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Killed a BMW M3


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Livin' Like A Refugee
May 24, 2001
On the "hunting preserve." LOL! Went to Cecil Friday night after having the car sit in the garage most of the week. Had the 245/45 BFG Radial T/As on it, so I really didnt expect much 60' wise.

I was talking to the announcer for a while as cars pulled in. I got there early... Saw two BMW M3s roll in, one white, one dark blue. Presumably driven by a father/son. I told myself I wouldnt mind lining up with the younger one. They appeared to be of the E46 model, but I cannot be absolutely certian.

So by some small miracle we get lined up. I didnt even heat the tires, as it wouldnt've helped anyway.

He tree'd me ever so slightly, but that was it for him. As soon as the 61 came up, he was done. I wound up running a 13.034@111.16 to his 13.75@104. My 60' was a slow 2.218 LOL.

I probably shouldnt have abused the car, but wanted to really test out the new Dutt neck IC. Works good. Spools quicker and feels stronger as well.
Sweet. BMW owners always seem so "shocked" when a Buick takes the bait. Like Mustang owners they are usually full of excuses.

Good, legal, paper proven kill.
Just imagine how badly you'd have killed him "on kill" with some tire on that thing? I'd invite him for a rematch, with a couple of "tweaks" and a couple of $$$'s. ;)