Hell yea another young guy with one of the fire chickens!! I was 16 when I got mine out of pure chance. Originally I was looking for a jeep to turn into a crawler or a ranger to go prerunning with out here in the desert(tucson,az) but then out of chance while flipping through auto trader I see an add in the pontiac section,"Turbo trans am pace car, v-6 very fast, fun, mechanic owned blah blah blah" so I figure its just some kit car never knowing what a GN TR or TTA were. A week later I see it again with an ad next to it for an 81 "turbo" trans am so I do a google search and see the 89 is legit and decide to get a turbo supra buddy to come look at it with me and bring his car. So I talk with the owner, a young service manager at the local pontiac dealership(who also in his garage has a clean GN with the motor out getting built) and wants to sell it with 35k on it so his wife can tile the house. So I ask the usual noob questions, any accidents, documents of oil change, tap around the body, look at the underside. Then He ask if I want to go for a ride. As I walk to the passanger door he throws me the keys and tells me to give it a go. After explaining to me how a turbo acts he takes me with my friend in toe in his BPU turbo supra to an old street racing road here so I can let it open and tells my buddy to line up with us. So never driving a fast car I floor it from a stop, get sideways then take off like a SOB!! That car was bought 24hrs later by some very trusting parents! I've had it for 5yrs and no regets(except taking off perfectly fine heads now! I love schooling the old hot rodders who never knew about the LC2 in a T/A! and the little Sh*theads with their motor swaps!