Hot air turbo shaft and turbine selection help...


Mar 24, 2012
I want to use the set pictured on the right unfortunately the compressor turbine on the right goes with the exhaust turbine and shaft on the left with the recess in the center of shaft(pictured.) From the images I've posted can someone tell me which is the better of the two? The compressor turbine on the left or right? The exhaust turbine and shaft on the left or right? Also if I switch compressor turbines I will have to get the setup re-balanced right? Is there anyway I can avoid re-balancing? If not, can I re-balance myself or where can I send the setup to be balanced? Sorry for all the questions, any help would be appreciated...

Have you measured the 2 shafts? which one has the better journals? You need to blast them and perform a mild NDI... cracks can hide under carbon.

its hard to say without physically checking them as to which is better. obviously, that one compressor wheel is trashed.

if you mix and match they must be rebalanced. this should be done any time you take them apart IMHO. its not possible to balance at home unless you have the machine.

there are many vendors and people here who can balance the assembly for you.
i talked with gpop and emailed them some more closely detailed pics to see if i can use my original set which i marked for it's current balance before taking it apart... they said i should be safe, waiting on their response at the moment.
Here are the pics I sent them, I'll being using the left side set for rebuild. I just had a couple more questions then I'm off to rebuild... Just out of curiosity the recess on the shaft of the left side turbine/shaft set does that help with oil flow to the bearings, like a modification or an late year improvement? If that's the case I may choose the center oiling section that went with that set if there may be improvements to that particular center section... Also Is there anything I should keep an eye out for when choosing the correct center section... i.e. bad carbon build up on the exhaust side or anything else a newbie should keep an eye out for? I was told it's not vital that I replace the inner bearing snap rings for the oiling section is this correct or should i definitely replace them? In regards to that the snap rings are difficult to reach with my snap ring pliers is there a tool you guys can recommend? Sorry for all the questions, I'm trying to absorb as much info as I can to get this hot air turbo running great :)



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