I've be been reading this afternoon on ignition module problems. My car popped a couple times under boost and started to miss at low throttle when hot. So I pulled the coil and ignition module apart and found a crack in the yellow goop. Assumed that the 28 year old module crapped out so ordered another one from Rock Auto. I re-used the casper's coil and put it together making sure the wires are on the right terminals. Tried to start it and it will fire, and run very rough with throttle but something is definitely not right. I put the stock coil on it and did the same thing. I thought perhaps the wiring needed to be different on some ignition modules? IT is a Stardard T series module #LX338T. 9744, CA5 & USA are stamped on it. I read about grounding of the could be a problem, and that plenty of modules are bad. Looking for advise or suggestions.