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How many Alky pump failures have you had


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I would prefer to mount the tank in the trunk.

Do you have any pressure readings from the driver's seat?

I'm thinking the Bison spacer plate/spray bar looks interesting.

Is that your tranny cooler under the trunk?

I don't have an alky gauge in the car. I've got too many gauges already. And It wouldn't serve much of a purpose to be honest. The alky indicator light that comes with the kit is all you need. Also, when priming the system, you can feel the car stumble when the alky is ready to go. When you tune the system you tune it for a boost turn-on psi, a starting alky psi, and a ramping vs. boost ratio. Then after that, it does what it does. On my XFI data logs, the alky comes up so fast it would hardly make any sense to try to keep observing it while driving. More important, is to know that its there when you need it.

And yes, under my trunk, that is one of my two tranny coolers. The other one is up front where the stock intercooler scoop used to be.
I ran my Alky control pump for over 6 years and then developed a leak after I decided to put some "grape smell" fuel additive in the alky tank. Yes, I know better now. :cool:

You did what?
You are now my biggest hero!
Just because you had the balls to admit you did this!!!

Just typed a reply but deleted it. These Internet forums are just GRRREAT!!! Users beware!

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Just typed a reply but deleted it. These Internet forums are just GRRREAT!!! Users beware!

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I know what your reply was going to be .. but consider FUEL SOURCE vs DETONATION SUPPRESSANT and it opens up another angle.

on the cars you put pressure gauges on .. how many have you seen fail ?
I know what your reply was going to be .. but consider FUEL SOURCE vs DETONATION SUPPRESSANT and it opens up another angle.

on the cars you put pressure gauges on .. how many have you seen fail ?

You never defined fail

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You never defined fail

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FAIL is anything other than operating in the specification of what a new pump will do out of the box ... If a fuel pump puts out 75% pressure of what a new one does .. it has FAILED
FAIL is anything other than operating in the specification of what a new pump will do out of the box ... If a fuel pump puts out 75% pressure of what a new one does .. it has FAILED

Well then with that I’ve replaced several that have failed and diagnosed many more. The pump is a maintenance item for sure. There’s probably several hundred out there are are operating in “failed” mode. There’s a lot of different pumps out there that have all failed in similar ways. Usually pressure/volume drops off and leakage at head

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Well then with that I’ve replaced several that have failed and diagnosed many more. The pump is a maintenance item for sure. There’s probably several hundred out there are are operating in “failed” mode. There’s a lot of different pumps out there that have all failed in similar ways. Usually pressure/volume drops off and leakage at head

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Interesting .. wonder at what rate of decay the pumps go into from initial failure to actual observed hard parts damage... guess that would be a case by case depending on ALKY system dependency . On a 750 hp setup bet it happens pretty damn quick.
FAIL is anything other than operating in the specification of what a new pump will do out of the box ... If a fuel pump puts out 75% pressure of what a new one does .. it has FAILED
We know this is not a regulated return style fluid delivery system. And since the output at the nozzles is directly proportional to the pump's output, that means any leak would result in some pressure reduction. But how big of a leak makes a difference? How close are most peoples tunes? And how big of a leak does it need to be before it gets noticed and corrected? I have no idea. But I know my pump's output could probably never be reduced to 75% of it's original flow due to leakage without me seeing it. Not unless it was a sudden instantaneous pop. And I've haven't heard of that happening, but maybe it has. Maintenance is key. It just feels like instinct after a while.
How much does a spare pump cost?

How much does a rebuild cost?

Is it possible to install a pressure tap at the nozzle that operates a monitoring gauge inside the car?

If you have a trunk mounted tank & rear mounted pump, how long does it take to reach full pressure at the nozzle?


I’d also like to know what a rebuild cost?
I’d also like to know what a rebuild cost?

I think new ones are $160 and I think a Rebuild is about $100 ... to me I would have a new pump on there every other year .. no brainer for guys relying on this system ..

I'm pretty sure thats what Julio Suggests as well .. maybe he can chime in on the topic as I am sure he can put some numbers as to how many he goes through .
I’d also like to know what a rebuild cost?
I think it's about 80 bucks. Figure your going to need one about every 2 years or so. If you drain it down and run water through it when not in use you may get more out of it.
I think new ones are $160 and I think a Rebuild is about $100 ... to me I would have a new pump on there every other year .. no brainer for guys relying on this system ..

I'm pretty sure thats what Julio Suggests as well .. maybe he can chime in on the topic as I am sure he can put some numbers as to how many he goes through .
Or maybe a $100.:)
I think it's about 80 bucks. Figure your going to need one about every 2 years or so. If you drain it down and run water through it when not in use you may get more out of it.

don't think you wanna run water through it .. that's a SURE Recipe for pump failure .. wiper fluid maybe
I think new ones are $160 and I think a Rebuild is about $100 ... to me I would have a new pump on there every other year .. no brainer for guys relying on this system ..

I'm pretty sure thats what Julio Suggests as well .. maybe he can chime in on the topic as I am sure he can put some numbers as to how many he goes through .
I think it's about 80 bucks. Figure your going to need one about every 2 years or so. If you drain it down and run water through it when not in use you may get more out of it.

Awesome thank you guys.
This is fine didn’t have to be exact amount just an idea.

About running water through it.
Is this an other reason why guys use 50/50 mix?
To have the system last longer?
don't think you wanna run water through it .. that's a SURE Recipe for pump failure .. wiper fluid maybe
I think you answered my other question lol

Maybe run something that lubricates through it right ?

Water makes rust
We know this is not a regulated return style fluid delivery system. And since the output at the nozzles is directly proportional to the pump's output, that means any leak would result in some pressure reduction. But how big of a leak makes a difference? How close are most peoples tunes? And how big of a leak does it need to be before it gets noticed and corrected? I have no idea. But I know my pump's output could probably never be reduced to 75% of it's original flow due to leakage without me seeing it. Not unless it was a sudden instantaneous pop. And I've haven't heard of that happening, but maybe it has. Maintenance is key. It just feels like instinct after a while.

Lets see here ... if you have a new pump putting out 220 psi .. and it drops down to 150 psi which I've seen them drop well below that .. you'd be below your 75% .. but then again you have no way of telling because you don't have a gauge to tell.... what if it dropped down to 100 psi ... your still getting ALKY in .. but with the reduced pressure is it really being sprayed like it should at the nozzle or is it dribbling . No different than a fuel injector .. run it at a lower pressure and tell me what the spray pattern does.

Just because you don't see much of a leak doesn't mean its not dramatically reducing the system pressure .. what if the leak is somewhat internal to the pump. The other problem is if you look at the residuals on the pump after a hit to gauge just how bad its leaking.. I'd bet most of the Methanol has evaporated off already and your checking it with the pump not activated.

How close are people's tunes ??? Depends on the owner .. SOME guys will run right on the edge and double and triple check everything to a fanatical level just to insure their cars are running 100% .. other guys not so much ... the more you turn it up .. the lower the margin for error is. damage happens the instant ALKY isn't doing its job fully.

As to your question how big of a leak would it have to be to notice .... IF you had a gauge you'd notice it right away :)

And I agree as was pointed out by all with failures .. maintenance is real real important .. pumps are cheap

just as a note .. I've seen 6 fail in 2 years ... 2 of the 6 resulted in popped HG.. when I pulled the pumps off I asked the owners if they ever looked at the pumps to check condition ... NOPE !

to be fair I think poor meth quality had a lot to do with the failures . Gotta run good quality Meth can't be a cheap ass and run windshield wiper fluid ( storage only!)
I think you answered my other question lol

Maybe run something that lubricates through it right ?

Water makes rust

Water Freezes .. which is why I don't think you wanna run that through.. especially when storing
Water Freezes .. which is why I don't think you wanna run that through.. especially when storing
Oh yes didn’t think of that.
That’ll depend on where you live.

Right now I’m going through decision making.
1: do I want shitty gas mileage and have to spend the money on E 85 .

2: do I run 93 only and just turn the boost up to where it will let me and call it a day.

3: Do I run 93 with alky system and having to make sure the system is always working properly.

Race gas is just not an option
To much $$ for a street car
don't think you wanna run water through it .. that's a SURE Recipe for pump failure .. wiper fluid maybe
I'm sorry, I should have mentioned that running water through it was just to clean it before storage. Afterward, you would then run it dry for a little to not allow any standing water to remain in the system. This seems to work for me.
I'd bet most of the Methanol has evaporated off already and your checking it with the pump not activated.
This is why every so often, I do a check (using my girlfriends finger :D ) while under boost.
SOME guys will run right on the edge and double and triple check everything to a fanatical level just to insure their cars are running 100% .. other guys not so much ... the more you turn it up .. the lower the margin for error is. damage happens the instant ALKY isn't doing its job fully.
For street applications, people who knowingly run on the edge of their tuning envelope are either crazy or have have a great deal of disposable income and time.
poor meth quality had a lot to do with the failures
You mean like adding grape smelly additive? :LOL: Sorry, Turbo T Guy. I just couldn't resist!
As to your question how big of a leak would it have to be to notice .... IF you had a gauge you'd notice it right away :)
Or, if you have data recording capability and you frequently use it. Like I said earlier, I don't think leaks just POP instantly. You should see a drop in pressure begin if you are in the habit of comparing data from previous recordings.
Maybe run something that lubricates through it right ?
3: Do I run 93 with alky system and having to make sure the system is always working properly.
Works, for most of us here!