Im Going to paint!!!!

Looks great I should be in the boro in july Ill have to make sure I come see it up close. How do the wheels and tires sit int eh fenders are they even with the fenders or do they set in some ?
Looks great I should be in the boro in july Ill have to make sure I come see it up close. How do the wheels and tires sit int eh fenders are they even with the fenders or do they set in some ?

Thay tuck under real nice and fit like I hoped thay would.. Thanks to this board my car is the dream car I always wanted...:D
Looks great I should be in the boro in july Ill have to make sure I come see it up close. How do the wheels and tires sit int eh fenders are they even with the fenders or do they set in some ?

Come up here so we can go for a drive!!!!!
Didnt see those pics I must have started reading before you got them all posted. They look great my wife keeps saying I need new wheels for mine but I want new paint first.