Yesterday after coming home late from a large auto show I found a small box in the mail. I didn't open it that night, but magically the next morning the Translater Plus and LT1 MAF disappeared from my car and the unopenned box is empty.
The suspected culprits are Eric Marshall (AKA Turbo Tweak) and Bob Bailey (AKA TurboBob).
Someone must pay for this!!! So I'm just going to have to take it out my vengance on unsuspecting cars on the streets and the dragstrips
Well the new SD Chip from TurboTweak is in the car and the car runs great. I've played around with various parameters but realized the best thing to do was to start with parameter 7 (Overall Fueling). My car runs rich and it seems no matter what chip I get, taking fuel out picks performance up quite a bit. Once I'm done with the overall fueling, tweaking will start next with the other parameters (There's a bunch!).
This is one Great Chip!!!
The suspected culprits are Eric Marshall (AKA Turbo Tweak) and Bob Bailey (AKA TurboBob).
Someone must pay for this!!! So I'm just going to have to take it out my vengance on unsuspecting cars on the streets and the dragstrips
Well the new SD Chip from TurboTweak is in the car and the car runs great. I've played around with various parameters but realized the best thing to do was to start with parameter 7 (Overall Fueling). My car runs rich and it seems no matter what chip I get, taking fuel out picks performance up quite a bit. Once I'm done with the overall fueling, tweaking will start next with the other parameters (There's a bunch!).
This is one Great Chip!!!