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I would love to burn these MFrs alive!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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fuken azzholes. u gotta be the worst kinda coward to do that to animals. atleast the 4 legged kind that is:rolleyes:
I couldn't watch all of that... That is beyond mean:mad::mad::mad:
What I want to know is why Mercy for Animals allowed the abuse to continue for weeks without reporting it to authorities OR THE OWNER OF THE FARM. If they are so much into animal rights, why did they wait? Just to get more film? If that were your child instead of a calf, wouldn't you want to be notified as soon as someone knew of the abuse? Seems to me that Mercy for Animals just wanted to sensationalize this.
I made it about 10 seconds. I can't watch it. I would love to stick my .45 up their noses. I could do it after what they were doing. Poor animals have no way to defend themselves.
Wow!!! I can't believe he said his blood pressure was up, :rolleyes:, I wonder how the cows blood pressure must be after taking a daily dosage of that kind of treatment, these guys need to gang raped while gagged, pitch forked, and kicked in the nuts at the same time.. that is one of the worst things I've seen anybody do to a poor defenseless animal, hope they burn in hell.
I couldn't watch much. I agree let's burn them. But what dies "white" have to do with it?

Thank you, the animals don't care what the race of these sick individuals is and neither should you.
I edited the title to remove the race baiting and offensive verbiage.

I did not click on this because I can't stand this kind of stuff.
Perpetrators of these crimes should be brought to justice legal or other...

To put it in perspective we have people and children that are abused all over the world.
However it is not a "big deal" because it is financially advantageous for our country to have relationships with theirs...
Those guys are pussies and cowards....its like beating up on old ladies and little kids. I would love to see them try that crap on a pissed off lion or gorilla.
Those pussies need to be locked in a cage with this fella:

If there was a career where they gave you a rubber smock and locked you in a room with people who torture animals and children I'd be first in line and earning overtime. If I was already wealthy I'd do it for free.
You guys who want to shoot them and kill them are missing the point. Number one thing about someone who has broken the law...the last thing they want is to deal with the law, period. If you kick the s**t out of a hoodlum, they will never call the cops. If you have evidence against them, its even better. Find these idiots at their favorite bar some night and show them the tape...then take them outside and beat their jaw off the bottom of their face. A jaw wired closed is a constant reminder of what they did wrong. If it werent for the bleed heart liberals of this azz backwards nation, capitol punishment and public punishment would still be in act today.
Why does each town have a town square??? Town squares were built for one reason, public gatherings. The BIGGEST public gatherings of all time were hangings. People locked it stockades and cages were next. You were allowed to throw rotted veggies and fruit at them. Public stoneings were outlawed before hangings, but served a purpose. Imagine how people would act if they knew that the people they hurt or stole from were going to be allowed to throw things at them while they were locked up? Say what you want , but things would be way different.
I have a side of my family that was totally against the death penalty for years and years. Then in 2003, my 19 year old cousin was lured into a house by his "friends" to "play video games". Really he was going to be confronted about a girl he had started to talk to. Well he made it 10 feet inthe front door and was shot in the back by his "friend". My cousin was a quiet, keep to himself kid and had no real sense of what going out with a girl was like. He trusted everybody. Well they stuffed his dead body into the trunk of his own car and drove him to a bridge and threw him into the Mahoning river in Youngstown, Ohio. Then they drove around in his car until it ran out of gas and left it on the side of the rode thinking that when it was found, the police would think someone else had done it. Didnt take long for my conservative family to change their views on the death penalty.

Sorry for rambling, these fools need beaten and maimed, not killed. Let them think about what they have done as they eat through a straw, and the govt shouldnt pick up the tab for one red cent of the azzholes care.

I've seen those videos before, so I have no reason to watch them again. Its amazing how evil people can be, makes you realize there are some real pieces of chit out there who don't deserve to live. I would love to tie a rope around that bitches neck and tie her off under water. :mad:
There's 3 types of pussies in this world....

The ones who hurt children in any way

The ones who beat up on helpless/elderly people

The ones who hurt animals in any way

All of the above should be hung upside down over a fire and tortured.
Hey what happened to the "White" MFrs in the listing? It made it so much more entertaining. lol

I can only assume the OP thinks whites are the only ones abusing animals. Apparently he hasnt been into the ghetto lately cause I see pit bulls being abused all the time by the two legged animals. I thought it was funny anyway.
Hey what happened to the "White" MFrs in the listing? It made it so much more entertaining. lol

I can only assume the OP thinks whites are the only ones abusing animals. Apparently he hasnt been into the ghetto lately cause I see pit bulls being abused all the time by the two legged animals. I thought it was funny anyway.

I dont think think the OP had any issue with race. All the guys in THIS video were white. Im white, and dont have a problem with it. I dont see anything about "white" in the original post, and it was never edited. I posted next a few minutes later. A few posts down someone called them rednecks and if you have ever been to a dairy farm you'll see...they are. I will also make this statement and dont have a problem doing so. "Rednecks" or "Whites" kill or abuse more animals in the name of sport then any other race in the world. Where I live, they have a annual Woodchuck hunt, sponsored by a local campground. a hundred idiots drive around in their trucks and shoot woodchucks from the road to see who can kill the most. Then they have to bring them back for the count and at the end, they are all just disgarded. They call it rodent control. Last year the count was something like 600 for the 1 day event. Like a woodchuck in the middle of a field is really bothering any of them.:mad:

I dont think think the OP had any issue with race. All the guys in THIS video were white. Im white, and dont have a problem with it. I dont see anything about "white" in the original post, and it was never edited. I posted next a few minutes later. A few posts down someone called them rednecks and if you have ever been to a dairy farm you'll see...they are. I will also make this statement and dont have a problem doing so. "Rednecks" or "Whites" kill or abuse more animals in the name of sport then any other race in the world. Where I live, they have a annual Woodchuck hunt, sponsored by a local campground. a hundred idiots drive around in their trucks and shoot woodchucks from the road to see who can kill the most. Then they have to bring them back for the count and at the end, they are all just disgarded. They call it rodent control. Last year the count was something like 600 for the 1 day event. Like a woodchuck in the middle of a field is really bothering any of them.:mad:


The title orginally said something to the effect of "these white mfr's"

But about the post I agree someone who can do that type of a thing to an animal is complete bs. He needs to get an ass whippin'! But, according to our justice system he is just "mentally" not there so he'll have an excuse. Tax payers will pay for his rehabilitation and one day he'll do it again.
Got a pritty strong stomach, but I was not able to finish watching that. WTF is wrong with people? Sad that nothing will probly happen to the scum besides maybe a slap on the wrist if that.The only thing idiots like these understand is having a mudhole stomped in there ass as suggested before. I would pay to see that on the net. Burning them alive would work as well I guess so they cannot reproduce more evil little cowards. This is the first time surfing on TB that I have ended up genuinly angry:mad:
I took my boys to a dairy farm that belonged to a family friend in northern ohio. NOTHING like that went on their. They respected each animal and took very good care to make sure each cow was cared for and healthy, those guys loved every animal on the farm.

That video is just evil.
I dont see anything about "white" in the original post, and it was never edited.:mad:
Yes it was. Read post #13 and #26. I dont really care one way or the other but race was listed before it was edited and he meant what he said as most do when they post a title like that.

If someone was referring to a crime that took place in some city and the murderers, rapist, robbery suspects, etc... were black or hispanic for example and the post read "I would love to burn those "Black" or "Hispanic" MFrs alive im sure that would not go over well with some of our black or hispanic members. Good ole double standard.