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Lost To a Z06


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Sep 30, 2001
Hey guys, I went down to our local drag strip trying to tune my car in a little. I needed to get the alcohol and my boost set. Well it turned out to be a very busy day at the track. All told I only got in four runs. Being new with my GN at the drag strip I completely suck at launch techniques. I launched with no boost, 2#, 3# and the last run I was going to try to get 5#.
As luck would have it I was stagged with a new Yellow Z06 Vette. Talk about nervous! I noticed a lot people were coming up and checking out the Vette and then my car. I have always dreamed of taking on the fastest vette, now here was the chance!
I was having a very hard time getting my launch technique down all evening, I now had the Boost set around 15# and the Aclky coming in around 10#. I unfortunately was running hard compound HR rated tires since I have nothing else at the moment, so I dropped the pressure down to 15# hoping it might help SOME. Well the big moment arrived and pulled up to the line first (with no burnout) and waited for the Z06 to stage. He tripped the first light and I began to spool up. At around 4# my tires began to spin. Well he staged too deep and messed up the lights, I saw this and let off the gas a little. Well the lights went down anyway and I was caught off guard by this. I launched a little after him and was spinning badly(smoking in fact) after 60 ft my car came alive and still spinning I gained within a car of him. I t finally quit spinning and I stayed within a car to car 1/2 of him. Btw this was an 1/8 mi track. I can tell you that the Z06 was really making power! Luckily mine came on just enough to stay with him. I was happy at my performance but know that with a compitent driver my car might have edged him out. I felt like I was carrying the GN family honor an my shoulders. Even though I lost I have the satifaction of knowing that I didn't get smoked. As for times on that run the timer was still having problems from when it broke one run before us. It said I ran a 9.xx something when I was running consistent 8.50s on all my runs before. Next time I'll have better tires!;)
What gives ,,,My alki is set to come on at 15psi ,you shouldnt even eed alki till you get up there in boost.You are at the stock boost level!!
Well My intent was to gradually turn up the boost a # at a time up till about 20 # but I cut my runs short due to so many people being there at the track that night. So you say set it more like 15# to come in? That would explain why I ran slower that my best from a year ago of 8.20. It didn't feel like it was bogging, but I guess it may have been.
My mind set when racing is to never be ashamed to anyone. There will always be a faster car and a better driver. Just have fun, tune your car the best you can, within your own budget, and improve your own abilities and not worry about the guy (or girl) and car in the next lane.

BTW, losing to a Z06 is not dishonorable. It's a $50k car, in a different class than a TR, with a different purpose, with 15 years of technology to benefit from.

Just think, if you hung with him now, you'd take him with a better launch and boost where it should be with alky.
Originally posted by stickybones
My mind set when racing is to never be ashamed to anyone.

Especially at the track during a time trial. When I'm at the track and it's a time trial, the car in the other lane might as well not even be there.

Now in the elimination round, winning matters.
Thanks for the kind words guys. I am proud that I hung with it, and know with a competent driver and good tires it would have been a different story. Wes, I was running a stock turbo. I probably should have bought the TA-49 back at Christmas. I will try to squirrel away the money for it. I had a blast on that run! Maybe I'll have a crack at one again someday!:D
lucky it wasnt the 1/4 or he probally woulda pulled away. 15 psi and street tires?!?!?! get that thing set for kill!!!!
Matt87, I have had a detonation problem that I have been chasing down and think I now have it corrected. I don't want to blow a headgasket. I will step it up some more.:D
With good fuel and 15psi you should not have a problem,I hope the alki is not masking a problem ,should try to tune with no alki at 15psi and see where you stand ,then go higher while adding in the alki
BTW, him staging far enough to turn off the first lights is known as deep staging. It is done to try to get a better reaction time.
that could have happend to me also. a Z06 with the badges 405 :eek: was next to me and wanted to run i said hell no and just drove away. :D
Not that I'm making excuses but I thought I'd let you guys know that I finally got around to checking my direct scan from last months racing and guess what? I discovered I had my TV cable adjusted wrong which was keeping my car from full throttle and limited my tps to 3.96! Problem is now fixed and I won't be caught unprepared again! Sucks being new! BTW boost is now set at 20#. Love the acceleration! ;)
One thing I learned by going to the track.

Always have your boost set ahead of time. Take the night before and go out and find the maximum boost you can run without much knock retard. Then leave it set for when you go to the track.

This will be one less thing you have to mess with when you are out there (plus the turbo is super hot - unless you dial your boost). From here you can just keep adding fuel pressure and see what happens.