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In honor of my grandfather on Dec 7th....


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I don't feel tardy.....
Nov 29, 2005
I was a little hesitant to post this at first. I know that most of you prefer the "cliff notes". However, for those that have and do serve, there are no shortcuts. And likewise to properly set the tone of what I am sharing here, I must ramble a little.

My grandfather did not share many details about the "big one" with me. Like so many others who enlisted, he seemed to take the attitude that they were just doing what had to be done. It was not for future glory but rather for doing their best to preserve this country's values for future generations. My grandfather has been gone for six years now and the older I get, the more I wish I had more time with his insight. Unfortunately his Alzheimer's condition seemed to take him away from us even long before then. As President Reagan said it best, it was a "long goodbye". While helping my grandmother clean out the garage a few months ago I was taken back by the amount of his personal belongings that had collected years of dust upon them. Many things seemed as if they had not been picked up or moved since long before his passing. In doing so, I discovered a treasure trove of insight to his life that I had long been missing. Thankfully, with proper storage I will be able to save most of what I have found from further deterioration.

Most of the content that you find about WWII describes the carnage and destruction. This deteriorating memo I found in my grandfather's belongings describes in detail a glimpse into another side of the war front not so frequently covered. It may not be the most eloquent document; but, I feel that its insight is more important to share on this "day of infamy".


My father was part of the bulge in Normandy so I know how you feel Carl. He didn't tell me anything about it and I had to do searches on the net to find out. I wish i had more info but he's long gone and I do miss him.
Thanks for sharing.

My wife grew up in war time Vienna Austria, she doesn't talk about it either, too many bad memories. What we know from her we have had to drag out of her.
My wifes father was actually there that fateful morning as was her grandfather. He passed away a few years back. I did manage to do a short interview with her Dad about that experience that fateful Dec 7th Sunday morning.

What his wife did pass down to me was I have a piece of one of the actual Japanese planes that caused all that carnage.

Part of the interview I did with some still photos is on face book not sure how to explain how to find it.

Back then cameras and collecting artifacts was not permitted and or not done. Things are far different today with cell cameras and the internet.

Most Veterans from that time frame never really discuss their part in the war. I had a close friend that it wasn't until years later that he told me he was a tail gunner and did the required 20 missions out of England. I have the complete log of the missions he did, also his little black book with illustrations so he knew what the enemy planes looked like.

Had another friend also now gone...that was part of one team that came upon one of the concentration camps that Hitler instigated.....for many of us today its hard to invision that mankind can be so cruel. towards millions on people.

sorry if I rambled on......
Priceless. Good to have to pass from one generation to the next as the years go on and we forget what has happened in the past.
IMHO, Those guys are some of the greatest people I've ever met, and are the best role models for all generations to follow.

Thanks for sharing.

Mike Barnard
Thank you gentlemen for sharing and God bless you, your families,fathers and grandfathers for their service,i truly think this was the greatest generation ever,they would knuckle down,get dirty and get the job done.
Just a quick update my buddy Bill will post a photo tonite of the piece of one of the few Japanese planes they managed to shoot down that fateful December 7th morning.

that war was supposed to be the war to end all wars......we all know now that that never happened!
Here is a photo of my wifes Dad Nick Tinari and the an actual piece of one of the downed Japanese planes that struck Pearl harbor. I have it in my personal collection. A rare piece of history. Special Thanz to Bill for posting photos for me.


Thank you for posting!!
Do you mind if I link this to my mauser collector site?
I don't mind if you link it at all. I would be interested in seeing it as well if you can leave us a link to it.

Thank you all for the kind comments and for sharing your own stories as well. I really enjoy seeing the artifacts, photos and hearing about their experiences. I think that it is important to keep the family histories alive for our future generations. I have found so many items of history, military significance and interest that I am not sure I could never photograph or scan them all. I found his worn and tattered service hat and can only hope that the rest of his uniform will be found to preserve as well. I wish there was a way to tell how much of the wear was from combat duty and how much was caused by normal deterioration. Unfortunately, I found out that his service issued Colt 1911 was sold by him sometime back in the 60's. :( I already knew that he was a B-17 pilot; but, I never knew the extent of his missions over Europe from his perspective until now. I'll keep posting items here as time goes by for as long as everyone remains interested.

In an old cigar box, I found many different small items including these very small photos mounted on material similar to what you would find being used for baseball cards. Any input as to what their use, context or purpose might have been would be helpful. Each of them is about half the size of a credit card.






Those are flash cards to help you identify freindly and enemy planes Carl. The same thing is used today to identify all types of equipment.
Those are flash cards to help you identify freindly and enemy planes Carl. The same thing is used today to identify all types of equipment.

Ahaa! That makes perfect sense. Based on the type of aircraft pictured, these may be from the time when he later served in Korea.