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Looking for a ta 49


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Business ethics 101...watched....didn't learn much. Don't be a jerk dude. The guy above was just trying to let you know of a simple solution to what you were asking Bison. Bison is a great guy and he will do you good but if he didn't have the chip and injectors that was an idea to help you bud. It was not some sort of a Turbo Buick Ninja assult on you newbie :D The guy was just trying to help.

Guess u cant teach an old dog new tricks?? No jerk here..I know what he was doing.. the point is..the convo was between Bison and I...If A and B are trying to make a deal involving the exchange of money... were does C come into play??? Who is C?? I was dealing with B..Is C going to pay for my parts with his money?? Trying to help = being pushy....pushy= not good for business..Like the title says...LOOKING FOR A TA-49 in plain english
Oh yeah, you're a vet and just know it all....

Duh, has anyone done this;)?

That was his first rodeo:biggrin:

I dont claim to know it all pal...Honestly I dont even know you...or your buddy?... but you both have alot to say to me like you have known me for years???? Considering this is not an actual place of should stay out of other peoples deals and worry about your own. If I needed any help I would ask for it.
Guess u cant teach an old dog new tricks?? No jerk here..I know what he was doing.. the point is..the convo was between Bison and I...If A and B are trying to make a deal involving the exchange of money... were does C come into play??? Who is C?? I was dealing with B..Is C going to pay for my parts with his money?? Trying to help = being pushy....pushy= not good for business..Like the title says...LOOKING FOR A TA-49 in plain english

alright here it is flat on the line buddy...
the purpose of these forums is so that turbo buick enthusiasts can communicate and help each other all around the world. so they can enjoy their cars and share their love and passion for these cars. I was reading your conversation with and you and bison and you said that you needed injectors and a chip if you bought the turbo. so i proposed a solution that would benefit you if you did buy the turbo so u had a proper setup and would enjoy your car. quite frankly if you really think that i was trying to help bison scam you need a reality check. I was only trying to help a fellow board member out i can promise you that! and maybe if you would just stop and listen to what justin and usetaboost have to say you might actually learn something because i can remember specific times when i have learned many things from their posts (also bison goes without saying) and on a side note I also happen to have the ta 49 with a .63 garrett housing freshly rebuilt but quite frankly there is not enough money in the world u could pay me to obtain it.
alright here it is flat on the line buddy...
the purpose of these forums is so that turbo buick enthusiasts can communicate and help each other all around the world. so they can enjoy their cars and share their love and passion for these cars. I was reading your conversation with and you and bison and you said that you needed injectors and a chip if you bought the turbo. so i proposed a solution that would benefit you if you did buy the turbo so u had a proper setup and would enjoy your car. quite frankly if you really think that i was trying to help bison scam you need a reality check. I was only trying to help a fellow board member out i can promise you that! and maybe if you would just stop and listen to what justin and usetaboost have to say you might actually learn something because i can remember specific times when i have learned many things from their posts (also bison goes without saying) and on a side note I also happen to have the ta 49 with a .63 garrett housing freshly rebuilt but quite frankly there is not enough money in the world u could pay me to obtain it.

Ahhahahaha whatever dude....ur gay :eek::eek:
Bison, I still want the 49. Have no other way to get in touch. Let me know soon as possible...I have a guy waiting for an answer on a te 44. thanks

Ok. I was in transit for a day and couldnt get on here. Just saw this today. Im in HB CA right now. Ill email you now.
Looking for a TA-49 with .63 Garrett Housing

Hey Bison,

If you've still got that TA-49 for sale.....I'm interested.
Shipping to Aston, PA 19014

Pls PM me.


Hey Bison,

If you've still got that TA-49 for sale.....I'm interested.
Shipping to Aston, PA 19014

Pls PM me.



I emailed you. Shipping is about $30 insured.
TA 49 with Garrett .63 Hsg

I emailed you. Shipping is about $30 insured.

Hi Bison,

Sorry, but your e-mail not rec'd.....can you pls re-send or send me PM, have a few questions. :)


Hi Bison,

Sorry, but your e-mail not rec'd.....can you pls re-send or send me PM, have a few questions. :)


I sent to the email you have attached to this site. I dont do PMs anymore. I was getting 30 a day. Let me know if you have a different address.
Bison...Still have the turbo? Could you please send me some info on it. Doeds it fit under the stock cover?
Bison...Still have the turbo? Could you please send me some info on it. Doeds it fit under the stock cover?

Yes. I have 3 more of them. 2 with Garrett .63 ex housing and one with a Precision .63. The ones with Garrett Housings are $500 shipped and the Precision housing one is $425 shipped. They fit under the stock cover and are the same dimensions as a stock turbo.