Keith did not take a TH downpipe, and make a copy of it.....He actually started the whole thing when him and GNVAIR got bored, and after picking their brains (and nose's too) they decided to try a cut, and weld Downpipe.
A few hours later the "First" Downpipe was made from a series of cut and welds.
The pipe was made so it would clear the Heater Box, Upper Control arm, and header using the good old method of trial and error.
After the pipe was on GNVAIR's car for a while he loved it, and Keith posted on here about it....and thats how it came to copying, no stealing ideas...nothing like that.
Heck..if you don't believe me...go to his shop, and you will see the orig. cut and weld downpipe!
What is so different about the Mease Pipe?
It is hand made.
The Puck is HUGE!
There is a bushing that the Puck shaft rides on the inside of the Flange so that no carbon will get in there, and cause it to stick.
and lastly the radias of the Mease Downpipe is a bit larger then the TH one.
This downpipe is MILD to what Keith has coming up for stock location IC's.....he needs to get out more, because what he is coming up with is "BIG".....Keep your eyes open for another MPE crazy idea