Maurice Clarrett---Idiot.

Brer Rabbit

Pursuit Specialist
Feb 5, 2005
Incase u haven't seen the news, Maurice Clarrett former Ohio State football star just got arrested after running from Police in his SUV, which was found to contain a loaded assault rifle and 3 more handguns! This guy is currently fighting Robbery charges, and now this. Brilliant. Its amazing how someone could be so stupid, but to make things worse their are people out there that want to blame the NFL and Ohio State, and even the guy who works at Burger King before realizing that this guy is nothing more than an animal that needs to be locked up before he kills somebody. Oh yeah, he was also wearing body armor that prevented the Officers taszar from putting him down. Now I wonder what he was going to do, or might have already done that hasn't been discovered yet?
he's following in Lawerance Phillips foot steps. He is the highly touted RB out of Nebraska in the mid to late 90's, Vermeil drafted him when he was in St Louis, he bounced around the NFL for a couple of yrs and did nothing but get in out of trouble outside the NFL.
He's been a loser since the start. I dont understand why he wouldnt just play one more year of college football...thug

Tried to live the "THUG" life....dumbass 100%!!! He had potential but it all went to his head. Now I think the alcohol is carrying him to an early he can join the line of "shoulda beens" :(
Quiky One said:
He's been a loser since the start. I dont understand why he wouldnt just play one more year of college football...thug

ohio state cut him after his freshman year after he had some problems with the law. amagine that. What a freaking idiot. He had it all and blew it because he want to be a gangsta