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Mobile App Update - For REALS!


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Apple rejected our app first time around. Its being resubmitted. Maybe it will be in there week after next.
So is there any word on when Apple is going to release the app for iOS? I keep checking daily.
Apple rejected our app first time around. Its being resubmitted. Maybe it will be in there week after next.
So is there any word on when Apple is going to release the app for iOS? I keep checking daily.

It was resubmitted this morning. They rejected it for the app description so I dont think it will be any issue this time around.
Can you tell me the name of the app? Turbo Buick? Just want to make sure that I can find it once released.
Didn't see windows mobile 7 mentioned, is there an app for it? Would be AWESOME to have a Turbo Buick live tile....
Didn't see windows mobile 7 mentioned, is there an app for it? Would be AWESOME to have a Turbo Buick live tile....

iOS and Android only. I really dont see a Blackberry or WM7 version coming out. Maybe if WM7 starts gaining traction. Blackberry probably never because every month their usage share is dropping.
iOS and Android only. I really dont see a Blackberry or WM7 version coming out. Maybe if WM7 starts gaining traction. Blackberry probably never because every month their usage share is dropping.

That's cool.. I have no issues using the browser on my phone anyway. Just thought a Tile would be cool if you had it.. LOL.

My next phone will be an android anyway... so no biggie ;)

I really hope WM7 catches on personally. As much as I love Android, its so fragmented and the handset quality varies so much, Id rather have a little more closed platform, just not to the extent of the iPhone.
I really hope WM7 catches on personally. As much as I love Android, its so fragmented and the handset quality varies so much, Id rather have a little more closed platform, just not to the extent of the iPhone.

I actually like the phone personally.. my one and only issue with it is that I have to use Zune to get my music. I have Linux... so no music for me.

My other WM phones all could be synced as a USB memory device.... and drag n drop. They changed that with 7 :(
It was resubmitted this morning. They rejected it for the app description so I dont think it will be any issue this time around.

Hey Jay,

Any update on the iPhone app. Just got one and I am looking forward to Turbo Buick.
Hey, I just checked this morning for the iOS app and still nothing posted. Are you able to contact Apple?

Sent from my iPhone using Forum Runner
Hey, I just checked this morning for the iOS app and still nothing posted. Are you able to contact Apple?

Sent from my iPhone using Forum Runner

Apple rejected the app again for reasons thats making us scratch our heads. The first time, it was my fault. They didnt like the description that I submitted with the app. So I rewrote it and they rejected it this time claiming it doesnt have "enough iOS functionality" to be considered an app.

Rob @ ForumRunner is dealing with them trying to get it through. He has filed an appeal to go to one of the senior app reviewers. He thinks it will go through, it just may take a while.
Thanks for working on this Jay. Sounds like a real PIA.

Keep struggling against the establishment!! Maybe a member local to Apple can go over there and do a burn-out in front of the building until they promise to approve it! ;)
I got the new app for the iPhone a few minutes ago and this is my first post with the app. Yeah!!!!
Ah... I see it in the App Store now too.. awesome!