Lost my Dad last night......


It's my Granny's car!
Nov 13, 2001
I lost my Dad last night to a massive heart attack. He was 82 but just wasn't ready to let him go. He was a veteran of WWII and Korean War. Never had any signs of a bad heart. He had asbestosis from when He was in the Navy(ret w/20yrs), 3 back/neck surgeries in his 70's(even got in his deer stand 3 weeks after back surgery),beat prostate cancer,and had one knee replaced. He had a couple of light strokes in the last 3 years but recovered quickly.
My sister saw some vehicle lights down toward the pond and he had her take him down to the back gate and it was knocked down. He took his pistol and got out of the car and she couldn't get him to get back in. She got out to help him back in the car and he told her he was gonna sit down on this tire for a minute. He sat down and she tried to get him in the car again and he yelled for her to "GET THE HELL OUT OF HERE!" I really think he knew it was happening and didn't want her to see him pass.
My house phone had fell in the pool and the cell was dead. By the time they got me emts were there and had him on the way to the hospital. The Dr said he had had a bad heart attack within the last 2 days.
Please remember us in your prayers.
I'm sorry to hear of your loss, Doug. Our prayers are with you and your family during this time.
My condolenses in your loss. I lost my Dad 12 years ago from brain cancer. He too was WWII and Korean vet. Remembering the good times helps me.
My sincerest condolences to you and your family. I lost my father the same way.
My dad is the same age. I worry about him every day. I'm very sorry about your loss. Sounds like you had a good dad.

I'm very sorry to hear this! Prayers said for you and your family for strength and comfort at this time. If you ever need to talk, please let me know.

I am very sorry for your loss.:frown:
At one time, (When my dad was still alive), these messages did not mean as much to me as they do now. I understand and know the pain you and your family are feeling. My dad made it to 70.
So sorry to hear that.... I will keep your family in my prayers.

I'm sorry for your loss ! I will pray that you hold to the awesome memories that can only lift you up and make you smile thru your grief ! As a believer and someone that lost her Dad at 52 yrs old- I have to say, he IS in the greatest of Hands!
I am so sorry for your loss, my prayers are with you and your family.

its never easy losing someone so close to you, just remember all the good times and know that he's always looking over you.

my deepest condolences---
Very sorry to hear about your loss! My condolences to you and your family.. As others have already said as long as you have your memories of him he will always be with you.

Take care and God Bless,
