Too busy to read all of this post, but catching the tail end here & just wanted to say a few things:
Had a great time at the Nat's, couldn't imagine life without it.
Yes, prices to attend all week are a bunch, but to compare to our local track Norwalk, they get $15-$35 for entry fees per person depending on the event. That's for the cheap seats too, it's another $20 per person to get a good seat. For those that attended the Nat's at BG, they are ALL good seats! To race, it's $30-$50 a day depending on event. They charge extra for camping, motor homes, etc, etc. To me, the pricing of the biggest & longest event of the year (from what I hear) isn't that bad comparably speaking.
As for not getting to redeem un-used tickets the following year, whether entry or race tickets, seems wrong to me. If you buy the tickets ahead of time & break, you should be able to get some sort of a credit or refund. That would reduce the madness on busy days at the tent, and get way more pre-registrations. It would be really nice to see the registration tent open more hours too, come late & miss the entire day, not encouraging. The event T-shirt tent seems to be manned the whole time, but not the registration tent?? Any way to combine the 2 & save on man/woman power & stay open longer?
As a vendor, I find it strange that you don't get 2 entry tickets per vending space per day. You can't handle a tent that spans 2 or 3 spots with 2 people per day. I had to pay extra for my other helpers on Thurs-Sat.
Not sure what all the sponsor fee goes for, not really my concern. If it helps the event & keeps it all going, great! We did the $250 level last year, and bumped up to the $500 level this year. There was no real noticeable difference between the 2, other than the advertising space in the program got discounts. I only heard our name announced twice the entire event, which to me is a big part of the sponsor pgm. I am sure it was done more than that, but if you can't hear it even way out in the "quiet" vendor area, what good is it? Between the vending fees for the spot, and the sponsor fees, it is quite a bit more expensive than any other event we go to. We usually do better at the Nat's too, so there is an offset that basically makes it worth the extra money. Although, I would have done just as good without the sponsor fee, but want to support it all.
For those that didn't go due to weather reports, your loss. It was probably the most racing I have seen (actually "heard" stuck in vending area most of the time) in a LONG time. The forcasters always make it sound worse than it will ever be, so if they are wrong, it is sunny & no one cares they were wrong. If they say it's not going to rain & they are wrong, we want to shoot them. So... Guess which way they are going to lean on the forcasting... Worse than it really will be.
Lastly, BIG THUMBS UP to the dyno challenge and/or availability at the Nat's! Had one at Norwalk, excellent idea! Also, burnout contest! Great fun there to watch or be in! A bikini contest sounds pretty good too, but might have to do one for both sexes to keep everyone happy.
Bottom line: Don't try to cut corners & reduce prices, PACK the event with MORE FUN! Get Duttweiler & Conley to do a match race / exibition run, or jets, or??? Get more there that brings more people thru the gates. PS- Some of us need Tues so we can actually get there by Wed.

or at least a head start on Wed. Never enough time...
I sincerely hope this offended NO ONE, and helped out in some small way.