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Imma be a Dad (again)


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I heart Boost and DRs...
Dec 2, 2009
Just found out the wife was pregnant with number 2 about 30 mins ago. We are freaken excited as hell! Now I got to find my baby a Grand National for its first car..
Congrats man. i got 2 of my own 3yrs ans 1 yr old. they are the greatest joys ever. i got mt gn for my oldest and workin on gettin a monte ss for my youngest.. lol... just hope they not into jap crap...
See my oldest is 4 and she is all about the GN!
congrats on new bundle of liability

ive got three of my own two boys and one princess . 19 13 11 when we found out we were having our first shortly after i found out my first t type was going to pay for him .. now he is in college . and i just bought my first gnx kids will teach you so much more than your willing to learn i thank god every day for their health & safety and feel my wife & i are blessed but i told her if we have another kid its her car thats going bye bye .. lol god bless paul :eek:
lol thanks bud, but she said we are not getting rid of any of them.
Congrats. My wife and I are expecting our 2nd child, a boy this up coming Feb. (we currently have a daughter)
x kids will teach you so much more than your willing to learn i thank god every day for their health & safety and feel my wife & i are blessed but i told her if we have another kid its her car thats going bye bye .. lol god bless paul :eek:

X2 Except hers will have to stay as it is the on we use to cart the kids around. A wife and kids turned my life around.
Congrats brother! Got three boys here, if you have another girl I will swap you one. :biggrin:
Ive got 5 boys, and love 'em! Congrats to you and the wife. My boys wanna see their daddy get another GN one day. But after all the college money....Sheesh!