Mr. Wood, why bring up the very first post I wrote? Looks like it has gotten a little personal for some reason, oh well.
Anyway, I have stated twice now that I understand you are injecting the alcohol mix in separately but for some reason you haven’t read this, why not? Nothing to bash on if you did? Also, in the very first post you just now brought up, did you read were I said, “As long as there is a good top lube in it and you aren’t sending it through rubber lines or non-compatible injectors, which most of you aren’t, there shouldn’t be any problems”. Since you didn’t catch on to what I was saying, this means I know you are not sending it through the injectors you have (non-compatible) and the rubber lines you have (you know, the factory fuel system of a turbo Buick, metal and rubber). This must mean I understand that it is being injected in separately!!!!
Secondly, how can I not equate my race engine with your boosted engine? They both create excessive heat for standard pump gas so they both need a “racing fuel” to help combat detonation. Unless your car can run on 93 octane alone on 20+ pounds of boost with no knock? Also, if you read the specs. on alcohol you would have noticed its high heat of vaporization. We both put out a lot of heat (me static compression, you elevated boost) so this fuel is right up our alley (takes a lot of heat to vaporize it therefore cooling the intake charge). But if you are one of those people who thinks since your engine sits in a car with an inspection sticker then it is technically not a race engine, then so be it. What do you call an engine that needs racing gas? Just like the fastest street cars in the world, I am sure they run on pump gas also!
I don’t see why my question would have more impact for specific racecar use or not. My question behind the dilution was fairly simple I thought. But let me make it easier to understand. Why do you dilute a fuel with water when you could just inject it 100% pure? Water isn’t a fuel, I never new it would make your car more powerful if you injected it? Yes, I know it prevents detention, which will allow you to make more power, but it is not a fuel. My thoughts were, if you can burn more fuel you “should” make more power. Unless someone has told me wrong, I thought the object to making more power was to burn more fuel. And since alcohol will also cool the intake charge (like water) and it is a combustible fuel, wouldn’t this make more power? Does anybody understand what I am saying? All I here about is some WWII plane that injected a mix, was he trying to make more power and go faster in the 1/ 4 mile, I bet he had a turbo Buick motor in that thing too!!
And then there is the George website, boy I knew you would jump on this one. That is the first thing that popped up on my web search. Maybe you didn’t notice but there is not much info. on alcohol octane ratings. Could this be because probably less then 5% of the people in the US even know what it is? But here is another one I found for you to critique, (if you look on web searches long enough you can find all kinds of numbers) if you have any problems with this one just call them and tell them what they need to know. But I did come up with a test so you can verify your “alcohol is 98 octane” theory is. Turn the boost up to 30 lbs. on your car and run it with 98 octane gas (mix up some different octane gas to equal this number) and then (if it is still together) run pure alcohol through it and then tell me how much knock each one gave. Or, if you don’t want to do this, go to your local dragstrip then next time the alcohol funny cars are there. Tell them to run 98 octane race gas because they will make the same power with no detonation and not have to change their oil every run then! You can post what they reply to you with on here.
I have tried to be fair and reasonable, but obviously this has turned into “I know more than you” match. All I wanted to know was why wouldn’t 100% pure alcohol being injected in your car make more power than the mix. Nobody got on here and said they tried it or even new someone who tried it. But I sure was told why is wasn’t better and I had no idea of what was happening with your mysterious engines. Mostly by you. So instead of playing along (it is obvious you are just looking for something wrong with anything i write), I will just bow out and tell everyone you win, with this final note
Mr. Wood, you are my Daddy!!!