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I have a story you will never believe


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We took it out for a ride today. He was amazed. He said it couldn't be his car. It looked better than the day he bought it. We left a new Camry at the light. Not sure what that guy was thinking. Simmer was like, That is what I really like about this car. Just leaves em standin there...

Oh and we got a doctors appointment in too while out for a joy ride. He will be ok I think. Just need to get a wound to heal on his back. Then we should be able to get him home.

Here they are.


Awesome day.
Amazing! The car turned out great.:cool: Hope Mr. S gets in good enough shape to enjoy the car along with you.


We are gonna have soooo much fun in his car. And I have to say he will live many more years after we get him squared away. I am having a really great time hanging out with him. We talk for hours and hours. Most of the time I lose track and get a call asking if I might be comming home for dinner.... He laughs and says thats what friends are for... Love the guy.;)
Goingh to pick the simmerz up in the car this afternoon. we have an appointment with the plastic surgeon regarding the poen sore on his back they cant get to heal. I am not sure what is going to happen with it. But I have to think they are going to put a skin flap over it to aid in the healing process.

He is kinda scared thinking this could kill him. I keep telling him he aint gonna get away from me that easy. I hope he is REALLY ok. the information is filtered. He really doesn't even know whats up. So I should know more today being as I am the primary member of the family while his sister is out of town.

I am really amazed that the family has taken me in as one of their own.
Good luck with it,mine took four years to get it in mint shape,you are very blessed,and I'am the same way always helping people out.Sometimes in life you bump into someone that will change your life in a good way and sometimes bad,but always think positive in the bad,will pay off believe me I know.
Wow!! Those pics look amazing! I can't wait to see the car in person!

If you guys weren't so busy working on cars that actually pay you I could get in. I have put myself at the back of the line so you can get the important stuff out before I occupy your space. I also cant wait for you to see it. very soon buddy..... as much as I hang out there giving bad advice, I almost want to apply for a job.... ;)
So the doctor said it would be too risky to operate on simmerz, He said it looked pretty good for as bad as it really is. its a pressure sore. the size of a baseball and 3" -4" deep. I have never seen anything like it. Kinda wierd really. I wouldn't think you could live like that. No pain and the doc said it looked like it was trying to heal on it's own.

He said the wound clinic could give us a better Idea of a timeline for it to totally heal. But his best guess was 6 months. He says it will just grow back. I dunno I aint no doctor but it looked like someone shot the guy with a shotgun. But I do feel better knowing It shouldnt kill him.
Arrived here following a link to your story from CamaroZ28. Great story, car looks amazing. My first car I purchased at 13 was a 78 Malibu, that I built and foolishly sold, so I have a soft spot for g-bodys. Always loved the GNs.

I joined to ask, for Mr. S, have the doctors mentioned or brought up the possiblity of using a wound vac on his sore? If it could help him, it can in cases take a 6 month healing time down to 6 weeks. For him, and for you/his family, please ask them about one of these if it hasnt already been brought up. My wife had to have one after the birth of our child, her c-section went very wrong and we thought things were fixing to get very bad. Will be checking in for updates and the rest of this story.
Arrived here following a link to your story from CamaroZ28. Great story, car looks amazing. My first car I purchased at 13 was a 78 Malibu, that I built and foolishly sold, so I have a soft spot for g-bodys. Always loved the GNs.

I joined to ask, for Mr. S, have the doctors mentioned or brought up the possiblity of using a wound vac on his sore? If it could help him, it can in cases take a 6 month healing time down to 6 weeks. For him, and for you/his family, please ask them about one of these if it hasnt already been brought up. My wife had to have one after the birth of our child, her c-section went very wrong and we thought things were fixing to get very bad. Will be checking in for updates and the rest of this story.

Thank You,

Yes the wound vac is one of the actions on the table at the moment. we will learn more tomorrow when we go to the wound clinic. I was curious about this procedure never hearing of this before. So I guess it isn't too weird. All of this stuff is new to me.

Being a motorcycle racer for most of my life I am used to compound fractures and collar bones. Some back and brain injuries also. But this had to be the strangest thing I have ever seen. No biggie to the doctor though so I feel much better. Hope the healing goes quick for Mr. S's sake.

I will let you all know tomorrow whats up. Thanks for caring. :)
The wound vac can be painful when they have to change the foam and tape. I'll put it this way though, They had to reopen my wifes incision. To get an idea of how large this "wound" was, you coulda fit two cans of soda end to end inside the "wound". They said it would take about 6-8 months to fully heal on its own. The wound vac was done in about 6 and a half weeks. The foam and tape were changed every two days. Home health came to the house to do it all. The portable machine she had was valued somewhere between $60K-$75K, the use of it, I guess the "rental" or whatever, was like $30K with all the foam and tape and connectors, etc. I believe that included the home health nurse bill. Insurance covered it though thank God. It is a very effective method I can say that. Hope to hear updates.

----- Casey
The wound vac can be painful when they have to change the foam and tape. I'll put it this way though, They had to reopen my wifes incision. To get an idea of how large this "wound" was, you coulda fit two cans of soda end to end inside the "wound". They said it would take about 6-8 months to fully heal on its own. The wound vac was done in about 6 and a half weeks. The foam and tape were changed every two days. Home health came to the house to do it all. The portable machine she had was valued somewhere between $60K-$75K, the use of it, I guess the "rental" or whatever, was like $30K with all the foam and tape and connectors, etc. I believe that included the home health nurse bill. Insurance covered it though thank God. It is a very effective method I can say that. Hope to hear updates.

----- Casey

Hope it works out as well for us. Thanks for all of the info. very helpful. :)
Took Mr. S to the wound clinic at 10am. The doctor said it looks good and he is a perfect match for the wound vac. they will schedule an appointment for sometime next week for us to get in and have it installed.

The facility he is in will take care of the maint. and changing the dressings. Good day all together. Picked him up in the tow truck and when we were done at the doc's I tooki him out for a little ride around town.. Had a good visit.
I am a new member here and the only reason I signed up was because someone at posted a link to it. I help run the joint but that's neither here nor there right now. ;) I just have to say that you, (GNgift) are a very lucky man but from what I see it certainly is VERY well deserved. You've done a hell of a great job on the GN and even a better job lookin' out for the old boys best interests. I hope his wound heels ASAP.

One more bit of praise from me has to go out to this site and it's members and how helpfull you've been to a newbie when this thread started. Staff and members should be proud of the site you have here.

P.S. I always had a soft spot in my heart for the GN's but have never owned one. Maybe after I finish my 65 Barracuda (Yes I know I'm nuts because I've never had a Mopar before) and another tri5 chevy I might just find me a GN.
I am a new member here and the only reason I signed up was because someone at posted a link to it. I help run the joint but that's neither here nor there right now. ;) I just have to say that you, (GNgift) are a very lucky man but from what I see it certainly is VERY well deserved. You've done a hell of a great job on the GN and even a better job lookin' out for the old boys best interests. I hope his wound heels ASAP.

One more bit of praise from me has to go out to this site and it's members and how helpfull you've been to a newbie when this thread started. Staff and members should be proud of the site you have here.

P.S. I always had a soft spot in my heart for the GN's but have never owned one. Maybe after I finish my 65 Barracuda (Yes I know I'm nuts because I've never had a Mopar before) and another tri5 chevy I might just find me a GN.

I have to say that the people here have also become genuine family. Evereyone was so helpful. Everyone so kind. I mean really how many people you know would just step up for a guy and some crazy ass story to give things and advice without a question?

No one here ever said, Oh dude you are so full of it and you are just looking for a way to finish your car by making up some crazy story. NOPE no one. I think that maybe if I was a member here and saw a story like this I would have questions. But then again I guess It's hard to really question this story. Its too crazy not to be true.

I really do owe everyone here a HUGE Thank You. And I tell ya the only thing I ever wanted for simmerz was for him not to be lonely. Now we both have a new friend and a new part of our lives. It's so amazing to see the change in this man in the last 4 weeks.

From someone who never left the house and didn't ever want any company, To a guy who wants to get out and see everything he has missed in 20yrs and who just beams when I walk into his room and we start talking. He asked his phisical therepist the other day while they were in the gym as I walked in, "I thought you locked the door" With a chukkle and a smile.

This whole thing has been so great.
I also registered here on the board as well just to say what a great and inspiring story. Truly helpful people, all around. Please keep us informed how how Mr. Simmers is doing. Do you have any other pictures of him with the car?
I also registered here on the board as well just to say what a great and inspiring story. Truly helpful people, all around. Please keep us informed how how Mr. Simmers is doing. Do you have any other pictures of him with the car?

Thanks, and no last time I took him to the doctor I was going to take a few of him with the car. Duh:rolleyes: and the reject I am forgot until I was half way home. I will remember next time, I hope.:biggrin: