Is this better than ZDDPlus? Hmmm....

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The Professor

Experienced T-R Lover
Jan 7, 2009
Hello everyone!

I found an engine treatment / additive / supplement that actually appears to possibly outperform ZDDPlus! At the very least, TUFOIL certainly has some awesome credentials supporting their claims, which I havn't seen on the ZDDPlus bottles or literature!

If there's any chemical / lubrication engineers out there viewing this post then I'd be interested in seeing a professional side-by-side comparison of TUFOIL and ZDDPlus - along with all the PROS and CONS of BOTH products!

TUFOIL can be purchased at and simply enter the word TUFOIL in the search bar in the upper right hand corner of the home page. The prices there are better than normal, and get a free gift too!

Seems rather silly to buy BOTH ZDDPlus and the TUFOIL too.

Have fun!
I dont see the search bar at the upper right on the home page.

But i did find your car for sale on that site :)

That was a hotlink I posted - the complete URL is not displayed

You can get to the correct website where the TUFOIL is sold by going to www dot cary inc usa dot com, or by simply clicking on the hotlink in my previous post. There was an error with the hotlink that I just fixed - try it again! If it doesn't work for you then just send me a PM and I'll give you the URL! Please don't post the complete link here on this site - thanks!

Oh yeah, the site on my original post sells TUFOIL for less than most other places and even offers a cool free gift with every purchase......
Not real sure about some of those pictures on that site. I'm glad they are not of my daughters.
Interesting.. we used to sell Tufoil at my dad's service shop in the mid/late 80's.. I remember the stuff.

Sold quite a bit of it.

Looks like it's different though and not really something to compare. ZDDP is for the Zinc, D, D, and P for cam wear.
The way your beating their drum do you work for/with them? Supply them products or anything like that?

Says your both in NC and both into electronics.

Just asking a question.
OK, but.....

OK, but the big question is - if ZDDP's main function is to reduce cam & lifter wear, that's what TUFOIL is supposed to do also - plus reduce friction in turbos and the lower half of the engine too. Unless I'm missing something - and I'm not a chemical or lubricants engineer by any stretch of the imagination - then doesn't it appear that TUFOIL just might do everything that ZDDP does PLUS MORE? And is it possible that TUFOIL just might do it BETTER than ZDDP? Again, it sure does seem silly (and expensive) to have to add both the ZDDP AND the TUFOIL to our cars all the time. When you have multiple cars and change the oil a lot more frequently than the mfg suggests, the cost of all this stuff really starts to add up.

It sure would be great if someone could finally put this issue to rest once and for all. I'm open-minded and have used both products.
kirban 2 cents worth

Without creating an argument....while plenty of products have come on the scene some even such as STP been around awhile...

You can't get any simplier than using 4 ounces of zddplus in a normal 4-6 quart oil change using whatever current oil you is that simple. Nothing is in our 4 ounce bottle that was not present in the oil back before they started to backout the zddp.

You can't improve on something when the concentration level in the 4 ounce bottle returns the ppm to 1,800 (approximately) based on current SM pp values whether it is convention oil or synthetic.

If the product did not do what we claim it does companies like Erson cams (private label for them) Isky-Crower- Delta would not be buyers....nor would Don Garlits back the product and use it....

I am not discrediting the product you mention merely pointing out the benefits of ZDDPlus and the convience of 4 ounces to keep wear issues from happening to your turbo engine and any other gas engine etc...

Crower and Isky....both companies been in business way way longer than us....

Again its a simple solution...that allows owners to use whatever oil they want and not have any worries....zddp does everything it is supposed to do.....and has been in oil for 60 plus years.....does tuff oil have a star burst on the bottle? if so what two letter code is on it?
Weren't you pedaling your wares over on FerrariChat? Cuz that didn't end well.

Some vegetable based synthetic oil?

We've proven ZDPPlus works fine for our application.

If they intended to compete with ZDPPlus, I think it would have been included in the graph comparison.
What i dont understand is,... this was in the tech area earlier today, now its in the vendor customer service......

Why was it moved to the wrong section?



You know, I thought I saw this somewhere before.

This isn't the same dude....I think. (from another forum)

Sounds like somebody has a vested interest in the product.
can we figure out if the stuff works before we go jumping down his throat?

i remember when zddp came out everyone was saying that stp or rotella was good enough.

i believe that zddp is good enough, but do i know for sure? No
I am sick and tired of people coming on this board and advertising or pushing their new products when it is plastered all over the board DO NOT DO SO UNTIL YOU CONTACT ADMIN:mad::mad:

Why not completely delete threads like this instead of leaving them up? Their mission (non paying advertising) has been completed if thread is not deleted. Only closing a thread leaves their info on the site.
Why not completely delete threads like this instead of leaving them up? Their mission (non paying advertising) has been completed if thread is not deleted. Only closing a thread leaves their info on the site.

Link is gone... My hope is that members see this and realize they are not VENDORS and PM don't go flying around... If I deleted it a member would have nothing to search...

Plus, time I get to see these things many others have posted. Then you would have one or two "where did the so and so post go" threads... That is more advertisement as it stirs things up, just IMO...
Should we move this thread to the more appropriate section?

General Tech is where it started, but someone moved it to the vendor section, i do not understand it, he is not a vendor???

WOW, hornets nest!

OMG, it appears that I have accidentally stirred up a real hornets nest here!

Just in case it wasn't obvious, my primary purpose was to see if there's someone here visiting this site with the proper skills, education and experience who would actually be willing / able to undertake the challenge of performing an actual chemical analysis of the TUFOIL product and do a side-by-side comparison of it to the ZDDPlus product - and then post a side-by-side comparison of the test results - including all of the PROS as well as the CONS of both products!!

I simply provided a source for the TUFOIL product here on this site just for mere convenience if/when someone was actually up for the challenge and wanted a good source for the product. Does it REALLY look like my primary purpose was to try and get free advertising? Hmmmm......

God forbid that someone mentions a product on this website that just might be really beneficial to our turbo Buicks - couldn't let that happen now, could we?

TUFOIL was engineered and tested (and thus compared to all the other products that were available at that time) long before ZDDPlus came out, and THAT IS WHY TUFOIL doesn't compare itself to ZDDP.

You guys got me so wound up now that I'm gonna make it a personal mission to have the inventor of the TUFOIL product buy a sample of ZDDP and do the comparison on it and email me with the test results. I won't post the results here cuz that might give you all the wrong impression that I'm somehow gonna try to get free advertising.

I'm sure this post will be edited to death just like the others or even deleted.
We just don't play well with Trolls that have alterior motives.:rolleyes:
A little ticked

Yeah, well I'm a little annoyed now at some of the false accusations that I've read here since my original post.

I'm not a "troll" with alterior motives trying to scam you all out of free advertising - I'm an active T-R enthusiast that at one time thought I fit in to this here website. I sold my first T-R to Greg Wentz from Los Alamos, NM back in 1993 which is the gray T-R that was a feature car on the website for several years and is now a permanent part of the homepage in the lower left hand corner. Fact is, I've owned a LOT of T-R's and bought my first one earlier than most (but not all) of the other members here! I'm sure SOME of you were still in grammar school or being potty trained while I was drag racing and troubleshooting T-R's, and I'm not kidding! Please try to show some respect!

Would a troll advertise cars for sale and parts wanted - like I have? I'm just here trying to contribute what I know and have to the T-R community - just like everyone else that's a member here. IF I'M A TROLL THEN YOU ARE ALL TROLLS TOO!

BTW, I have no idea what FerrariChat is, but I can assure you that it's not ME. Yet another example of a false accusation.

I really don't appreciate the way I'm being treated right now. I think an apology is due..... sorry if some think I'm being disrespectful....
OMG, it appears that I have accidentally stirred up a real hornets nest here!

Does it REALLY look like my primary purpose was to try and get free advertising? Hmmmm......[QUOTE/]

To answer your question.........YES ITS OBVIOUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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