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looking to buy a nice gn 86 or 87 does it matter as a future investment


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New Member
Oct 9, 2007
Im looking to buy an 86 or 87 gn to tuck away. Does it make a difference between the 2 years?
I'm sure others will have an opinion

but it seems the 87's command more $$, why? no idea, there were actually less 86's made than 87's
buy what you like, and enjoy it, and keep in mind the collector value.
I have a 87GN w/ 13k mi always for sale @ $28k it even smells new!
but I drive my WE4, and the T type, and sometimes the GNX.
good luck!
I think the 87's demand a tad more due to them being the last year really, I doubt it's because of the 86's chrome grille killing it's value. ( Jab Jab :D )

Just got my 87 with 85k on it and about 25K in it appraised at $26k. Those low milers will only go up and up, guys like me have to now sink tons of $$ in them if we continue driving it for them to keep up in value like the stockers.
IMO these cars(or any cars) aren't good investments. As far as the price guides go the reason the 87's are higher is that they sold for more than the 86's did. Big jump in sticker price when the GN became a seperate model. See in 1986 the GN was an option on the T-Type. For 87 the GN was a seperate model. You really cant go wrong on either year if it's low mileage and really clean.
Im looking to buy an 86 or 87 gn to tuck away. Does it make a difference between the 2 years?

I would just go with the one you prefer.
Most people prefer the 87
I own an 86 and 87, but I prefer the 86.
I think the 87's demand a tad more due to them being the last year really, I doubt it's because of the 86's chrome grille killing it's value. ( Jab Jab :D )

Just got my 87 with 85k on it and about 25K in it appraised at $26k. Those low milers will only go up and up, guys like me have to now sink tons of $$ in them if we continue driving it for them to keep up in value like the stockers.

Yunno, I belive that chrome grill is hurting my performance.......Lol
i bought my 87 gn for 11,000 with 66,000 on it and only reason I bought it is because I wanted a intercooled one.I am the second owner of the car and the guy need the money due to the fact he was having triplettes.I had it appraised when it was stock it was 22,000.But it didn't stay stock long and I will die with the car so it don't matter to me if it moded and it's not woth as much as a low milage stock one.Iwaited 12 years to find the perfect one for me not what is going to give me the most return...
Buy the best 86/87 you can for the money. Nothing wrong with getting good resale, but I wouldn't invest to make profit. Better to invest in an IRA.
yeah, not an investment to make money on it, but a nice gn that in 20 years from now will really be a special car.
I had an 86 which i sold a few years ago. I had the motor done, trans done, pt-54, pt fmic, thdp, 50#inj, alky inj, 70mm tb, ported iron heads... i had alot of loot in it. But the car was abused before i got it. And no matter how much cash i dumped into it, it wouldnt be as nice as i wanted it to be.
I sold it for a fraction of what i had into it.
Now, i just am looking for the right car to keep. Something to tuck away in the garage and cruize only a few times a year.
I have a mustang now which i intend to keep. I have even more loot in that one. But its just a mustang. Everyone has one and it will never be anything special. If that makes sense.
I just like the idea of having a gn because they are becoming harder and harder to get your hands on a nice one.
Just my rambling thoughts.
There are some really nice @ss Gns for sale on the cars for sale section of these boards... I drool over them daily.

If you got $15K to spend and like to go fast as hell, there is a 10 second car that is MINT in there.

Also another really nice one for 12K, but there is way more money in the other one.
Whatever you decide to buy, make sure it is what you want and it is suitable for what you want to do with it. I wanted a beat up project to dump an insane amounts of money and time into to get it right just so I can have my stupid friend that has no weekend beater and eleventeen kids come over and say "let's just slap it together and go beat on it" If you want a nice car to take to the track, just buy one that is already modded and you will be ahead of the game. If you just want a nice low mileage stocker garage queen to never drive and dream about it, spend a few thousand more for that one. It really all comes down to what you want it for. You can always make them "like new" again;)
Another thing is that the 87 has more ADVERTISED horsepower than the 86. Of course we all know they are the same car mechanically, but outsiders looking in just glance at the GNTTYPE data and say "I want the 87 because it's the most powerful." I will confess I thought the same thing for the first month or so that I decided to look into one of these cars. Also I was leaning towards the 87 so I didn't have to switch the grille. :D But I would have bought a nice 86 if that's what I would have found.

You want something unique? Get a nice TTA. Similar money gets you a much rarer car.
