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SignUp Now!I don't know... It depends on if it's just an issue with Inj DC% or it's from RPM. RPM is nothing more than the time between any two successive crank pulses. 1500 RPM is 10mS on a V8 and 13.3mS on a 6 cylinder. If it's a noise pulse (extra crank pulse) than there's going to be an extra shot of fuel from one injector while running. If cranking, the injectors fire bank to bank so there may be a bank that fires sooner than normal.So is it possible to flood the engine with large injectors with the 1500 rpm spike?, or is this just a logging issue?
log an initial start (first from sitting overnight) than a second shortly after.95# inj here. I'll log a start up and see if I get anything that looks like they posted log.
...The other thing is to wait a second or two after key on before cranking. This gives the fuel pump time to build pressure to a nominal level. This is a habit I picked up since I had a new 1985 GN which seemed to start better doing this. Before, with a carb, I used to just switch from off straight to cranking... This doesn't always work so well with EFI whether factory or aftermarket.
My car starts great. Cal tuned on mine for 6 hours. You would never know it is capable of the HP it is just by cruising around. It acts same as stock...except it sounds way F'n better...
Well, Cal spent Six hours or more on my car a couple weeks ago. (XFI 2.0)
IT STILL takes forever to start! ??
Crank, crank, crank.....stop....again crank crank...then fires up and runs smooth.
I find it very annoying. I have small injectors btw.
That is a symptom of not enough afterstart fuel...needs a minor tweak...I'm in the same boat here. After lots of tweaking my cold start is good. But if it's not completely warmed up and shift out of park to back it out of the garage it dies. Every time. Warm/hot start takes 2 tries.
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Still takes me 5-8sec of cranking before start when engine is cold.
If engine is warm....then much better.
Anyone have a cure for the eDash XFI thing to read boost?
Mine shows 0 all day long. Called FAST and they said "?"....theirs does this also! ?