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Old news, Pence has asked the Judge to end the Gohmerts lawsuit, he wants no part in over turning the election. Who side is he on, not Trump. His self.
You likely have some "up to date news" you can't share, but for those without insider info, it's not old news. Lol
You likely have some "up to date news" you can't share, but for those without insider info, it's not old news. Lol
Really this show really isn’t funny at all. As it has taken a life of its on. Our future doesn’t matter any more. It’s the young ones coming behind us that is important for the future of our country.
Really this show really isn’t funny at all. As it has taken a life of its on. Our future doesn’t matter any more. It’s the young ones coming behind us that is important for the future of our country.
But I ain't ready to give it to them just yet. Hopefully we can hold on to it long enough that their idealism gets tempered with wisdom.
I stay out of Walmart as much as possible. Our Dollar Stores up here sell a lot of stuff real cheap, and I have a couple of grocery stores in my small town. Hoping to see Walmarts stock prices plummet. FOX took a shit kicking when they defected to the other side. I hope the same fate awaits Walmart. Chuck, my family from Florida moved to Georgia to be closer to more of the family and the new born.

The china embassy apologized for that comment and blamed it on one of the staff that responds to posts, lol, sure. Thing is everywhere you go it's the same chinese made junk but at a higher price usually. Too bad the old man didn't live since he was big on America. Remember when they first came here there were big banners in the store about "Made in America". That's like a crucifix to a vampire to the present walton trash family. And stopped going to target a long time ago when you never knew what you'd run into in the bathroom.
Only meat to buy at walturd is the Bob Evans sausage or cold cuts. Wegmans has good quality meat and is competitive and Aldi's is great for a lot of products too. Lucky to have a lot of choices around here.

Thing is walturd is marked as one of the big winners in the nwo and has always sucked the asses of the left and who they think will enrich them even more. Lots of stories about if there is a clamp down by say less than patriotic entities that lots of walturds would be used as some kind of holding areas. Who knows.
The walturd clan is worth more than 200 BILLION, more than the bottom 43% of Americans. Should be taken away since they began the the destruction of American jobs and industry by insisting on prices that could only be achieved by sending everything to china. Would to see them living in a trailer park.