how often do you get pulled over?


New Member
May 8, 2007
simple question i have had my regal for a about a month and have been flagged 3 TIMES! never speeding, just "suspicous" car they always let me go though
What are you doing that is suspicious? And where do you live? Apparently the regal is a popular gangbanger car...
I've driven my GN in STL for almost 10 years now...I think.
It all depends on where and when you drive your GN/T-TYPE.

I've been pulled over a few times. I was "asking for it" however.

Just have e'thing they ask for, and you'll be on your "merry way".
Have the required papers available, easily accessible.
If they dig the car, talk about the FBI models, and hear what
they "think" they know about them.

Cars like ours look like they're going fast, just sitting still.

IF a GN/T-TYPE ever gets stolen, I hope they pull over the A-&*#!
for no reason, and bust him.

Last time I was pulled over ...hmmm sometime last year. I was told by the officer that my Turbo-T look like the car a friend of has had stolen a couple of years back. I told the officer mine was bought at an insurance action, it was a stolen recovery. His buddy tracked me down and asked if I ever wanted to sale to give him first shot.
I live in a nice neighborhood where this is no crime except speeding tickets.
So I always get pulled over, once they see me(22 yr old white kid dressed nice) they let me go.
Over 150 times.

In 1985 it was 55 times. I remember cuz it was the same as the speed limit.

I've lost my license for 1 month, 3 months, 6 months, 1 year and 5 years. All Habitual DUI's.

Get pulled every now and then nowadays. Age = Wisdom. :D
Haven't been pulled over in quite sometime:D (knockin on wood)... Only been pulled over once in 7 years in the GN, and it was for Tint. I can't count how many times I was pulled over in my Iroc convertible though, tint/exhaust/taillight covers/headlight covers/speeding/taking off too fast from a stoplight.
Hmmm, let's see now; 42 years of driving and never pulled over once. 22 years with a GN. :biggrin:
Your plate may have been run thru. When they find that the owner is closer to 60 than 16 years old, they may think why bother. :rolleyes:

If you drive a GN/T-TYPE daily, your odds go up too.

Twice in 20 years, both radar traps, well one was that new fangled laser thingy that got me at 51 in a 40. :rolleyes:

Cop that got me for tint didn't bother to try to catch me just saw the plate and mailed me the inspection sticker. :mad:

Of course the tint was legal too. :p

And once when the car was new, pulling out of the donut shop. :biggrin:

Cop flashed the lights, no siren, and wanted to know if the car was really as fast as they said it was.

I just smiled and said yup, sure is, you wanna race? :eek: :cool:
Your plate may have been run thru. When they find that the owner is closer to 60 than 16 years old, they may think why bother. :rolleyes:

If you drive a GN/T-TYPE daily, your odds go up too.


I've been using the GN as a DD for the last 4 or 5 months. Yep. I get some cop in either a cruiser or unmarked car on my tail for at least 5 blocks and I know he's running my plate. Maybe not all of the time. Just last month I had one follow me for a couple of miles. Finally pulled up along side of me at a light. I glanced over and saw the Google homepage displayed on his laptop. Hmm and they bittch about about people yapping on cell phones. The last time I was pulled over in the GN it was on my way to the GSCA nats in 2000. It was 2:00AM somewhere on I-75 in GA. I had just moved to FL from NE. I had a FL DL and my GN had expired NE plates and no insurance. I had just filled up a full tank of gas and hit the boost on the entrance ramp to I-75. Back in the distance was a Sheriffs car and he heard the noise and saw 80 MPH flash on the radar. And this guy was a spitting image of your typical redneck cop. At least he was nice enough to let me go with a slap on my hand after he ran the numbers. I dont give the cops an excuse to pull me over. No tinted glass. No rap crap blairing from the woofers. All the lights work and I very rarely go 10MPH over the limit when there is traffic. And there aint nothing worth racing so I dont get on the boost a lot. IMO if you look like trouble than you're going to get trouble.
I've had my GN for 10yrs, I've probaly been pulled over 5-6 times, only got two tickets (speeding and failure to come to a complete stop). I haven't been pulled over in years, all the times I've been pulled over when was I was younger and in first couple of years of owning the GN.

I think all the ricers take the brunt of Officer Hassle nowadays. Ricers cars stick out...loud fart can exhaust, big wings, bright paint jobs, stickers, ground effects, loud music...all that stuff draws the attention away from cars like ours and onto them. At least the ricers are good for something other than an occasional easy kill.
I've never been pulled over in the T. 18 years old, have had the car for almost 1 year come next month. Drive it everyday, except for rain, and snow.

Cruise around town, drive around with the dump open too. (when I feel the need to hear some whistling) I'm not blaring rap either, usually jamming to oldies.

I've got the 'point' from an officer, but very rarely get followed or any looks.

Maybe its because they see my car in their parking lot every monday???:cool:
simple question i have had my regal for a about a month and have been flagged 3 TIMES! never speeding, just "suspicous" car they always let me go though

Havn't heard from you on the list. Were you pulled over for the last time?!? :biggrin:

Just wondering, and hope all is well with you and the PoPo's?
Was that you with the video camera in St. George, MO?!?!?

I daily drove mine gn for 4-5 years and only got pulled over twice. Both times for no reason. Just got it back on the road and the first 5 times I was out I got pulled over like 3 times. Cops just being cops. I had one cop tell me "There's no set decibel limit for a car, it's up to me to decide if it's too loud". Protect and serve my ass!:cool:
When the car runs I get pulled over atleast 4-5 times a month, one time I got pulled over 3 times in one week. Then I had 1 cop tell me that he had a 70 el co with a big block that would toast me....I just looked at him and said lets take it to the track....he just let me go. I hate cops.
i have only put 7,000 miles on my GN since i have owned it. i have been pulled over 8 times in that 7,000 . I have over 80,000 miles in my camry (daily driver) and have only been pulled over once that was was because of a dirty license plate cover ;)
lets see? this month? 3 times

I live 1.6 miles from where i work.
the speed limit is 25 mph i can't say that im speedin but, i think i've got to admit that the car gets alot of notice.
last week i left a stop lite and got 1/8mile down the road and look up to see a cop CUTTING through traffic to get behind me so i put on the seat belt and get in the turning lane with blinker. as soon as i start to turn BLUE lights .

ran the papers (neat and kept handy;) ) said she was sitting at the light 3 CARS BACK!!!! and i took off to fast, gave me a "disobeying a street sign"

lawyer called "B.S." contacted judge and i didn't even have to show up. This place is just swarmin with cops and every once ina while i forget. they just keep me honest or else id be goin everywhere at 110:D

gotta expect alittle extra attention drivin a "BADA$$ MOTHERFARTING GRAND NATIONAL":biggrin: :biggrin:
At 1.6 miles you should be walking or riding a bicycle. Car never gets warmed up.

My last ticket was 23 years ago.... knock on wood.
ive only been pulled over in the buick once for no front plate. My honda attracted the cops like crazy though, my car is known to the department :(