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Header wrap on up pipe, downpipe, and crossover

I'm sorry... but I have to add something here after reviewing the suggested recipe. I found a couple flaws that need corrected.

Exhaust wrap....

If you had success with wrapping the various exhaust components that is wonderful... However... you are doing so at great risk to your car.

When oil, or fuel meets this heated material it becomes highly flammable and is a tough fire to put out. Do a search of the GNTType List and you'll see that others experienced this problem and fortunately their cars survived it. You'll see the commentary goes against using these materials on a turbo Regal motor.

I would add a disclaimer regarding the usage of these materials on a turbo Regal motor. IMO you would be better off purchasing stainless steel headers or... sending them out to be Jet Hot coated.

Turbo selection...

A TA49 isn't a simple bolt on item (not on a Hot-Air car). I would state somewhere in the write up that modification skills are required to install anything other than a TA33. I would hate for someone to read this writeup and instantly think that new TA49 is going to fit without modifications... especially those folks on a tight budget.

Hmm...Louie, I hear what your saying but, oil return line leaks.......guess where it leaks?? On my wrapped x-over! I'm not worried it has been like this for about a 1.5 years. I wrapped the x-over to try and keep some of the heat outta the starter. BTW I only use Mobil 1 (which has a higher flash point than normal oil).

I totally agree that it is a hazard, just stating my experiences.
Nonetheless, a disclaimer about the potential hazards of these materials should forewarn any users of possible side effects. I will make a update and forward it to Ken.

Mentioning the turbo modifications is not a bad idea, but there is already a lot of information available to make it work. I think I may just point readers in the right direction if they are not using an upgrade stock turbo.

This input is valuble, let's keep it going, guys...