like that. Nah...a stocker Cobra is a low 13 in the hands of the ordinary owner. I'll take a lightly modded TTA over the new Cobra any day in a street race....(no missed shifts). Take the same motivated owner of the Cobra and hand him the TTA and I am sure things would be equalized very quickly...esp considering how easy it is to mod the Turbo V-6. Think "real world".
Dude, you may want to do a little research, these cobras are fast. Just because you don't believe doesn't mean its not true. Many of them are in the 12's, and the one I saw was running low 12's on street tires. If you get smoked by one, don't say you didn't know.