So Steve,
We are all just supposed to run THDP, PTE Turbos, MSD 50s, Kirban whatevers, Poston what nows, and black bumpers and paint, right?
Seems a bit bland to me.
Do you consider Jack Cotton an established vendor? Well if you do, he screwed up the shipping on a group order of 3 PowerPlates. Guess what they told us about the extra cost?! Eat it. Nice customer service.
But, you didn't see me running up a flaming thread up in here over a few dollars... I just accepted it. Just like the rest of the cry babies here need to do.
This is business people nothing goes smoothly.
So for now, you keep running your discontinued-aluminum-bracket-breaking torque strap, and I'll go install my nice new HRpartsNstuff DS motor mount...
Just another cheapie copy cat vendor, right?