I'm getting a new cell phone. Any suggestions?

Nasty Wendy

Perverted Lurker
May 24, 2001
I REALLY like the Nokia 5800 and I'd like to hear if anyone has any input on this model especially. I also like the Samsung Eternity but I think I favor the Nokia over it because of the WiFi (the samsung doesn't have wifi). Please chime in with the reasons you love/hate some of the models out there and your recommendations. Thanks.
I have neither, but some of my friends have the samsung and DO NOT like it...

In my little area you basically choose between the samsung and a blackberry... I choose the Blackberry...
Thanks Shane. I'm leaning more towards the NOKIA than the Samsung. Sounds like that may be the way to lean between those two phones.
i have the G1 from t-mobile and love it, it also comes with wifi and all sorts of goodies, its t-mobiles version of the iphone
I also have the g1 and love it. Hell I'm using it right now to post this up
Nokias are some tough phones. Last time I got a new phone i asked Tmobile customer service straight up as I was on the fence about my current phone or a Moto razor.
They said that the motorolas are their number 1 phone problematic phone and Nokia has teh best reception and is tougher.
My nokia is still doing good
the sidekicklx i had before this one took some tough beatings i would drop it from my lap a good 3ft worth's like 4 times a day (no joke) and its still going strong i just sold it to one of my buddies so well see how long it last with him, i saw his old phone and was like DAMMNN!!! that phones a trooper lol!
good luck on your new phone choice:cool:
I REALLY like the Nokia 5800 and I'd like to hear if anyone has any input on this model especially. I also like the Samsung Eternity but I think I favor the Nokia over it because of the WiFi (the samsung doesn't have wifi). Please chime in with the reasons you love/hate some of the models out there and your recommendations. Thanks.

It was wierd, walked in yesterday and my buddy said "I need to run up town to get a new phone," I asked what happened. He dropped it and the screen cracked.... Still worked but screen was cracked from about a 3-4 drop on a hard wood floor...
Looking into an unlocked G1. My carrier is AT&T and I need to know that the G1 supports the 3G (AT&T's) network. It'll definately do everything I'm looking for it do. Love the full keyboard.
Speaking of a Blackberry. I just got a new one from work. So far... I don't care for it. It does not have as good of reception as my old cheap phone. I don't understand that for it being a more expensive phone. Also while talking on it, I will end up on Speakerphone, and sometimes mute my mic so the other person cant hear me. Its from my chin or side of my face hiting the touch screen. Now my jaw may be a little plump but I find it very aggrivating. I have just had it a little over a week, so I have a lot to learn about it. I have heard that you can change things on the screen. I was hoping to get rid of the mute and speaker phone button on the screen. It just seems like a very complicated phone. I'm trying to keep as open minded as I can because I hate change.
Just got a Samsung Impression and love it. We have alway had good luck with Samsung.
I have the LG vx8360 I like it. It works for what i use it for, but my location suxs sometimes in overcast weather. Its been droped and at 1 point hit the wall. :p I wont explain that!
i have the blackberry curve and i don't think i will ever go back to another phone again,blackberry is one of the best phones hands down.
I find that people either LOVE or HATE the Blackberry phones. There is no middle ground with those.

I know the G1 will work on AT&Ts network but I don't know that it will connect at the 3G speed.
have had the blackberry storm for around 3 months now it was put out to compete with the iphone but doesnt even come close i was pretty disappointed locks up a lot and it gets confused about which direction your holding it also it has a better camera with a flash but my buddies iphone still
takes clearer pics
just my 2 cents on the blackberry
i think the i phone is a great phone but the only thing thats stopping me from getting it is that i have verizon lol
get a jitterbug- none of that fancy crap, just a phone.
seriously, i think more people should buy those things.