Mitsu Evo


Cat&wife post starter
May 26, 2001
Was traveling along and saw a newer EVO. White, debadged, and possibly an exhaust. Pulled up next to him and smiled. Waited a couple of seconds and nothing. A little later down the road, I guess he sees an opportunity and I pull to the right lane. He pulls up next to me. We hit it from about 65. I pull him pretty strong and then feel that he is not continuing because I am gaining much distance. I stop, I guess he was always racing and then he passed me quick. I tried to catch up and then my car fell flat on its face around 4000rpms. Like :eek: Then :mad: He flies away at around 130ish which I won't do.
Finally catch up to him again a little later on (I missed my exit) and we line up again. This time I'm ready. I hear his exhaust and see him get in gear. I pulled him pretty hard and was gaining from about 65-110 then it fell on its face again. He blew by me and we caught up with each other and he was pretty cool. Said that he was the biggest GN fan. His car was pretty clean and stock looking. I did better than I thought I would.
Guess it is time to update my valve springs:rolleyes: