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Mobile App Update - For REALS!


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I down loaded the app and it is awesome. Very easy to navigate, read and post. Very good work and appreciate your persistence.
I am in too. Great job all who got this working!

I see my productivity dipping even lower now!!!
Found an issue in the iOS app... When you go to your profile and select search post or threads you have started, it returns an error stating that you must first select member or topic.
Great now i can post pics directly from my phone i digg that


Just bored
Mobile app still working okay for everyone?
Mobile app still working okay for everyone?

I like it Jay. Works fine for me. The only thing I have seen is trouble marking forums as "read" sometimes it won't work but that's no big deal.
Loving the app....... Only issues that I have is that when I go to search all my posts and previous leads from the profile page, I continue to receive or get an error that states that I must verify name or topic. What I think that would make an improvement to the app would be to allow you to email a thread and print thread from the app. iPhone all the way!!!
Where do I find the app for an iPhone? I searched in the App Store but nothing came up.
It is because it has been deleted from app store.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
The new TurboBuick mobile app for IOS is in the app store pending approval. Because of the way Apple works (stupidly), I had to change the name. Those of you that have the existing app, you wont automatically update. The new version is called TurboBuick Mobile. Hopefully it gets approved in the next day or so.

It seems as tho the custom color scheme I had for the IOS app somehow disappeared. I will redo the colors once the app gets approved. Makes it much easier to push updates through after the app is reviewed and published.
So should be delete the app we have had before and download the new one?

Posted from the TurboBuick.Com mobile app
Once it's approved, yes

Sent from my SPH-L710 using TurboBuick Mobile mobile app
Is the Android App gone now ?
Just upgraded my phone last night and cant find it available

Is the Android App gone now ?
Just upgraded my phone last night and cant find it available


Yes, Android and Apple apps all seem to be gone. :mad:
A board this big and popular should have apps!!! :eek:
I believe you can download and sideload it from the first post in this thread for android users.